Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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any of us could have some weird genetic **** in the background, and this would be a ****ed up way to find out.

that truly astonishes me every time I read it, this man has the top minds on Earth reporting to him each day.

a customized report with all the relevant information the American intelligence community can pilfer.

...but nah, what´s good with Twitter?

I lead a very boring life. I literally just stay at home, and go to work. The most socialization I get is niketalk. But, somehow the president spends more time on Twitter than I do lol

I mean, the money spent is spent...the fuel was on the base, they have receipts for the jets already.

it´s just infuriating that they would use this time for what basically amounts to a military recruitment commercial, a ¨subtle¨ reminder that the Global Force for Good™ is still here to protect your freedomz

(no seriously, the Blue Angels are a division of the US Navy, and that was the Navy´s actual tagline until 2017.)

it´s also so infantile and ´Murcan to try and soothe the public in a pandemic with ¨ooh looka airplanes.¨

boils my fn blood....then again, what you expect from the nation that got lucky enough to be Last Man Standing in the World Wars then used the next 7 decades to get better at killing people than keeping them alive?

[sigh] ima go burn one.
If they do produce a vaccine in 12 months that is great, but I have a hard time thinking it will happen given the fastest a vaccine has been developed previously was 4 years

Oxford has a head start. They were already working on a Coronavirus vaccine that was tested to be safe in patients. Now, they just need to tweak a little to target covid-19 more directly.
Belgium is 'worst-hit country' in the world, but only because they're being honest

The tiny kingdom of Belgium has reported more coronavirus deaths than China and, with almost 66 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it has the highest per-capita death rate in the world.

For a country of just 11.5 million people, and one where intensive care units were never more than 57 percent full, this may have come as a surprise to people around the world looking at the daily charts comparing nations and their responses.

But according to the authorities in Brussels, the explanation for ending up on top of the heap is simple; no other country is as punctilious and honest in its data reporting.

What's all this hoopla I hear about quarantine hair I don't speak this language.....Corona Virus, Aids Virus, McAffee Anti-Virus.....we stay fresh b


Scientists conclude people cannot get coronavirus twice
A number of reported cases of coronavirus patients relapsing after overcoming the disease were actually due to testing failures, South Korean scientists say.

Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) now say it is impossible for the COVID-19 virus to reactivate in human bodies.

There have been more than 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in South Korea, with 245 deaths - a 2.3% fatality rate, which is lower than the 3.4% average as stated by the World Health Organisation.

A total of 277 patients in the country were believed to have fallen ill for a second time, as had patients in China and Japan.

This prompted concerns that the virus could be mutating so quickly that people were not necessarily immune to catching it again.

However, genetic analyses of the virus have not found any substantial changes which would effectively disguise it from the immune system.
They look like they are distant to me. They out here taking pictures of a husband, wife, and 2 kids talking about OMG, they aren't social distancing.
Yeah looks like they are distancing except for people who probably live at home together. The problem is promoting large gatherings with these silly mistimed shows. And I love airshows.
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