Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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No doubt that if it gets really bad, we would have to be self-quarantined if it comes to that, but I don't see it being a history-altering event. It will be something we can learn from as a society. Nothing will match the levels of the bubonic plague, Spanish flu, Flu Pandemic of 1968/1918, and Plague of Justinian.
can you imagine how many more deaths would have been in any of these plagues if we would have the same type of World Travel that we have now
This is going to effect the entire world it already has
You sure bout that?

There’s going to be a lot of this. And even those of you with superhuman immune systems who are keeping your travel plans in tact, don’t be surprised if you are either turned away when you arrive or when you attempt to return, depending on the travel bans that WILL BE COMING as global fear escalates.
US can't denied entry to its citizens. With that said, they might be able to quarinteen your *** at Area 51.
US can't denied entry to its citizens. With that said, they might be able to quarinteen your *** at Area 51.

ha! I apologize if I was not clear. I did not mean the US specifically because I assume NT has members from other countries. All I’m saying is that the country you’re trying to leave may have specific travel restrictions with certain locations, so you could effectively be stuck there. In essence, I can only envision further travel restrictions in place as the situation escalates. For example, there are people (Americans included) from the Diamond Princess who have completed the quarantine and/or been deemed recovered, but are not allowed to travel home.
3.4% fatality is actually pretty high.

Most of the folks dying are Boomers


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ha! I apologize if I was not clear. I did not mean the US specifically because I assume NT has members from other countries. All I’m saying is that the country you’re trying to leave may have specific travel restrictions with certain locations, so you could effectively be stuck there. In essence, I can only envision further travel restrictions in place as the situation escalates. For example, there are people (Americans included) from the Diamond Princess who have completed the quarantine and/or been deemed recovered, but are not allowed to travel home.
Right ....

I currently have a friend in Milan from London and they just canceled a bunch of flights back to London, she's now stuck.
can you imagine how many more deaths would have been in any of these plagues if we would have the same type of World Travel that we have now
This is going to effect the entire world it already has
Some of those "plagues" did transverse the most of the "developed world" in those time periods, though more gradually. But to add to your point, modern medicine has to be taken to account when it comes to comparing those incidences to what we're facing now. We have the technology to tackle a situation like this, it's just the measures and adjustments are haphazard in alot of countries facing this. I agree, this will have an effect in the whole world, but I don't believe that it will be a civilization altering event. It will just be something we look back on when we face a similar situation like this in the future, and hopefully next time we'll learn from our mistakes.
Still going to Japan in March. From Narita to Kyoto. Then Hiroshima for a day trip, Osaka for a couple nights. One night in a Ryokan in Hakone, then last 5 days in Tokyo.

Definitely bringing N95s for the public transportation, but still excited

Still going at the end of march for a few weeks
1 week in Tokyo
a night in a private onsen with view of Mt Fuji
1 week in kyoto

Can't Wait
Why would this not concern you. People have parents in those age groups.
A link was posted a while back of a scientist who estimated this virus could affect 60% of the worlds population. If the death rate is 2% as it is being estimated Then imagine how many people that would be
This is basically the flu at its infancy before there was a vaccine. The main difference is that this is caused by one virus as opposed to multiple viruses that cause the flu. Right now cases are soaring because there is no vaccine. Once a vaccine hits the market we will be ok.
Welp my company just sent an email that they're investigating protocol if Coronavirus were to break out
That’s a great thing to at least have a plan. My kids’ school sent an email last night saying their plan is to follow CDC guidance in that any student with flu-like symptoms with travel history to Wuhan (nevermind S. Korea, Japan, Iran, Itthe 50 countries with current infections) will be asked to stay home for 14 days. At least it’s a plan! Oh, and my 5y/o daughter woke with a 102 fever this morning and flu & strep swabs came back negative, ears and lungs were clear. Doc said chill it’s just a virus bro.
This is basically the flu at its infancy before there was a vaccine. The main difference is that this is caused by one virus as opposed to multiple viruses that cause the flu. Right now cases are soaring because there is no vaccine. Once a vaccine hits the market we will be ok.

We hope! Not all viruses have an effective vaccine, and some years the flu vaccine isn’t even very effective. Also, there is so little we actually know about this virus and so far it has proven different from many other coronaviruses, from the way it is transmitted, to the wildly varying incubation period, it’s apparent ability to lie dormant in some with others having severe complications quickly, the way it can appear to be gone and re-emerge suddenly... it would be premature and frankly irresponsible to simply assume it’s “just a flu bro.” On the flip side, it’s also too early to assume it will lead to the end of civilization as we know it. I stand firmly in the middle, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst.
I feel media is making this larger than it is. Sars was worse back in 2003 with higher death tolls and there wasnt nearly this much panic
Anyway doctors say this Corona will go away once temperatures rise in a month
I feel media is making this larger than it is. Sars was worse back in 2003 with higher death tolls and there wasnt nearly this much panic
Anyway doctors say this Corona will go away once temperatures rise in a month
doctor trump right on this ? he said itd be gone by summer
I feel media is making this larger than it is. Sars was worse back in 2003 with higher death tolls and there wasnt nearly this much panic
Anyway doctors say this Corona will go away once temperatures rise in a month
It has the potential to kill a lot of people. I’m not sure how that’s “making this larger than it is”.
This **** everywhere now... For those headed to Asia...it's wild and many places and towns shutting down....EU the same

It was 91 deg in Singapore and still people getting infected.

For the Democrats, COVID 19 might bring down Trump.

Thus far...For the majority COVID19 is a stronger Flu...if not that.
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