Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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New York Housing Groups Call for ‘Massive Wave’ of Rent Strikes
New York City housing activists are gearing up for a “massive wave” of rent strikes.
They’re calling on tenants across the city to withhold payments beginning May 1 to pressure Governor Andrew Cuomo into canceling rent while much of the economy is shut down.

China and Singapore had two of the mots strict lockdowns and still haven't solved the problem.
The U.S. had some fugazi G-League lockdown and people protesting. This will end superbly

*Border lockdown (from China) was key.

Taiwan was the best and quickest and the Results speak for itself.

SG was a bit late in full border lockdown.
“Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, released a statement Friday claiming that according to his analysis COVID-19 was the result of an attempt to manufacture an AIDS virus that escaped a lab.” :wow:

take it with a grain of salt:

" Montagnier's analysis has not been peer-reviewed. In recent years the Frenchman has been involved with controversial research that's been shunned by mainstream scientists."
China and Singapore had two of the mots strict lockdowns and still haven't solved the problem.
The U.S. had some fugazi G-League lockdown and people protesting. This will end superbly
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