Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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There's a lot of truth in there. Fr.
There can be truth and ignorance in the same stance
Truth makes people uncomfortable, that's why he told him to calm down. He's uncomfortable.

Keep speaking freeze freeze
I'm uncomfortable with his blanket statements and race superiority/inferiority talk, sure

Like I said above, there can be truth and ignorance in the same sentence. That can hinder the progress you ultimately might intend
There can be truth and ignorance in the same stance

I'm uncomfortable with his blanket statements and race superiority/inferiority talk, sure

Like I said above, there can be truth and ignorance in the same sentence. That can hinder the progress you ultimately might intend
where's the ignorance if its true?

white people think white people are the best people on earth.

asian people think white people are the best people on earth.

both think we aren't ****. but love all of our stuff. it's trippy.

Sure you'll find some that are 'cool' from all races, more progressive, more love; but as a whole, when you take the entire population of each race, there's definitely feelings of subconscious superiority.

People's real face comes out when **** hits the fan.

Case in point..

China loves black athletes. Love black musicians and actors. Love black culture.

But soon as a pandemic hits....And they're looking for someone to blame.....they're doing raids to find any black people they can to throw into the streets and hold in camps.
where's the ignorance if its true?

asian people think white people are the best people on earth.

both think we aren't ****. but love all of our stuff. it's trippy.

China loves black athletes. Love black musicians and actors. Love black culture.
Blanket statements

I'm in no way defending China or what some of those Chinese folk have done to blacks. That deserves attention and admonishment

Just think you're overreaching with your "they think they're on Whites level" and "they they they"

"They don't want smoke physically"

I'm not white nor Chinese btw
People's real face comes out when **** hits the fan.

Case in point..

China loves black athletes. Love black musicians and actors. Love black culture.

But soon as a pandemic hits....And they're looking for someone to blame.....they're doing raids to find any black people they can to throw into the streets and hold in camps.

i'm not sure they "love" those groups of people you mention so much as they love the entertainment they get from watching black athletes, musicians, etc. i mean this isn't anything new, right? that kind of attitude is kinda universal, unfortunately, whether in china or here in this very country. when **** hits the fan people show themselves and you see who's willing to share their life preservers with others otherwise they're just really there for the exploitation factor of it all.

note at how the african continent is being decimated by chinese "business interests" so much that they're basically treating the native populations of these very countries as second class citizens, limiting their rights, making them indentured servants in their very own country. china is a menace to the world. and so is this country
You really don't want to turn on us china...be smart. This not a fight you want. I know they've always talked about us behind our backs and put white people on pedestals despite white people hating them and ****ting on them through history...i know somehow they think over the course of generations that they're on the same level as Caucasians because the word Asians in in there...they feeling frogish like they can f with us too...get loose....but 1000...keep it Verbal. They really don't want this physical smoke.

It's awful what's happening. Unfortunately I think it's in human nature. Let's say hypothetically every individual in this world was the same race. There would be something else that would be used to discriminate each other on.

In NYC I've seen a few videos and read a few reports of Asian people getting attacked by a variety of races, including ironically races that have been subjected to a lot of racism themselves. You'd think people would have more empathy, but for whatever reason that's not how a lot of people work.

You see these sorts of things and lose faith in humanity/the world, but there's also a lot of good out there that unfortunately gets masked by these heinous acts.
where's the ignorance if its true?

white people think white people are the best people on earth.

asian people think white people are the best people on earth.

both think we aren't ****. but love all of our stuff. it's trippy.

Sure you'll find some that are 'cool' from all races, more progressive, more love; but as a whole, when you take the entire population of each race, there's definitely feelings of subconscious superiority.

People's real face comes out when **** hits the fan.

Case in point..

China loves black athletes. Love black musicians and actors. Love black culture.

But soon as a pandemic hits....And they're looking for someone to blame.....they're doing raids to find any black people they can to throw into the streets and hold in camps.
There's definitely truth to what you're saying.
As an Asian dude, I know there are countries in East Asia who are way behind racial awareness. The number one export from America is black culture, and people in China love it but a lot of them also have very racist beliefs when it comes to black people. Diversity in East Asian countries isn't even close to what it is in the United States. All they're fed are what mainstream media and Hollywood movies tell them, and it's not like there's any consequences for their dumb beliefs.

100% spot on that Asian people think white people are the best. That's why it bugs the hell out of me when white people say "well we get racism too when we're in Asia!". It ain't even close to the same as what minorities get in Western countries. It's obviously different when it comes to Asian Americans, but at least in East Asia their racial views and awareness are way behind. What China is doing is disgusting in every single way. I only hope true info can get past their stupid firewalls and inspire the nation's people to stand up for what's right.

The biggest injustice is people around the world love to associate themselves with the cool parts of black culture, but ain't nobody standing up for them when it comes down to it. As an Asian dude in the US, I firmly believe we need to fix racial issues regarding black people first and foremost.
When y'all think US gonna hit 1M cases and 50K deaths?

Y'all at 722K and 33K right now.
There's definitely truth to what you're saying.
As an Asian dude, I know there are countries in East Asia who are way behind racial awareness. The number one export from America is black culture, and people in China love it but a lot of them also have very racist beliefs when it comes to black people. Diversity in East Asian countries isn't even close to what it is in the United States. All they're fed are what mainstream media and Hollywood movies tell them, and it's not like there's any consequences for their dumb beliefs.

100% spot on that Asian people think white people are the best. That's why it bugs the hell out of me when white people say "well we get racism too when we're in Asia!". It ain't even close to the same as what minorities get in Western countries. It's obviously different when it comes to Asian Americans, but at least in East Asia their racial views and awareness are way behind. What China is doing is disgusting in every single way. I only hope true info can get past their stupid firewalls and inspire the nation's people to stand up for what's right.

The biggest injustice is people around the world love to associate themselves with the cool parts of black culture, but ain't nobody standing up for them when it comes down to it. As an Asian dude in the US, I firmly believe we need to fix racial issues regarding black people first and foremost.
100%. I see no lies. Im asian myself, and constantly see my own people put white folks on a pedestal. I will repeat and quote what you said. "As an Asian dude in the US, I firmly believe we need to fix racial issues regarding black people first and foremost." POINT BLANK PERIOD. Travel Asia and you'll learn how racists it is there meanwhile white's essentially get free roam.
don't believe the hype when you see these "let's get back to work" protest from these yahoos.
it's a small group of people who are being directed and funded from the top.
nevermind what you see on the news or twitter. their numbers are irrelevant and the press gives them too much attention. they're not the majority. we are

don't believe the hype when you see these "let's get back to work" protest from these yahoos.
it's a small group of people who are being directed and funded from the top.
nevermind what you see on the news or twitter. their numbers are irrelevant and the press gives them too much attention. they're not the majority. we are

Alot of these people showing up with rifles and their tacticool outfits really are nothing more than cosplayers with the biggest budgets. Sure it can be argued that some of them are there waiting for something to happen or wanting to instigate something but best believe the moment they get pressed in anyway or hear something wiz by their head theyll trip over themselves running back to their pickups (all love to my pickup fam). They got all the velcro patches and oakley wrap around glasses to match that gut that barely fits under their plate carrier vest. Now im getting flashbacks to doing Gorucks ugh.
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