Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I remember SARS, I remember H1N1 (swine flu), I remember Ebola. Bunch of hoopla on the news about it and then you don’t hear about it again and everything goes back to normal. Not saying corona virus isn’t real, just like SARS, Ebola and Swine Flu were real, I’m just saying that we gonna be alright.

While I want to be on your side about this, the coronavirus has killed thousands, where as SARS only infected 8,000 and killed a little under 800 people. While Ebola has killed a **** ton more, it hasn't spread in the way the coronavirus has. Knowing someone who knows a guy that got it makes it a little too close for comfort, regardless of the fact they're in Australia. I just hope the government does actually take it seriously and do what needs to be done to prevent it from affecting us more than it already has.

Like, you know, maybe undoing the funding cuts for the CDC?
welp, to day the department of health here in hawaii issued a warning and gave some suggestions. now hand sanitizer is completely sold out in most stores. people were crazy in costco buying up toilet paper and canned goods.
welp, to day the department of health here in hawaii issued a warning and gave some suggestions. now hand sanitizer is completely sold out in most stores. people were crazy in costco buying up toilet paper and canned goods.

You on Oahu? My parents and grandparents are there now. Hope the situation remains under control out there for all of you.
Not sure if posted yet in this thread. Keep in mind this is the Acting DHS Secretary and he doesn’t have the slightest clue about anything. He was asked how the virus is transmitted and this dude answered “human to human.”
Should’ve been fired on the spot for that answer.

How was that person from Korea even allowed to board a plane with critical symptoms? Why even travel in that condition. You can’t trust people to adhere to guidelines right now.
I would be all for a worldwide travel ban. No flights no where for the next 1-2 months to see if individual countries can contain it to just their borders.
where can i get a good face mask?
You probably can’t online. They are sold out everywhere. Your best bet is to go to a local or big brand hardware store in your area and see if they have any.
How was that person from Korea even allowed to board a plane with critical symptoms? Why even travel in that condition. You can’t trust people to adhere to guidelines right now.
I would be all for a worldwide travel ban. No flights no where for the next 1-2 months to see if individual countries can contain it to just their borders.

A worldwide ban within the next 1-2 months is a little excessive :lol:
It does sound like it but why not. Nobody needs to be vacationing or sightseeing anywhere right now.

So the whole world goes on lockdown because of fear. If that’s the case we all should stay in the house.

Man I’m about to be on a flight to Italy and Turkey tomorrow - no damn given about this.
So the whole world goes on lockdown because of fear. If that’s the case we all should stay in the house.

Man I’m about to be on a flight to Italy and Turkey tomorrow - no damn given about this.

Know someone who planned an Italy trip but they just canceled, they’re freaking out over there :smh:
Id be concerned if I were traveling through Asia, I see some friends of mine traveling to the Philippines (from NY) and one of the major stops is Seoul.
My coworkers housemate is currently self quarantining...might have contracted it while treating corona patient in Fairfield

So the whole world goes on lockdown because of fear. If that’s the case we all should stay in the house.

Man I’m about to be on a flight to Italy and Turkey tomorrow - no damn given about this.
I've literally been to some of the areas in northern Italy you see on tv right now that are affected by covid-19.
its surreal to see these same areas I was just chillin in, walking around as a tourist in awhile back.

stay safe and be cautious.

They told me not to go Egypt because of Middle East tensions fear - went and had an amazing time.

I was told not to go to Ecuador because of the protest fear with the military- went and had an amazing time.

Our media is exploit situations to use fear to intimidate the mass...

I’ll be sure to post pics when I get back :lol:
I've literally been to some of the areas in northern Italy you see on tv right now that are affected by covid-19.
its surreal to see these same areas I was just chillin in, walking around as a tourist in awhile back.

stay safe and be cautious.

Yeah I have a friend thats a commander for the Medical Corps. Her team handles these situations - most of them are in Japan right now. She told me Rome isn’t a hot zone and I should be fine. Have an amazing time. :lol:
My coworkers housemate is currently self quarantining...might have contracted it while treating corona patient in Fairfield


symptomatic yet or just taking precautions?
The case announced yesterday in NorCal is especially concerning because he had no known contact, sought medical treatment on 2/19, and has been transferred to UC Davis medical center. If he’s had symptoms this long, he has exposed so many others this whole time. I expect daily doubling (at minimum) of cases to occur in the next several days/weeks.
it would be one of the decently okayish Popes to end up on the wrong side of divine favor, n'est-ce pas?

The Vatican said the 83-year-old pontiff had a 'slight indisposition' that meant he did not attend an event at the St John Lateran basilica in Rome on Thursday morning.

A spokesman said Francis would continue with the rest of his day's business, but preferred to stay within the Vatican rather than travel across the city.

There was no word from the Vatican about the nature of his illness, but the pope was seen coughing and blowing his nose during the Ash Wednesday Mass.
Not sure if posted yet in this thread. Keep in mind this is the Acting DHS Secretary and he doesn’t have the slightest clue about anything. He was asked how the virus is transmitted and this dude answered “human to human.”
Should’ve been fired on the spot for that answer.

what a joke
mans gon cry in the car
So the whole world goes on lockdown because of fear. If that’s the case we all should stay in the house.

Man I’m about to be on a flight to Italy and Turkey tomorrow - no damn given about this.
Not fear at this point but precaution since it’s at the point of community spread in various countries outside of China.
Staying inside the house wouldn’t stop the spread but banning travel which is how it’s spreading would.
I’m just saying it’s a plausible scenario and would be an effective way to curb the current spread. Wouldn’t put it past your boy The Donald either.
Ignorantly traveling to high risk places with no precaution and without any necessity as you describe is what is making this thing go global now. Hope you have a safe trip.
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