Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I still support wearing face masks/face coverings of any form over your nose & mouth in public though...........but I stand by the statement in the picture above

I still support wearing face masks/face coverings of any form over your nose & mouth in public though...........but I stand by the statement in the picture above
we double glove it in our household. Top glove is on while we're in the market. I only single glove my left hand. In line, i take the glove off on the left hand and grab my credit card out of the pocket (no need for wallet, i leave the crib with just ID and CC). I unload groceries into the trunk with right hand. Dispose of glove before getting into car.

Wife also takes top glove off before we get into the car. She unloads the groceries with the "clean" glove into the crib and wipes down majority of items. Tosses gloves in the trash outside.

Simple process.
All this talk about the west/east coast forming coalitions to figure out reopening, I hope, is just that.

I cant see how anybody would think we're anywhere close to opening anything.

Overall it appears progress is being made but we gotta ride this out. To reopen and have to shut **** down again would be an even bigger failure then waiting as long as we did originally.
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we double glove it in our household. Top glove is on while we're in the market. I only single glove my left hand. In line, i take the glove off on the left hand and grab my credit card out of the pocket (no need for wallet, i leave the crib with just ID and CC). I unload groceries into the trunk with right hand. Dispose of glove before getting into car.

Wife also takes top glove off before we get into the car. She unloads the groceries with the "clean" glove into the crib and wipes down majority of items. Tosses gloves in the trash outside.

Simple process.

I applaud you with the willingness to go this far, so kudos to you.

My statement is for those "karens" and other lames out there in the general public that think wearing one pair of gloves outside of the house while getting groceries and "other essential activities" is the same as wearing a face mask over their mouth & nose...............where they don't go the extra mile of taking off the glove to prevent additional spread of a possible virus exposure like you have casper90403 casper90403 .

I remember the previous article about that one chick that got infected b/c a neighbor delivered groceries to her house that was later diagnosed with COVID-19.........honestly believe it's 'cuz she possibly was spreading that virus around with gloves on and **** and forgot to take them off when she was about to deliver them to her neighbor.
I applaud you with the willingness to go this far, so kudos to you.

My statement is for those "karens" and other lames out there in the general public that think wearing one pair of gloves outside of the house while getting groceries and "other essential activities" is the same as wearing a face mask over their mouth & nose...............where they don't go the extra mile of taking off the glove to prevent additional spread of a possible virus exposure like you have casper90403 casper90403 .

I remember the previous article about that one chick that got infected b/c a neighbor delivered groceries to her house that was later diagnosed with COVID-19.........honestly believe it's 'cuz she possibly was spreading that virus around with gloves on and **** and forgot to take them off when she was about to deliver them to her neighbor.
i agree. I wasn't disagreeing for sure.

A mask is way more important. Gloves are so cheap we just go the extra mile. There's no 100% fool proof system but you can increase the odds in your favor by doing simple things.

Just playing the odds over here
How long until Trump creates some sort of salute Nazi style for all his supporters so he can be hailed the way he's dying to be. This dude is Looney Toons. I've never in my life seen a president of the United States act like that. We are a worldwide embarrassment.
How long until Trump creates some sort of salute Nazi style for all his supporters so he can be hailed the way he's dying to be. This dude is Looney Toons. I've never in my life seen a president of the United States act like that. We are a worldwide embarrassment.
This press conference genuinely disturbed me a bit. I think this was the biggest meltdown of his presidency. He looked nuts up there.
There’s pressure and then the total lack of respect for the president. Talking over him and throwing crazy questions his way. I have a crazy uncle. I know what makes him tick. I don’t poke the bear. The older lady talking about charts and plateaus. She’s the one I’m rolling with. Great info from her.
But they also throw out nice easy questions for anyone that’s not the president. He has a room full of kids and no respect. Crazy to see.

Glove talk

they seem to help me not touch my face. Other then that, my work has a box of 100 for60 people. We aren’t exactly reusing them. So the gloves become a bit pointless. I sanitize my hands every10 minutes though.
Simple. Glove on the left hand for door handles and anything in the store. right hand for wallet, cell phone and keys.
i like to use one hand (designated the filthy hand) to open up doors if using the knuckle to open isn't feasible. The cleaner hand is used to touch the actual product i'm buying.Its not fool proof since you don't know who touched it or handled it before you, but i can't consciously touch a door handle and then the package of my food without feeling disgusted.

I try to bag my own stuff but some places aren't allowing you to do that now. It doesn't help that the cashier uses the same gloves (most likely) while at the register however long their shift is. So it will affect your stuff no matter how hard you try.

But again, playing the odds here. If i can reduce exposure by 20%, 30%, 60%, whatever it is, I'll give myself a better fighting chance.
As soon as I close my front door, in fact sooner, as soon as I put on my wasteland clothing and retrieve my keys and wallet from my #dirtybox, I mentally chant: "You dirty, dirty, dirty hands." Unfortunately as soon as I step outside, my entire face starts itching and it wont stop until, I've returned home, washed up and scratched off my face with my dry, withered, all to fast ageing hands. I was definitely crazy before all of this, but I'm definitely crazier because of all of this.
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