Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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these self isolation cases intrigue me.
Or maybe it was on other items from a week or two prior. Or the door handle. Or just the air space had suspended droplets. Did she touch her face after touching the grocery bag? Did she ever have her windows open?
We may hear of some who isolated for months who happen to still catch it. Could it have been around longer Than we thought and lingered?

For all you hustlers receiving unemployment plus the $600 extra, just remember that it’s all taxable. This may put many people into new brackets.
Crazy to think essential Betty sue is working 50 hour weeks at the grocery store and will make LESS than these bums getting the $600 extra. Now is the time to con the system I guess.

There was an article posted last week about a lady who caught it despite being quarantined at home, then went on to say her only "contact" was with someone who delivered something (groceries, food IIRC) and subsequently tested positive but it wasn't close contact. Well duh... that's how you got it!

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Every day. It’s ground hog day day 30 it feels.
He used to do them during the stock market being opened. They learned not to. He swings things way too much.

Italy is on day 17 or 20 or something on their downturn. And they are barely talking about opening up small sectors. We need to follow Italy. We’re not out of it in the slightest.
Thank god we have some smart ******* people throughout the country that are hopefully gonna prevent the opening of our country for another several weeks.

absolutely NO reason to sacrifice the progress we've made.
I could see opening it up without the bailouts. But they’ve got their corporate money saved. Now they want it all open again?
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