Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My family is from Liberia and a lot of my family members still live there. They started there lock down over the weekend and it's already getting crazy. People there are already poor and now their income is being taken away.

There's no unemployment check in Liberia, No real government assistance. If you're broke you just die. People are resorting to violence and theft already. My cousin is already had her phone stolen.

Also, social distancing and having the space to stay away from people's privilege many around the world don't have. Please don't complain.

Could be a big explanation for why countries like the US and England are affected so severely while countries with very low obesity like South Korea, Germany, etc. have much lower death rates. It doesn't explain Southern Europeans (who are generally pretty healthy too) but there are a lot more factors that led to the high #s in that region.
Wu Tang Clan continues to be influential

Understand Trump is family loyal to the max, but have never nor will ever understand why he always puts Kushner and his daughter at the top of some really important jobs. Many things require a Professional and nothing beats experience.
Always get bad vibes from the kid and background. Not to mention his father a criminal. Can’t tell me there isn’t better choice. Seriously do better.
My family is from Liberia and a lot of my family members still live there. They started there lock down over the weekend and it's already getting crazy. People there are already poor and now their income is being taken away.

There's no unemployment check in Liberia, No real government assistance. If you're broke you just die. People are resorting to violence and theft already. My cousin is already had her phone stolen.

Also, social distancing and having the space to stay away from people's privilege many around the world don't have. Please don't complain.

i wish spoiled americans end up realizing how good they have it compared to citizens of other countries after this is over with
I've read that Sweden isn't locking down at all. They're educating their population on the dangers of the disease and recommending that people stay indoors and sanitize their hands but they're not taking any formal measures.

Honestly, if your country's healthcare system has adequate masks, testing and hospital beds, I think not locking down makes sense.

The issue we have in America (and most other countries) is that we don't have enough resources in case a lot of people get sick at once. That's why we're trying to flatten the curve and doing our best to avoid a huge spike in hospitalizations.

I don't know much about swedish hospitals or healthcare but if their system can support it, so be it. If their hospitals are overrun and the government still isn't taking any measures, then that's downright irresponsible
I've read that Sweden isn't locking down at all. They're educating their population on the dangers of the disease and recommending that people stay indoors and sanitize their hands but they're not taking any formal measures.

Honestly, if your country's healthcare system has adequate masks, testing and hospital beds, I think not locking down makes sense.

The issue we have in America (and most other countries) is that we don't have enough resources in case a lot of people get sick at once. That's why we're trying to flatten the curve and doing our best to avoid a huge spike in hospitalizations.

I don't know much about swedish hospitals or healthcare but if their system can support it, so be it. If their hospitals are overrun and the government still isn't taking any measures, then that's downright irresponsible

Amsterdam is doing something similar as well
Has to start with services that are almost deemed essential to be open. And still should enforce mask policy until a certain point


also probably:
  • slowly opening things up
  • quarantine for those entering the state from elsewhere
  • limit of how many people can be at a spot (restaurants, barber shops, etc. & no clubs , sporting events, etc) + distances between people (work, restaurants, etc.)
  • mandatory face masks if out in public or else will get a heavy fine, arrested, etc.
  • people who can WFH can keep doing so

New York also in a committee to plan reopening strategies like Cali is

as a response to the federal government's lack of leadership = cool.
as a response to local business interests' greed at everyone's expense = foh
Woman who caught coronavirus despite self-isolating believes it was passed on by a bag of groceries | Daily Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-isolating-believes-passed-bag-groceries.html

these self isolation cases intrigue me.
Or maybe it was on other items from a week or two prior. Or the door handle. Or just the air space had suspended droplets. Did she touch her face after touching the grocery bag? Did she ever have her windows open?
We may hear of some who isolated for months who happen to still catch it. Could it have been around longer Than we thought and lingered?

For all you hustlers receiving unemployment plus the $600 extra, just remember that it’s all taxable. This may put many people into new brackets.
Crazy to think essential Betty sue is working 50 hour weeks at the grocery store and will make LESS than these bums getting the $600 extra. Now is the time to con the system I guess.
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