Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I keep having stupid anxiety dreams - just little things that I can't do at the moment that turn into stupid escapades for most of the night - last night was my teeth falling out because I couldn't get to the dentist, the night before was something involving my barber.

Had a dream I was chained up to a gate and I was ripping them off like I was a savage beast lol. Weird dream I had.
Pretty sure, that's Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on the right.
this thread talks about hypercoagulability ( ksteezy ksteezy ) and "anecdotal" evidence on hydroxychloroquine (not a magic bullet, at least not if the patient's already in the ICU). also funny seeing random MAGAs telling doctors in this twitter thread that they don't know what they're doing:

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Is there a place to put my direct deposit info with the gov. When I filed last 2 years I received a paper check and not DD
Just want people to know if you're diagnosed with COVID-19 and you experience symptoms, it's not a death sentence. 21 Days later and happy to say, I feel perfectly back to normal. Hope everyone here is staying healthy and safe. Answered questions in this thread but if anyone has any questions, feel free to let me know.

Wrote an article on my site that maybe you'll find interesting. Take a look if you get the chance and let me know what you think.

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