Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'd need to see the exact details of that executive order next week to see how it'll play out indeed..............if Gov. Abbott actually has some "sensible" restrictions implemented for the businesses he intends to re-open up in Texas next week, this could set a standard for other states (the rest of the country) when we are fully ready to re-open up the entire USA in the upcoming months or so.

As much as a diehard Red Republican that Texas Gov. Abbott is, he has always consulted the medical experts on everything when he has been implemented order after order so far when this virus pandemic has begun...........UNLIKE that one idiot governor in Florida that kept Spring Break open on the Florida beaches.
Remarkable read -- chain of emails among medical experts from January through March about how bad this was going to be. The twitter thread has the 8 emails but the NY Times article has a more complete recounting (along with a link to a pdf with the full 80 pages of emails):

Here's a couple of them:



I don't want to hear about how the administration didn't know. They were privy to all this and they knew what we were dealing with. And with half a million cases we still haven't learned our lesson and think we can go back to normal in a couple weeks....
Remarkable read -- chain of emails among medical experts from January through March about how bad this was going to be. The twitter thread has the 8 emails but the NY Times article has a more complete recounting (along with a link to a pdf with the full 80 pages of emails):

Here's a couple of them:



I don't want to hear about how the administration didn't know. They were privy to all this and they knew what we were dealing with. And with half a million cases we still haven't learned our lesson and think we can go back to normal in a couple weeks....

If Nt knew the administration had to knew
Maldonado my Bro. How are you and the family holding up. Hopefully folks keep staying at home so Polis doesn't have to extend the shelter in place.

Holding up my brother! Thankfully we moved from a tiny *** 3 bedroom apartment to a huge 5 bedroom house in January. Night and day difference man, we have plenty of space to get thru this quarantine. Cant imagine being cooped up in that lil *** spot we just moved from.

That said, it's an anxious filled slow moving nightmare that I cant fuxking wait to be over, for my kids sake more than anything.

The last time I went into the wild for groceries I'd say 80% of people are wearing masks/keeping distance. Still seeing people gathered at parks and stuff, but overall it appears most people are taking it seriously thankfully.

I forget, are you still out here my bro?? I hope you and your fam are good/safe/get thru this unscathed!
Holding up my brother! Thankfully we moved from a tiny *** 3 bedroom apartment to a huge 5 bedroom house in January. Night and day difference man, we have plenty of space to get thru this quarantine. Cant imagine being cooped up in that lil *** spot we just moved from.

That said, it's an anxious filled slow moving nightmare that I cant fuxking wait to be over, for my kids sake more than anything.

The last time I went into the wild for groceries I'd say 80% of people are wearing masks/keeping distance. Still seeing people gathered at parks and stuff, but overall it appears most people are taking it seriously thankfully.

I forget, are you still out here my bro?? I hope you and your fam are good/safe/get thru this unscathed!

I'm still out here. Fam is doing well. Stay safe my bro and hope all continues to be well.

New signs suggest coronavirus was in California far earlier than anyone knew
looking back, there were a bunch of coworkers that were sick back in nov/dec after they returned from their holiday trips.
was lucky to not catch what they had during that time, thought it wasn't anything but the normal bug that went around
There was a piece of candy unopened in a wrapper in the middle of the table. There was a bunch of candy for hospital staff for easter weekend, and people kept taking until there was one left.

Mind you, covid is breaking out a bit in the hospital. 2 confirmed cases last week to 19 this week. It's not really exploding like that cuz we don't take admissions very often.

So anyway I haven't been taking from the pile of candy cuz who knows what unsuspecting covid positive staff member has had his hand in that pile.

But there was one candy left.

One candy left.

And I'm like, 'Is this chocolate worth risking my health?'


I decided, 'Heck yea it is!' I used disinfectant all over the wrapper though :lol:
Americas probably broke from all the people finessing the system with their fake fraudulent
Thank u guy I see in the bmw at a fast food place paying with EBT


I bet both my typing fingers that Apple and Amazon alone are stealing more revenue from global civilization than anybody you´ve ever seen in a supermarket...and that´s before we get to the rest of the Alphabet.
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