Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Every day this drags on the approval rating will get lower and lower. Just wait until we are in May and still shut down.
Approval rating doesn’t matter with him. Just some time ago, his approval rating was up
Found out earlier that a family friend died from Covid this morning.
Apparently his body is still at the apartment all services must be backed up at the moment picking up bodies
Sorry to hear man, my condolences to you and your family. Hope you and the rest of your family can get through this pandemic safely.
Just wear proper mask and gloves when you pick up, plate your food, and wash your hands before you eat

Pretty simple instructions to follow. I do all those steps and even go a step further by removing all the packaging carefully and placing the food on my own plate. I wash my hands one more time before I dig in and go at it.
America...the beautiful..


Australia's stimulus package allows furloughed employees to receive $1,500 AUD ($996.65 USD) every two weeks.

Britain's government is issuing grants covering 80 percent of unemployed workers' salaries up to a total of £2,500 ($3,084) a month. The package also reportedly contains statutory sick pay for employees that have been told to self-isolate.

Canada will give $2,000 CAD ($1,433 USD) each month for up to four months to those who've lost jobs due to the epidemic.

Denmark has pledged to pay from 75 to 90 percent of employees' salaries up to a monthly amount of 26,000 Danish kroner ($3,288 USD).

France will pay 70 percent of an employee's gross salary to a monthly maximum of €6,927 ($7,575 USD).

Germany will pay 67 percent of net wages up to a maximum of €6,700 per month ($7,326.78 USD).

Ireland will give 70 percent of employee salaries up to a maximum of €410 per week ($448.36 USD).

Italy has pledged up to 80 percent of an employee's salary for nine weeks up to a maximum of €1,130 net per month ($1,236.05 USD). Self-employed workers will be given a one-off payment of €600 ($656.31 USD).

Spain will pay up to 70 percent of salaries with a monthly maximum of €1,412 per month ($1,544.09 USD).

South Korea will pay unemployed people up to KRW 130,000 per day ($107.31 USD) up to 70% of their daily wage.
I'm already in pretty good shape but since I stopped eating fast food for over a month now (partly related to just eating healthier) I definitely notice a difference in physique. It's actually a good thing I'm strictly cooking for myself these days

BUT those cravings hit so ******* hard man. Today I actually had rotisserie chicken, so yeah, not cooked myself but not too crazy right. I was craving Canes so bad though. I haven't had French fries in months
Found out earlier that a family friend died from Covid this morning.
Apparently his body is still at the apartment all services must be backed up at the moment picking up bodies
Condolences man. My grandpa was the first covid related death in the county a few weeks ago.

It sucks knowing that anyone that passes won’t get a proper burial.
I don’t know player
all I know is theirs a **** load
finessing the system
with that free Obama phone
that section 8
wifey acting like she don’t know where the babies daddy is
meanwhile they renting one of the rooms out
living fat at home with nicer cars than everyone else will people like you and I are working 9 to 5pm
What’s that have to do with anything now corona related
not a whole lot
I’m just saying posting what other countries are doing for their people financially , considering some of these people live off the government all *** year?
I don't think that's why.... :lol:

Also, is America really "broke?"
I think people are overlooking the $600 weekly bonus from unemployment. That's huge. I live in NY but in NJ the max unemployment is $700ish a week. So you can get $1300 before taxes weekly if you hit the max salary requirements
So the government is giving you $9600 bonus if you're unemployed til end of July plus the stimulus, thats $10,800 total extra in addition to unemployment, which if you live in a state with high unemployment benefits means from April-July 31 you could've gotten $22k in 4 months for you to sit your *** home.
I'm already in pretty good shape but since I stopped eating fast food for over a month now (partly related to just eating healthier) I definitely notice a difference in physique. It's actually a good thing I'm strictly cooking for myself these days

BUT those cravings hit so ****ing hard man. Today I actually had rotisserie chicken, so yeah, not cooked myself but not too crazy right. I was craving Canes so bad though. I haven't had French fries in months
Same here. Quality and healthiness of what I eat has gone up but the thought of some fries or Chinese food or anything like that drives me crazy. So I try not to think about it....

I haven't had a soda in a month now, which is great. If I could get in a regular exercise routine everything would be gravy. mmmm, gravy.
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