Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Good luck finding fresh meats. It's tough out there. I've had to improvise. I've done slow cooker meals 4 times already. Pulled pork. Pork chops. Stout beef stew. Steaks and fresh chicken have been hard to come by.

My city isn't thinking long term. They're providing these loan programs. But by the time this is all over, they will all be in debt thousands. And they have no means to be open, as they aren't essential. So no income is ever coming in to recoop even 1% of their debt
Most are just pulling the plug now before they do go into massive debt.
I normally buy my meat from Costco, so I think I should be good. Went there last Friday and still had a good selection of rib eyes. but I may stock up my father-in-laws freezer with meats.
Good luck finding fresh meats. It's tough out there. I've had to improvise. I've done slow cooker meals 4 times already. Pulled pork. Pork chops. Stout beef stew. Steaks and fresh chicken have been hard to come by.

My city isn't thinking long term. They're providing these loan programs. But by the time this is all over, they will all be in debt thousands. And they have no means to be open, as they aren't essential. So no income is ever coming in to recoop even 1% of their debt
Most are just pulling the plug now before they do go into massive debt.
Throw some fish and shrimp on the grill. Plenty of fish at stores
To that dude who's highlighting Fauci's comments about "we're seeing lower cases than predicted".

The whole point of building a model is to try and beat that model by putting in measures (i.e. social distancing). The model shows what could happen if things were to stay the same, it acts as a guide for when and how drastic actions taken need to be. If you're touting "lower than expected" as some sort of evidence that the virus is just a product of over-panic then you have no idea how numbers and models work. Zero patience for people who are crying "omg it's just panic!".
Just ask yourself why anyone in their right mind would WANT to panic?
You can @ me, it's ok. If you noticed or read any of those posts made, you'd see I made a lot of statements that ended with question marks. That indicates that I'm seeking information. If you could highlight where I said the virus is a product of over panic I'd appreciate that.
Welp, I’m pretty upset. Second day back at work. Two branches have already been quarantined entirely and instead of shutting the branches down they are taking half our branch and making them go there and now instead of working 24 hours and being paid for 40 we have to work 6 days.

What are they going to do when more and more branches have to be quarantined ? And I’m sure they aren’t going to pay us more hourly.

This is starting to become a giant joke the way us “essential employees” are being treated.

Keep in mind I was originally told I wasn’t even going to have to work at all.
Those of you with school age kids... how are your children handling the time away from school? I'm fortunate that my kids' school is doing a decent job with distance learning using Google Classroom and other resources, but as you'd expect with K and 2nd graders it requires alot of parent involvement to get the lessons completed and uploaded. My kids know that they are home from school due to "the coronavirus" but we haven't shared the scary details with them. My 8 y/o son asked how bad it was and if people were dying and I told him yes, but that it wasn't anything he needed to worry about and he seemed content with that answer. My 5 y/o daughter is completely oblivious and I'm ok with that.
What's interesting or unknown is if the virus lingers in areas or the air, when they probably return. Or could the virus spread by different mediums like other animals that can travel to uninfected areas. But by changes in temperatures or time, the virus may not survive or something. Lots of unknowns.
Welp, I’m pretty upset. Second day back at work. Two branches have already been quarantined entirely and instead of shutting the branches down they are taking half our branch and making them go there and now instead of working 24 hours and being paid for 40 we have to work 6 days.

What are they going to do when more and more branches have to be quarantined ? And I’m sure they aren’t going to pay us more hourly.

This is starting to become a giant joke the way us “essential employees” are being treated.

Keep in mind I was originally told I wasn’t even going to have to work at all.

When you say the other branches were quarantined, does that mean employees at those branches tested positive or did they have contact with known cases or what? I know we sent one guy home (paid) because his wife had contact with someone whose spouse tested positive.
make a fake letter from management about some delivery guidelines and stick it to their door stating delivery guys arent allowed up
So I did this today. I worded it nicely asking them please not to let delivery guys up and to meet them at the front door or ask them to leave the food outside.
Heard them come home today and ask “why?” When they saw the letter.
Some people are really clueless with what’s going on right now.

We’re the only two people on the floor so they’ll probably know it was me but I don’t care. There is no building management so I posted another one in the lobby

This man was cured of the virus in less than a week, your crazy if you think those with big money are going to be treated like a normal person :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

yo some people's entitlement is out of this world, son out here thinking he could set his own rules on something he doesn't own.
Money aids in helping you receive necessary supplies, meds, pay bills, travel etc.

Point is your body also has to be physically stronger along with the meds working. The old Billionaires like Trump who probably have a poor health record would be dead if they caught it and can't fight it off.
God, the testing in our country sucks. How can we call ourselves a world power when we can't do what South Korea and China did expeditiously. It will take that long to peak in Cali because we are just barely getting tests. Ridiculous.
We’re a world power beCauUuuSseee wwWwwE HaAveee GGUUuuuNnnNssss and TAaanKkkS

For as much of a dickhead this guy is, he's actually partly correct in his assessment of media. They no longer report news, they just find new ways to word Trump hate daily because it grabs them more ratings & views. They are no less self fulfilling then Trump is if we being honest.

EVERYTHING can't always lead back to Trump.
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