Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My biggest concern is that once this pandemic eventually comes to an end, America will decide to go to war with China. Then whoever survived the virus will die when both countries start dropping nukes.
When you say the other branches were quarantined, does that mean employees at those branches tested positive or did they have contact with known cases or what? I know we sent one guy home (paid) because his wife had contact with someone whose spouse tested positive.

I’m not sure the story on one of the branches but the other one that got quarantined today, as far
As I know, one of the workers had contact with someone who tested positive.

All you gotta do is read what you just typed out loud and you'll quickly realize how YOU TOO could get a quick 14 day paid vacation... :wink:

Oh trust me, we were all saying today that our branch should say one of us has symptoms.
I just don’t want the bad karma when I haven’t had any yet lol.
For as much of a dickhead this guy is, he's actually partly correct in his assessment of media. They no longer report news, they just find new ways to word Trump hate daily because it grabs them more ratings & views. They are no less self fulfilling then Trump is if we being honest.

EVERYTHING can't always lead back to Trump.

while what you said is mostly right, it can and does 99% of the time lead back to Trump. He's the one making all these stupid statements, inciting anger and attacking people/the media. They have to report his jackassery every night because, well, hes the president of the united states of america :smh:
For as much of a dickhead this guy is, he's actually partly correct in his assessment of media. They no longer report news, they just find new ways to word Trump hate daily because it grabs them more ratings & views. They are no less self fulfilling then Trump is if we being honest.

EVERYTHING can't always lead back to Trump.
Nah, he's even wrong with the news outlets he's calling out. ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX report nothing but the raw news at night. They don't have an opinion format. Neither does the local news on those outlets. Just news anchors reporting what happened in the world without opinions. CNN, MSNBC, FOX News on the other hand has clear biases.
while what you said is mostly right, it can and does 99% of the time lead back to Trump. He's the one making all these stupid statements, inciting anger and attacking people/the media. They have to report his jackassery every night because, well, hes the president of the united states of america :smh:

And he ALWAYS takes the bait :lol:
My biggest concern is that once this pandemic eventually comes to an end, America will decide to go to war with China. Then whoever survived the virus will die when both countries start dropping nukes.

Avoid infection
Avoid serious infection
Avoid career/personal business derailment
Avoid financial ruin
Avoid homelessness
Avoid death

Survive nuclear holocaust.


Avoid infection
Avoid serious infection
Avoid career/personal business derailment
Avoid financial ruin
Avoid homelessness
Avoid death

Survive nuclear holocaust.


For real. The thought of a conflict coming on the heels of this is terrifying. I need to get TF outta here.
while what you said is mostly right, it can and does 99% of the time lead back to Trump. He's the one making all these stupid statements, inciting anger and attacking people/the media. They have to report his jackassery every night because, well, hes the president of the united states of america :smh:

Is this a dictatorship now? does trump have full control of everything? there's still a lot of government officials from both sides making terrible decisions & ******* over the public too, and because Everyone is aiming at Trump because it draws the most ratings... there able to move around in relative quiet while Trump absorbs all of the blows.
So I did this today. I worded it nicely asking them please not to let delivery guys up and to meet them at the front door or ask them to leave the food outside.
Heard them come home today and ask “why?” When they saw the letter.
Some people are really clueless with what’s going on right now.

We’re the only two people on the floor so they’ll probably know it was me but I don’t care. There is no building management so I posted another one in the lobby

nature ?

if this was a joke it was be funny

who the hell can ever trust the chinese after this

this information needs to be put other there

However, Ebright doesn’t exclude the possibility that the virus’s spread started from poor biosecurity in China. A leading theory is that the virus jumped from wildlife to humans. Some researchers speculate this happened at a live-animal market where exotic species are sold for food. But Ebright also notes that such wildlife viruses are collected in laboratories, including in Wuhan. “Therefore, it’s also a possibility that this virus entered the human population through accidental infection of a lab worker carrying out field collection, or an accident by a lab worker characterizing the sample in a laboratory,” he said.
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Nah, he's even wrong with the news outlets he's calling out. ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX report nothing but the raw news at night. They don't have an opinion format. Neither does the local news on those outlets. Just news anchors reporting what happened in the world without opinions. CNN, MSNBC, FOX News on the other hand has clear biases.
Who owns all these companies?
AmeriKKKa sooner or later has to realize that we need to take this social distancing seriously (strictly enforced at least for a period of time) AND do massive testing, right??
Who owns all these companies?
Doesn't matter to me. Aslong as the news reports exactly what happened in the day with no opinions then I'm ok. Fox news leans to the right, MSNBC leans to the left, but both local channels report the same stuff every night with no opinions.
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