Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I really hate that this looks like i'm defending this dickhead because it's the last thing i want to do.... but this is EXACTLY what Trump is talking about with the Agendas.

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb recommended the change as the lead author of a pandemic response plan published Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute. The report says that “everyone, including people without symptoms, should be encouraged to wear nonmedical fabric face masks while in public.”

During an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, he said people should consider wearing a cotton mask, adding: “We should be putting out guidelines from the CDC on how you can develop a mask on your own.”

He didn't pull this from thin air this came from people who are supposed to be "experts" on this.

a few weeks ago CDC said masks for non carrying people were unnecessary, now suddenly they changed their minds to masks would actually help? but they also have no numbers on how dramatically wearing a mask would decline the spread. Now there telling the public it's okay to where non medical masks & are basically telling the american people "hey why not try it" :lol:

i understand Covid 19 is a new form, but this isn't the first time the CDC has dealt with Airborne viruses/coronavirus etc etc... now suddenly they can't figure out if masks are helpful or not? If cotton mask are suitable or not?

Again NONE of this **** has been logical from day one
They don't own fox. Watch your local fox channel at night, they don't lean left or right, they just report the news, no opinions.

thats what we're told and thats the local or national news feeds us
lets see old gorgey boy get coronavirus his going to beat it quicker then prince charles

i dont trust anyone the media the government or individual private people
never have
never will
this is why i dont vote

can you yourself trust anyone after this ?
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Elmhurst hospital the epicenter for real man.

I got a call today from a recruiter I spoke with 2 years ago saying that they need help and if I'm willing to pick up shifts there asap.

I never interviewed or trained with them. Ever.
Elmhurst hospital the epicenter for real man.

I got a call today from a recruiter I spoke with 2 years ago saying that they need help and if I'm willing to pick up shifts there asap.

I never interviewed or trained with them. Ever.

what are you gonna do
Elmhurst hospital the epicenter for real man.

I got a call today from a recruiter I spoke with 2 years ago saying that they need help and if I'm willing to pick up shifts there asap.

I never interviewed or trained with them. Ever.
That entire neighborhood looks crazy right now.

InflaRx Doses First Patient in Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial in Severe Progressed COVID-19 Pneumonia in Europe upon Receipt of Initial Positive Human Data with InflaRx’s anti-C5a Technology
  • InflaRx has dosed the first patient in an adaptive randomized controlled clinical study with IFX-1 in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia in the Netherlands
  • InflaRx received initial positive human data from its licensee, Beijing Defengrei Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (BDB), suggesting a potential role of C5a in COVID-19

Sorrento to test COVID-19 candidates in infection cell model with live virus
Elmhurst hospital the epicenter for real man.

I got a call today from a recruiter I spoke with 2 years ago saying that they need help and if I'm willing to pick up shifts there asap.

I never interviewed or trained with them. Ever.
Mt. Sinai left me on read about two years ago when I applied to their SICU. Just got an email from them basically saying “heyyyy wemember us???? we got a wittle favor to ask ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

They’re trapping countries by giving out loans to people who can’t pay them back, once that happens, China comes in and set up shop and it’s game over.

A few hundred pages back...I posted a map of CCP's One Belt One Road (Con-job) with the map of COVID19 in its initial stages...it overlayed almost perfectly. Every single participant country of BRI got hit first and hard.

China took ownership and control of a few major ports in Africa already due to unpaid loans for the BRI.
- checked in with my Grandma in the BX. She's good thankfully and has my aunt, uncle and cousins to keep her company. She hasn't left her crib in 2 weeks. I'm worried as **** cause she's my only living grandparent I have left :frown:

- one of other cousins who's an RN at mount sinai caught the 'Rona but she's good at the crib isolated
A few hundred pages back...I posted a map of CCP's One Belt One Road (Con-job) with the map of COVID19 in its initial stages...it overlayed almost perfectly. Every single participant country of BRI got hit first and hard.

China took ownership and control of a few major ports in Africa already due to unpaid loans for the BRI.
Interesting theory

this dude has the magic cocktail, media should be all over this....
China has also invested heavily in the Carribean, which is close to us obviously...

We lost a family friend in NYC on Friday to it. Of course we are worried others were infected. They can only have 9 people at the funeral home and no one can go to the cemetery. Crazy times indeed.
Mt. Sinai left me on read about two years ago when I applied to their SICU. Just got an email from them basically saying “heyyyy wemember us???? we got a wittle favor to ask ☺☺☺☺☺“
"we'll call you when we need you".

Typical bs response or should I say excuse from most job application denials.
Is this a dictatorship now? does trump have full control of everything? there's still a lot of government officials from both sides making terrible decisions & ****ing over the public too, and because Everyone is aiming at Trump because it draws the most ratings... there able to move around in relative quiet while Trump absorbs all of the blows.

He's the president, and he's been a grandstander all his life. Of course he's gonna get way more attention than anyone else screwing this up. So far it's been him and congress making this a hot mess while the governors have stepped up.
China has also invested heavily in the Carribean, which is close to us obviously...

We lost a family friend in NYC on Friday to it. Of course we are worried others were infected. They can only have 9 people at the funeral home and no one can go to the cemetery. Crazy times indeed.
Damn serious? How old?
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