Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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California Coronavirus Update

As of now, the state has 1062 positive cases. Up from 1038 cases yesterday. Also with 22 deaths today, compared to 21 yesterday.
add in all the conspiracies you've heard & tell me how it holds up against

Hey guys we now have a worldwide pandemic because someone had some bad bat in China........
Animal to human diseases been around since the begining of time. Bats and rats can carry over 60 diseases. We do know the first batch of cases came from the wet markets. And we do know that the wet markets in Wuhan sell bats among alot of other animals with horrible sanitary conditions. It's not hard to see why ppl would draw this conclusion. Not saying it's 100% certain. Just saying animal to human diseases isn't anything new or hard to believe.
WH administration projecting up to 240k US covid deaths

In comparison I think the flu kills 60-70k worldwide


Not saying I am doubting the medical team but is it possible 45 has stated these numbers, so when Nov comes around and its not near that, he says look because of how I handled this, we are at X number, so re-elect me?
Who stlil tihnk'
Not saying I am doubting the medical team but is it possible 45 has stated these numbers, so when Nov comes around and its not near that, he says look because of how I handled this, we are at X number, so re-elect me?
Who cares - at this point I couldn't care less about politics. If 0 people die from now on and he wins every single state I'm good with that.
Who stlil tihnk'

Who cares - at this point I couldn't care less about politics. If 0 people die from now on and he wins every single state I'm good with that.

Of course I agree who cares about politics. But considering his past, its not far fetched to think, that is how he is thinking.

I wish no one ever died from this disease. Families are suffering, the world is suffering. I have never seen anything like this in my life and hope to never see anything like this ever again.

Stay safe everyone.
Of course I agree who cares about politics. But considering his past, its not far fetched to think, that is how he is thinking.

I wish no one ever died from this disease. Families are suffering, the world is suffering. I have never seen anything like this in my life and hope to never see anything like this ever again.

Stay safe everyone.

Yes he would politicize it. No question.
Sad to say I know 3 people that passed away from covid related problems . A high school friend 35 passed in a Chicago hospital last night He was on a ventilator , my girlfriend’s uncle 58 in Atlanta at home , he tested positive Thursday and one of my drivers grandpa 70 something at hospital in Little Rock . It’s hitting close to home because I know 2 of the 3 personally and just talked to my boy in Chicago last week and seen my girls uncle over Christmas .
Sorry to hear.

35? Did he have any other health problems?
I’m just a few years away and feel I am completely healthy. No family history of any health problems, I eat well and exercise a lot (mostly cardio), but still cautious.

Shutdowns don't end the virus but they halt the exponential growth of cases and deaths. If the cases are already high and the rate is increasing, you're ******* up.

They're is some self quarantining at this point anyway to help offset it but if you just let the virus go unchecked, it doesn't grow at a constant rate. That decision becomes progressively worse as time goes on.

If we're not doing a national shutdown, states should have some testing requirements and a threshold of daily cases that requires an automatic lockdown.
California Coronavirus Update

Edit: Currently there are 1153 positive cases reported. 29 deaths have been reported compared to 21 yesterday
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neither one of us are scientist, however there are a lot of articles & studies from scientist that are very skeptical of it happening like that due to very peculiar things in the makeup of the virus. Based off what i read While bats were carriers of the original SARS, they couldn't transmit it directly to humans, it would have to pass through another host (in that case Asian palm civet) which were eaten & then spread to humans.


Important excerpt from this article
"But crucial genes — for a protein that allows the virus to latch onto and infect cells — were different in the human and known bat versions of the virus,"

then comes this https://www.the-scientist.com/news-...ived_content=9BmGYHLCH6vLGNdd9YzYFAqV8S3Xw3L5

Excerpt from here......
"Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine. "

These EXACT kind of experiments were being done by Chinese scientist too,

Now add in that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology , which has been described as "cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. " We know that China was actively working on producing a protein that would bridge Corona with SARS for "Testing" & "Study" purposes.

Oh & there's also the fact that the head of China's CDC was a guest at the Bil Gates Foundation Event 201 which was in October. While there the event focused on (this is directly from the events website) http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html

Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

I mean there's coincidences in life but this a WHOLE LOT OF **** that just magically correlates :lol:

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