Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Estimated 240k deaths in the US???

I’ll take the under on that bet
This is just Trump exaggerating so that when the numbers are low, he can take credit for how well he did in reducing the death prediction

Orange man in full campaign mode for the inevitable second term
Who stlil tihnk'

Who cares - at this point I couldn't care less about politics. If 0 people die from now on and he wins every single state I'm good with that.
Politics matter. Politics is why we’re in this position in the first place. The last thing we want to do right now is be apathetic and apolitical, that’s how we lose our rights.
Work strikes at Amazon, Instacart and Whole Foods show essential workers' safety concerns

Workers at an Amazon warehouse on Staten Island, New York, walked out during lunch Monday, over concerns about safety at the job site. "How many cases we got? Ten!" went a call-and-response chant outside the fulfillment center that afternoon, in reference to workers who had tested positive there with COVID-19.

Co-workers there feared for their own health because workers weren't always physically distanced and the site was not closed to be sanitized. "We are working long, crowded shifts in the epicenter of a global pandemic, and Amazon has failed to provide us with the most basic safeguards to protect us, our families, and the public's health,” said Rina Cummings, a worker at the center, in a statement released by Athena, a coalition of groups that represent Amazon workers and others concerned about the company's influence.

“We are walking out to protest the impossible choice of coming to work at a toxic workplace and possibly spreading the virus or going unpaid during an economic crisis," she said.

Fears of contamination and risk also led to as many as 150,000 workers for grocery delivery service Instacart to execute a nationwide strike on Monday. Their action got wide support on Twitter from notables such as Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and concerned consumers such as Ifeanyi Ezeh, a computing engineer living near Columbia, Maryland.

"I support all workers who are risking their health to help save lives during this crisis," he tweeted with the hashtags #InstacartStrike and #AmazonStrike. "Thanks to these brave people, many families like mine are able to stay home safe with our families."

Amazon faces another potential workplace disruption Tuesday as some employees have planned a "sick out" over demands for better conditions including double pay because of the hazards of working during the pandemic.
Workers who would not give their names for fear of possibly being fired said they worried not only about getting the virus themselves from customers or co-workers as some staffers at stores had tested positive.

So the ones that show up..instant promotion lol
My dept is out 4 therapist with symptoms now, this is wild, my boss asking me to work 16 hour shifts 7 days a week if possible with a workload currently 5x the norm..
Do you get paid every shift? How is the compensation in regards to the shifts
Some number updates for early this morning.
Worldwide death rate is right around 4.9%.
USA death rate is right around 2.2% currently.
Italy is sitting at 11.74%
Spain is sitting at 8.86%

USA ranks 22nd among countries with 12 deaths per 1million people. Italy is 2nd at 206 deaths. Italy is currently sitting about 17 times worse than the USA.

New Yorks death rate is right around 2.2%. Louisiana's death rate is 4.56%.

It's just beginning folks. Buckle up.

Chembio Announces Launch of DPP COVID-19 Serological Point-of-Care Test
gM/IgG Antibody Results in 15 Minutes from a Simple Finger Stick

CytoDyn Files a Clinical Trial Protocol with the FDA to Treat Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients with Leronlimab where the Primary Endpoint is Mortality Rate at Two Weeks

Mallinckrodt and Novoteris Receive Clearance from Health Canada to Start Pilot Trial of High-Dose Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy for COVID-19 Infection and Associated Lung Complications
More like, reported Wuhan Deaths, actual Wuhan Deaths.
Some number updates for early this morning.
Worldwide death rate is right around 4.9%.
USA death rate is right around 2.2% currently.
Italy is sitting at 11.74%
Spain is sitting at 8.86%

USA ranks 22nd among countries with 12 deaths per 1million people. Italy is 2nd at 206 deaths. Italy is currently sitting about 17 times worse than the USA.

New Yorks death rate is right around 2.2%. Louisiana's death rate is 4.56%.

It's just beginning folks. Buckle up.

Im just confused as to how Italy and Spain are so high. I know they smoke more, and may have an older population but 8 and 11% are significant
I thought the rate was so high because of the limit of space/beds that they can facilitate. They have 1 bed for every 3 people.

They’re having to make hard decisions, if you have a 50,60,70 years old needing an open bed - the 50 year old depending on the conditions would get it then the other 2 will have to wait or get it how they live.
Im just confused as to how Italy and Spain are so high. I know they smoke more, and may have an older population but 8 and 11% are significant
It's all that, plus probably too many people hit the icus at the same time. Death rate could climb in New York too if that happens. There's only so many beds available and so many staff working at a time.

My sister works in a hospital at Queens. She had to come into work on her day off the other day. There was technically enough PAs already working but she received a text saying 'Too many codes occurring at the same time. All available personnel please report to the hospital.'
It's all that, plus probably too many people hit the icus at the same time. Death rate could climb in New York too if that happens. There's only so many beds available and so many staff working at a time.

My sister works in a hospital at Queens. She had to come into work on her day off the other day. There was technically enough PAs already working but she received a text saying 'Too many codes occurring at the same time. All available personnel please report to the hospital.'

Damn this is grim. The next two weeks are going to be miserable. Hope all yall stay safe

Gilead Sciences launches two remdesivir studies in UK
Gilead Sciences has initiated two Phase 3 clinical trials in the UK evaluating remdesivir in moderately-to-severely ill COVID-19 patients. 15 sites will be initially involved.
Also its that covid is new and I think they're also still figuring out what works for covid after covid patients get pneumonia and ARDs. I was reading a reposted Facebook post by a doctor and he was saying the typical respiratory treatment that they like to use like fluid replacement therapy, nebulizers and steroids don't work and just make covid worse. I have no way of knowing if what he's saying is true,. I'm not a doctor but let's say it's true, then it means they're left with less available tools to fight with. It would just make an already hard fight harder.
Are healthcare workers the new cops?

I’m having trouble understanding why people are thanking them.
You serious or trolling?

Has anyone worked on a project with the extra time at home during this whole thing? Trying to put my time to good use

You can always make masks... I know someone who’s been doing that - made about 50 masks a week so far...

what projects you’re looking at?

The new death rate from this is estimated at 0.6% and would probably be a lot lower than that even with the amount of people who have zero symptoms and are never tested. The doomsday posts in here are ******* ridiculous. Talking about we’re about to be living in I Am Legend times. Get the **** outta here and go outside and get some fresh air.
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