Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Some good news for once...
"The Last Dance" release has been moved up to April 19th!!!

Quit playing around and release it right now already, what the hell else is ESPN reporting on these days anyways? :lol:
Just play all 10 parts back to back, RIGHT NOW!!!
Yeah you're probably not gonna get an estimate then. It's a lot though. Once tests become more readily available the tally will be a lot higher. Tens of thousands based on the current curve.
Maybe. But there's this at least

Fauci sees 'glimmers' of effects of social distancing
Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he believes the country is already starting to see the effects of social distancing restrictions.
“If you look now, we’re starting to see glimmers that [social distancing] is actually having some dampening effect,” Fauci told CNN.
Fauci’s comments come as officials in the San Francisco area are reporting they are seeing fewer coronavirus cases than expected two weeks after ordering residents to stay home.
The virus just took over the world in a span of 2-3 months. Isn’t that enough proof?

When more tests are available, especially self tests, and the numbers multiply, you’ll have even more proof.
I provided some sources. Maybe you can do the same. I mean common sense would tell you there's no way to know how man unaccounted cases there are. That's why they're unaccounted
I provided some sources. Maybe you can do the same. I mean common sense would tell you there's no way to know how man unaccounted cases there are. That's why they're unaccounted

What kind of resources are you looking for? Because itll
all be estimated numbers.
Isn’t that what they brought the military ship in for.
I don’t think that ship is for people who need to go do an annual checkup, get their blood tests, etc or everyday stuff like that.
I read Elmhurst hospital and one other were being turned into just Covid 19 hospitals but wanted to know if there were any hospitals designated for just regular doctors office procedures
I don’t think that ship is for people who need to go do an annual checkup, get their blood tests, etc or everyday stuff like that.
I head Elmhurst hospital and one other were being turned into just Covid 19 hospitals but wanted to know if there were any hospitals designated for just regular doctors office procedures
Why not just look up a bunch of primary care physicians that take your insurance.
Common sense shows that when you combine the fact that a lot of ppl who have covid are asymptomatic, + the fact that testing isn't available for everyone who wants the test, that there will be a lot of unaccounted cases...
Fauci sees 'glimmers' of effects of social distancing
Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he believes the country is already starting to see the effects of social distancing restrictions.
“If you look now, we’re starting to see glimmers that [social distancing] is actually having some dampening effect,” Fauci told CNN.
Fauci’s comments come as officials in the San Francisco area are reporting they are seeing fewer coronavirus cases than expected two weeks after ordering residents to stay home.
Fauci sees 'glimmers' of effects of social distancing
Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he believes the country is already starting to see the effects of social distancing restrictions.
“If you look now, we’re starting to see glimmers that [social distancing] is actually having some dampening effect,” Fauci told CNN.
Fauci’s comments come as officials in the San Francisco area are reporting they are seeing fewer coronavirus cases than expected two weeks after ordering residents to stay home.
This proves nothing.

If you thinking the texting done accounts for everyone who needs the test then we're done here. I'm not doing this back and forth with you.
8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists.

So far, most cases on the U.S. West Coast are linked to a strain first identified in Washington state. It may have come from a man who had been in Wuhan, China, the virus’ epicenter, and returned home on Jan. 15. It is only three mutations away from the original Wuhan strain, according to work done early in the outbreak by Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutch, a medical research center in Seattle.

On the East Coast there are several strains, including the one from Washington and others that appear to have made their way from China to Europe and then to New York and beyond, Chiu said.

Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus
This proves nothing.

there will be a lot of unaccounted cases...

they are seeing fewer coronavirus cases than expected

Nothing is definite but this is all I have to go off of unless someone wants to share another source/meme. I'm open minded. Seems at least a possibility that it's slowing down and not as bad as expected in some areas
Just look at NY alone. As more tests are provided, more people who were previously unaccounted for...are now accounted for.

On March 16 it was 950 positive. As of yesterday it was 66,000 positive.

And that range is within the incubation period. So in my opinion it's safe to assume that on March 16 there were thousands of positive cases unaccounted for.

And that's one state.
I think it'd be good idea to have the next batch, or least the batch thereafter, of Covid19 tests aimed at testing essential employees. I'd hate say it but it's likely there are quite a few people showing up to work carrying and spreading this virus unbeknownst to them.

I come to work daily in one of the cities currently being reported as a national epicenter for the virus and I just can't help but feel that not everyone here is Covid19 free.
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I think it'd be good idea to have the next batch, or least the next batch thereafter, of Covid19 tests aimed at testing essential employees. I'd hate say it but it's likely there are quite a few people showing up to work carrying and spreading this virus unbeknownst to them.

I come to work daily in one the cities currently being reported as a national epicenter for the virus and I just can't help but feel that not everyone here is Covid19 free.

I said this a couple weeks ago and people disagreed.
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