Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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You're liking every post that supports your perspective and you continue to demand more evidence from anybody that doesn’t agree with you.

I’m glad that you are trying to keep positive, but don’t let it make you complacent.
So where did I say or even imply that it's not serious? I said I'm open minded and asked for sources. That's demanding evidence?
So where did I say or even imply that it's not serious?

The implication is in the statement that the virus isn’t spreading as wildly as predicted. Based on hotspots, it is. That’s all the data you really need.

Social distancing appears to be helping to flatten the curve in some areas. That doesn’t mean the virus isn’t coming to said areas. It just means it’s delayed for the time being.

Believing it isn’t spreading wildly is like believing China’s numbers.
E everysingletime

Seems like most people are getting tested through private hospitals or sectors. I rather rest and quarantine than run around and look for a test at this point.

keko jones keko jones

If that’s your first time taking the medications or you need any counseling or have any questions hit my PMs.
ballinsam23 ballinsam23

Once I become symptomatic, I'll try to get tested but if I can't, I'm still quarantining myself for sure. A doctor on my unit tested positive and there are patients in my small hospital that's turning up positive (not in my unit so far though). It may be just a matter of time before I get exposed, if I haven't been already.

At home, I've been acting as if I'm exposed for over a week now. Avoiding every family member, even my dog and wiping down everything I touch at home.
New York is clearly the hardest hit area. Not sure the rest of the country has the same conditions as Fauci explained

Agreed. But as a country, we're still behind the curve and thousands of people who aren't yet accounted for are positive.

How do you know if you recovered from this or no longer able to spread it?

This doesn’t look like it’s ever going to end.
China tried to open up theaters again, then shut it down again.

They just tried to open up their basketball league again and that got shut down too.
For the healthcare workers portion of the essential workers, ethically we should be tested. It’s a double edged sword though. Because if we are tested, a large portion of us will be forced to quarantine. Leaving even less of the workforce on the frontlines.

Thats the biggest question ethically. Did a lot of us sign up to help those in need and save lives? Sure. Did we sign up at the cost of our own health and our families? I don’t know about that.
How are you feeling? Have your symptoms resided?
I'm saying if you are just looking for a regular checkup you don't have to go to the hospital at all.

Primary care physicians don't only work at hospitals.

Honestly you should just assume everyone has covid. Even if you're in a waiting room at the doctor's office and everyone looks healthy and just fine, you never know if someone in that room has it and had no idea.
I understand what you’re saying but for peace of mind as someone who is isolating like you and trying to avoid exposure I would feel better by going somewhere that is specifically not treating Covid. If there even is a place here
E everysingletime

Seems like most people are getting tested through private hospitals or sectors. I rather rest and quarantine than run around and look for a test at this point.

keko jones keko jones

If that’s your first time taking the medications or you need any counseling or have any questions hit my PMs.
Although I hardly speak to my family members, I have a couple of MD and Psychiatrists. I talked to one after I got the medication and he was happy they recommended those. According to him, unlike some medicines that are stronger and are ment to attacked the symptoms, these are meant to repair the problem and stabilize you. Then little by little get you off and not need them anymore.

Told me I'm going to be in a rollercoaster for a bit .. some good lows and some anxious high .. everytime that high affecting you less and less. Probably around day 14 or so ...

The Psy that I got for this is pretty chill and cool ... her only warning was .. dont **** with anything I give you. Take it like I'm telling you and forget everything else .. if it works or not, we adjust ...

Also told me to run and get the blood going to the meds can circulate better.
glad you are seeking the help. I previously recommended people should be seeking health for anxiety. It doesn't make you weak. Getting help was the best decision I've ever made outside of getting married and having kids.

The **** works. I couldn't imagine how i would be acting in these times if i didnt get help. But it doesn't always help everyone. You gotta find a good doctor to help you.

Took me 3 years of torture to finally say F this, this sucks.

Good luck Keko. Seems like they gave you a full boat of stuff to take. You're gonna feel like **** for about 3-4 weeks. Might feel like you are having a non-stop hangover, but power through. It gets better! Keep in touch with your doctor with whatever symptoms you might be feeling. They will be able to tell you if its normal or not. More importantly, believe them.
Yeah ..

This macho bravado is all BS to be honest. Everyone has emotions and are susceptible to everything.

On of my favorite quotes when my peeps were in the Marines was "Pain is weakness leaving the Body" yes later I realized that was entirely the wrong brainwashed msg they needed not to send. I have met Marines after Marines broken down in the brinks of suicide because they actual pain and mental anguish was not leaving the body, just getting bottled up and killing them from within.

My body feels off inside, a little drowsy but nothing major ... anxiety went down quickly as soon as I took the pills and stay down until this morning and just in cue my uncle called and told me. Dont be afraid of you start getting anxious and think they arent working. They are, this is how it goes.

Thanks for the talk ...
If there even is a place here

So you're trying to find a place, any place with zero confirmed covid patients?

In New York?

Idk man I'm sure every place got to be treating covid to some extent at this point. Even my hospital has covid patients and a month ago they was telling us if any patients test positive for covid that we're going to ship em out to another hospital that's better equipped to deal with it.
Although I hardly speak to my family members, I have a couple of MD and Psychiatrists. I talked to one after I got the medication and he was happy they recommended those. According to him, unlike some medicines that are stronger and are ment to attacked the symptoms, these are meant to repair the problem and stabilize you. Then little by little get you off and not need them anymore.

Told me I'm going to be in a rollercoaster for a bit .. some good lows and some anxious high .. everytime that high affecting you less and less. Probably around day 14 or so ...

The Psy that I got for this is pretty chill and cool ... her only warning was .. dont **** with anything I give you. Take it like I'm telling you and forget everything else .. if it works or not, we adjust ...

Also told me to run and get the blood going to the meds can circulate better.
you're definitely getting good advice.

it stays in the air for hours and 6 feel distancing is not enough
people still think this came from an animal
thats complete B.S

this is a man made Plague

on a side note I just paid $130.00 for a box of 10 n95 3M masks and the guy said he only has a few left

it stays in the air for hours and 6 feel distancing is not enough
people still think this came from an animal
thats complete B.S

this is a man made Plague

on a side note I just paid $130.00 for a box of 10 n95 3M masks and the guy said he only has a few left

Crazy how I got a box of 20 n95 3m masks for 12 bux a month ago at Pepboys.
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