Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Just look at NY alone. As more tests are provided, more people who were previously unaccounted for...are now accounted for.

On March 16 it was 950 positive. As of yesterday it was 66,000 positive.

And that range is within the incubation period. So in my opinion it's safe to assume that on March 16 there were thousands of positive cases unaccounted for.

And that's one state.
New York is clearly the hardest hit area. Not sure the rest of the country has the same conditions as Fauci explained




Number of ICU patients in New York State jumps 358 since yesterday to 2,710
Number hospitalized up 1,412 to 10,929
Number discharged up 771 to 4,975
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"The state of California received an "A" grade overall thanks to a 40 percent decline in average distanced traveled, but several counties — all in rural areas with few reported cases — have actually logged an increase in distance traveled since the shelter-in-place order was issued. However, this could be partially explained by the fact that residents of these counties have to drive further to reach grocery stores, restaurants for takeout and other essential services."
"The state of California received an "A" grade overall thanks to a 40 percent decline in average distanced traveled, but several counties — all in rural areas with few reported cases — have actually logged an increase in distance traveled since the shelter-in-place order was issued. However, this could be partially explained by the fact that residents of these counties have to drive further to reach grocery stores, restaurants for takeout and other essential services."

Are you and your family staying safe my dude?
My nana at 88 years old is a ticking time bomb, she doesn't give a **** about anything. "Well I came here in 1947 in the back of a mini van with my 6 siblings, why am I gonna let this stop me now?" She goes into grocery stores, goes on walks, I've tried everything. Moral of the story, some people are just gonna do them.
Just ignore homeboy who needs more proof that this isn’t as serious as it is.

The hard evidence is that when adequate testing is performed the numbers are alarmingly high for positive tests. One can deduce any major city that has an airport has a substantial issue on its hands.

The proof is in the cities that have adequate testing. Cities that don’t have adequate testing are clearly unable to report numbers with any reasonable accuracy.
Just ignore homeboy who needs more proof that this isn’t as serious as it is.

The hard evidence is that when adequate testing is performed the numbers are alarmingly high for positive tests. One can deduce any major city that has an airport has a substantial issue on its hands.

The proof is in the cities that have adequate testing. Cities that don’t have adequate testing are clearly unable to report numbers with any reasonable accuracy.

But California is seeing a reduce in positive tests, ie less than they expected. Is this not the truth?
Ok fellas .....

I just received mg results and I was negative. The biggest relief ...

However, my mental state is ****** up. Anxiety is a ***** and although negative now I'm thinking about other ********.

I'm going to tell you this, if you are having severe anxiety and cant sleep no matter what you do. Try to seek help immediately, letting it build up thinking you might tackle it yourself can actually hurt you.

Right now I just got some

To try to get back my mental right. My biggest fear were my children and although they saw me struggling with sleep, they never missed my loved.

Finally got about 5 hours sleep last night.

Putting my business out there in case someone is on the same boat.

Stay safe ya ...
But California is seeing a reduce in positive tests, ie less than they expected. Is this not the truth?

For certain areas in California where the tests are showing those results, yes.

Has no impact on other parts of the country that may be impacted.

Edit: Remember, this can all change with a single infected person visiting the area and spreading the virus. Similar to the article about the small town funeral in Georgia where a visitor infected a bunch of other people.
I said this a couple weeks ago a people disagreed.

For the healthcare workers portion of the essential workers, ethically we should be tested. It’s a double edged sword though. Because if we are tested, a large portion of us will be forced to quarantine. Leaving even less of the workforce on the frontlines.

Thats the biggest question ethically. Did a lot of us sign up to help those in need and save lives? Sure. Did we sign up at the cost of our own health and our families? I don’t know about that.
damn Chris Cuomo got it? No wonder his show was shot from his basement yesterday. Cant imagine how many he infected the last couple of weeks
Because I’m trying to avoid going to a hospital that is loaded with Covid 19 patients. My two local hospitals one of which is where my PCP is are both at max capacity dealing with the virus.
I'm saying if you are just looking for a regular checkup you don't have to go to the hospital at all.

Primary care physicians don't only work at hospitals.

Honestly you should just assume everyone has covid. Even if you're in a waiting room at the doctor's office and everyone looks healthy and just fine, you never know if someone in that room has it and had no idea.
"The state of California received an "A" grade overall thanks to a 40 percent decline in average distanced traveled, but several counties — all in rural areas with few reported cases — have actually logged an increase in distance traveled since the shelter-in-place order was issued. However, this could be partially explained by the fact that residents of these counties have to drive further to reach grocery stores, restaurants for takeout and other essential services."

Cant speak on socal but a huge part of this + not seeing our death rate increase disproportionally in the Bay is that so many giant Tech companies in the Bay had their employees WFH a full 1 week earlier than the county lockdown and ~2.5 weeks ahead of the state lockdown. I know our company switched all interviews to virtual and cancelled all travel + events beginning of March.
Ok fellas .....

I just received mg results and I was negative. The biggest relief ...

However, my mental state is ****ed up. Anxiety is a ***** and although negative now I'm thinking about other bull****.

I'm going to tell you this, if you are having severe anxiety and cant sleep no matter what you do. Try to seek help immediately, letting it build up thinking you might tackle it yourself can actually hurt you.

Right now I just got some

To try to get back my mental right. My biggest fear were my children and although they saw me struggling with sleep, they never missed my loved.

Finally got about 5 hours sleep last night.

Putting my business out there in case someone is on the same boat.

Stay safe ya ...
glad you are seeking the help. I previously recommended people should be seeking health for anxiety. It doesn't make you weak. Getting help was the best decision I've ever made outside of getting married and having kids.

The **** works. I couldn't imagine how i would be acting in these times if i didnt get help. But it doesn't always help everyone. You gotta find a good doctor to help you.

Took me 3 years of torture to finally say F this, this sucks.

Good luck Keko. Seems like they gave you a full boat of stuff to take. You're gonna feel like **** for about 3-4 weeks. Might feel like you are having a non-stop hangover, but power through. It gets better! Keep in touch with your doctor with whatever symptoms you might be feeling. They will be able to tell you if its normal or not. More importantly, believe them.
But California is seeing a reduce in positive tests, ie less than they expected. Is this not the truth?

California isn't representative of the entire country. Neither is NY.

The discussion began with the claim that there are a sh*t load of unaccounted for cases, in general. Which I think most tend to agree with.

It's also been determined that we're behind other countries who were quicker to the draw as far as taking proactive steps. Even if your state was quicker than other states, it was still behind how other countries reacted. Unfortunately.
Just ignore homeboy who needs more proof that this isn’t as serious as it is.

The hard evidence is that when adequate testing is performed the numbers are alarmingly high for positive tests. One can deduce any major city that has an airport has a substantial issue on its hands.

The proof is in the cities that have adequate testing. Cities that don’t have adequate testing are clearly unable to report numbers with any reasonable accuracy.
i don't think he was saying its not serious. I think he was just asking why do we assume the numbers are greater from the unreported cases that we tend to speculate on
For the healthcare workers portion of the essential workers, ethically we should be tested. It’s a double edged sword though. Because if we are tested, a large portion of us will be forced to quarantine. Leaving even less of the workforce on the frontlines.

Thats the biggest question ethically. Did a lot of us sign up to help those in need and save lives? Sure. Did we sign up at the cost of our own health and our families? I don’t know about that.
I'm surprised you've been cockblocked from the test as much as you have been. You live in ny right?

I live in ny too and I've heard of some Healthcare workers a friend knows who were able to test. I know a doctor who was tested (she was positive)

I also know some nurses who were turned away

I think it's just a matter of keep going around and around until you find someone who's willing to test you. No doubt I'm sure that'd be annoying though.
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