Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The unemployment is crazy to me. What do they expect broke people to do? Mf's got no choice but to steal food. I wouldn't be surprised if straight up anarchy breaks out by this time next month. Looting grocery stores and such.

Which is why it's killing me with this check folks may get in three weeks. The 1st is tomorrow. What do they think gonna happen when folks have missed two pay periods already can't pay rent and landlord wanna kick them out anyways no matter what they saying on TV.

If someone rent is $1000 itlls be close to $2000 with all the late fees.

Someone on unemployment just getting started is gonna have to deal with that sill holdback of half their first payment crap. This thing is a big ticking time bomb medically and financially.
Not sure this is accurate. Creates panic tho so that's good
I'm not so sure, unless you live in my house I assume you got it :frown:

I fee like the actual numbers dont reflect the truth all the way back to Wuhan. I mean how many people had before patient 0 since it's a new virus and people couldn't have been initially tested if they had symptoms. Same with NY, I'm assuming there were plenty of cases here before the alleged patient 0 who in reality was only the first to test positive not necessarily the first to be infected.
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DailyMail has been a trash news site for years and is basically a TMZ level news source at this point, but comparing this pandemic to 9/11 in terms of death toll really pisses me off.

Anyone who's lived in NYC since 9/11 knows the death toll from the towers reflects nothing in terms of the grand scheme of the real death toll. So many fire fighters,EMS, and NYPD died years later from lung cancer and other respiratory disease caused by the events. Not to mention numerous people who lived/worked by the towers that also got sick and died being around weeks of burning debris. Sorry for the rant but seeing them post 9/11 to get a fear mongering reaction got me mad.
Would love to see this Owens lady on trial. It's looking like she will have her day and rekindle that 15 minutes she's been longing for. It's one thing to get on your social media soapbox and spew narratives. It's another to have a "legitimate" debate with health care professionals, scholars and those on the front lines.

The first question I'd ask her is if she honestly believes that all the fatal ailments off the world are being lumped and categorized as Covid19 deaths, then why has the healthcare system not been ever been overrun as it has now?

Facts. People call Kanye a genius and the fool Ye said Candace was a genius. Crazy how we often give dummies platforms who influence sheeple. I need to watch the show you mentioned,

Surprised that dude has been relatively quiet throughout all of this. He's never been one to shy away from giving his perspective, no matter how ridiculous or unpopular it is. It's coming though... I can feel it.
based on the fact that symptomatic people cant even get tested, let alone asymptomatic people walking around with the virus. come on dont be so ****ing dense.
So how does that prove that a ****load of unaccounted people have this virus? And how many is a ****load?
Don't know. I'm sure you can find those estimates if you do a little searching.

Here's what I found

As with any developing situation, the numbers are subject to change as the spread and impact continues to be evaluated and understood. Thousands of new cases are being reported each day - and there is no way to track how many cases are going unaccounted for.

Here's what I found

As with any developing situation, the numbers are subject to change as the spread and impact continues to be evaluated and understood. Thousands of new cases are being reported each day - and there is no way to track how many cases are going unaccounted for.

Yeah you're probably not gonna get an estimate then. It's a lot though. Once tests become more readily available the tally will be a lot higher. Tens of thousands based on the current curve.
Social distancing may have helped California slow the virus and avoid New York’s fate
For California and Washington, the coronavirus triggers came early. They pushed the two Western states to social distancing measures earlier than the rest of the country.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, the warning came while the Grand Princesscruise ship, carrying infected crew and passengers, lurked outside the Golden Gate. As the coronavirus cases spread in Silicon Valley, health officers as early as March 5 urged employers to consider allowing more employees to work from home, and companies to cancel large gatherings and nonessential travel.

By the time the ship docked in Oakland on March 9, the BART transit system had seen a 24% drop in ridership compared with a typical Monday in February. Ridership was down 75% a week later, the same day the Bay Area issued the nation’s first coronavirus shelter-in-place order.

In Seattle, the early deaths at a suburban nursing home at the end of February shocked many into action. By the first week of March, major tech companies were telling employees to work from home and local officials urged them to do so.

The coronavirus continues to spread rapidly in both places, but so far at a rate slower than in the country’s other hot spots such as New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Louisiana.

To be sure, the epidemic still could get dramatically worse on the West Coast. A San Francisco nursing home with more than 700 beds is contending with an outbreak that has infected two patients and nine staff members. There are signs of the contagion at 11 Los Angeles County nursing homes, too.

But experts are looking to California and Washington for signs that social distancing is making a difference.

With all eyes on the sharply rising curves showing the dramatic rise in cases, “if and when it flattens, you’ll see it here first,” said Dr. George Rutherford, an epidemiologist and infectious disease expert at UC San Francisco
California Coronavirus update:

Currently 35 additional positive cases confirmed bringing the total to 7429 with 149 deaths
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