Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I read the article. It sounds like the person who conducted the study saying that droplet range is larger was talking about respiratory diseases in general, not just covid

They are still researching all this. Usually they are concerned about the large droplets in the air that are the most likely to transmit the disease and that’s usually in the 6 feet range. Smaller droplets that are less likely -but still possible to transmit- are up to 27 feet.
My dude , you're posting articles from the nypost not the most reputable source for scientific news and your conspiracy theory of how this is man made is definitely a reach man. I know it's scary times right now, but you're freaking out like crazy.

Take a break from the news man, stay safe and healthy.

this is where the nypost article came from
a professor did the research
the post is just reporting it

you are right i need to take a break from this but i want to know all i can
i still think the coronavirus is man made
no one is going to change my mind on that
COVID test came back negative today. I only had to wait 11 days for the results. No biggie. :smh: :smh:

And let’s just say I’m skeptical of the results. I rarely get sick, and I certainly don’t stay sick for a week+. It has to be a HUGE coincidence that I exhibited most of the symptoms over damn near a 2 week stretch. And I tested negative for the flu? 🤔🤔🤔
My people that live alone, how are y'all holding up
It's good and bad.

Sucks to be away from people but at the same time I'd go crazy if I had to spend every minute in the same house as someone for 2-3 months.

Lots of phone calls and video chats. Definitely don't feel lonely or isolated. It feels like a full-time job to feed myself though.

this is where the nypost article came from
a professor did the research
the post is just reporting it

you are right i need to take a break from this but i want to know all i can
i still think the coronavirus is man made
no one is going to change my mind on that

I just read the JAMA article, the nypost is again using sensationalism; this person' s "study" is just theory how the virus may stay airborne, but it isn't a matter of fact. Sure the virus maybe airborne in the air for who knows how long, but a significant viral load won't stay in the air that long. and if anything it'll disperse. Just practice social distancing, good sanitation, and stay away from folks that have COVID-19 and you should be good.
It's funny how all my friends out of the area think I'm going crazy and all the people in the area are on my side.

i'm guessing your in the ny tri state are so you know this is no joke

i get upset anyone would think i this is a joke in anyway
when people post nonsense in this thread it gets me angry

I just read the JAMA article, the nypost is again using sensationalism; this person' s "study" is just theory how the virus may stay airborne, but it isn't a matter of fact. Sure the virus maybe airborne in the air for who knows how long, but a significant viral load won't stay in the air that long. and if anything it'll disperse. Just practice social distancing, good sanitation, and stay away from folks that have COVID-19 and you should be good.

if your in the bank the bus or the supermarket and someone coughs the air is not going anywhere
the people in the area are going to breath it in

the unfortunate thing is no one has any facts and we all know the nypost is a rag paper or rag website but the information comes from a Professor

so who would you want information a niketalker the nypost or a Professor
i'll listen to the Professor before anyone else

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I'm feeling confident about our prospects here in the Bay area, we locked down more than 2 weeks ago now (first?). We're still densely populated area and all that, but I think our response has been good, given the circumstances. We're preparing for things to get worse, but I'm cautiously optimistic we'll be able to handle the surge
I'm feeling confident about our prospects here in the Bay area, we locked down more than 2 weeks ago now (first?). We're still densely populated area and all that, but I think our response has been good, given the circumstances. We're preparing for things to get worse, but I'm cautiously optimistic we'll be able to handle the surge

I hope MA does the SF style lock down ASAP. Still way too many folks out and about for my comfort.
I'm feeling confident about our prospects here in the Bay area, we locked down more than 2 weeks ago now (first?). We're still densely populated area and all that, but I think our response has been good, given the circumstances. We're preparing for things to get worse, but I'm cautiously optimistic we'll be able to handle the surge

as i mentioned a few days ago, i cant stand the mayor breed, but i'm so thankful they took this thing seriously from the start. i keep coming across articles about how well the bay area has been doing so far and it gives me hope but i still want people to be cautious and not start having idiots going out too soon.

My hospital:
•In the testing lab, more rapid platforms are becoming available and being evaluated for deployment
-This brings the number of ***** Medicine's drive-through testing sites to six
In the testing lab, turnaround time for the COVID-19 test is currently around 15 hours. The lab has the capacity to sustainably run 1,000-1,400 tests a day.
•A plan to increase overall bed capacity for ***** was presented and approved in concept. A plan to increase the number of isolation beds and accommodate more patients is also happening at ******.
•The Supply Chain group is closely monitoring consumption rates for three key items: N95 masks, procedure masks, and isolation gowns.
◦The inventory of N95 has substantially improved since March 24.
◦The use of reusable isolation gowns is also being explored.
•At the ****** Blood Center, supply is good for both red blood cells and platelets.

We puttin' in work
Anywhere ppl's living courters are w/n close proximity is gonna get hit hard.

Hong Kong is far worse in terms of living space, and they haven't been hit nearly as hard.

I'm not surprised France is seeing this. When they closed off the Champions League match between PSG and Dortmund to fans, 60K Parisiens gathered outside of the stadium anyway SMH

Spain and Italy could be partially explained by this too. Matches all over Europe were being closed except Atalanta (Italy) and Valencia (Spain), so you had tens of thousands of Italians and Spanish traveling around Southern Europe.

Telling Southern Europeans to stay indoors and avoid large crowds is almost as futile as telling Americans.
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