Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Hong Kong is far worse in terms of living space, and they haven't been hit nearly as hard.

I'm not surprised France is seeing this. When they closed off the Champions League match between PSG and Dortmund to fans, 60K Parisiens gathered outside of the stadium anyway SMH

Spain and Italy could be partially explained by this too. Matches all over Europe were being closed except Atalanta (Italy) and Valencia (Spain), so you had tens of thousands of Italians and Spanish traveling around Southern Europe.

HK and Taiwan blocked all flights from China and shut its "borders" from the mainland fairly quickly.
*Carrie Lam dragged her feet a bit but caved.
i'm guessing your in the ny tri state are so you know is is no joke

i get upset anyone would think i this is a joke in anyway
when people post nonsense in this thread it gets me angry

if your in the bank the bus or the supermarket and someone coughs the air is not going anywhere
the people in the area are going to breath it in

the unfortunate thing is no one has any facts and we all know the nypost is a rag paper or rag website but the information comes from a Professor

so who would you want information a niketalker the nypost or a Professor
i'll listen to the Professor before anyone else

lol I also work in the scientific research field for one of the best medical centers in the world if that makes you feel any better. I understand your concerns and the need to practice precaution. But there is a lot of disinformation out there and you shouldn't let one theory become a matter of fact.

I'm not trying to change your mind btw, I'm just giving you another perspective.
HK and Taiwan blocked all flights from China and shut its "borders" from the mainland fairly quickly.
*Carrie Lam dragged her feet a bit but caved.

True. Just saying that the behavior of a country's citizens plays a huge role in how much the virus spreads too. People in most of Asia don't have the "I'll do whatever I want" mentality that Westerners have. When there are warnings put out, they follow them because they prioritize their society over their personal enjoyment.

Other than a few mentions of being bored at home, none of my friends living in Taiwan, China, or Hong Kong complained about any of the strict measures put in place to prevent the spread. They knew sacrificing a few months is nothing when you look at the bigger picture. Yet you got people here openly defying shelter in place orders while governors are begging them to stay at home.

Over here and in parts of Europe, there's this insanely immature mentality of "Oh you're telling me to do something? I'll do the opposite"
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lol I also work in the scientific research field for one of the best medical centers in the world if that makes you feel any better. I understand your concerns and the need to practice precaution. But there is a lot of disinformation out there and you shouldn't let one theory become a matter of fact.

I'm not trying to change your mind btw, I'm just giving you another perspective.

stay safe sorry for being a hard ***
so who would you want information a niketalker the nypost or a Professor
i'll listen to the Professor before anyone else

I'm kinna confused. How does what this professor say lead to the conclusion that this is man made?

White House pressures FDA on unproven Japanese drug
After Trump's conversation with Prime Minister Abe, aides are seeking an emergency authorization for Fujifilm-owned drug.

this was from a few weeks back

directly from fujifilm

True. Just saying that the behavior of a country's citizens plays a huge role in how much the virus spreads too. People in most of Asia don't have the "I'll do whatever I want" mentality that Westerners have. When there are warnings put out, they follow them because they prioritize their society over their personal enjoyment.

Other than a few mentions of being bored at home, none of my friends living in Taiwan, China, or Hong Kong complained about any of the strict measures put in place to prevent the spread. They knew sacrificing a few months is nothing when you look at the bigger picture. Yet you got people here openly defying shelter in place orders while governors are begging them to stay at home.

Over here and in parts of Europe, there's this insanely immature mentality of "Oh you're telling me to do something? I'll do the opposite"

When this started I was afraid for my relatives in Macau especially my grandma who’s in her 90s. With so many people from mainland coming into Macau for vacation, i thought **** would explode. But they all did a good job closing the borders and shutting down all the casinos. Haven’t heard anything bad coming out of there except it’s slow and boring and just having to wear a surgical mask every time they go out. My cousin even went to Colombia back in February.


Over here and in parts of Europe, there's this insanely immature mentality of "Oh you're telling me to do something? I'll do the opposite"
I wouldn't call it immature. We just tend to be more individualistic in general which can have upsides and downsides. For example, I have more confidence in westerners questioning government instructions whereas I'm more inclined to trust Eastern cultures to follow the governments instruction amicably.
Imagine making under 150k as a married couple with 3 kids. Thats near a 4k stimulus check.

The stimulus check works wonders for the lower class families, especially those living in the projects or areas where the rent is dirt cheap.

Plenty of money to go around to cover rent and necessities if you're in that specific group. So to still refuse to pay rent if you're in that category is a clear sign of greediness.
I wouldn't call it immature. We just tend to be more individualistic in general which can have upsides and downsides. For example, I have more confidence in westerners questioning government instructions whereas I'm more inclined to trust Eastern cultures to follow the governments instruction amicably.

At some point it gets too much though. Hong Kong citizens had been rightfully protesting against their government for all of 2019, but when this virus came into the picture, they knew it was the #1 priority and followed all orders to reduce the spread. People should have the ability to Differentiate between the government’s abuse and the government’s efforts to save lives

like luisfigo luisfigo mentioned, I have a lot of issues with London Breed’s incompetence, but her shut down of SF ahead of everyone else is a good example of how we can put aside other issues and focus on the biggest threat out there at the moment. Orders to stay at home aren’t taking away your “freedom”, they’re literally saving lives. A large chunk of Americans just hear the word “order” and immediately react in the dumbest way possible
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Imagine making under 150k as a married couple with 3 kids. Thats near a 4k stimulus check.

The stimulus check works wonders for the lower class families, especially those living in the projects or areas where the rent is dirt cheap.

Plenty of money to go around to cover rent and necessities if you're in that specific group. So to still refuse to pay rent if you're in that category is a clear sign of greediness.

imagine being a single parent making 100k in Bay area, NYC...? Get no help at all
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