Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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California Coronavirus Update

After a 3 day decrease in positive cases, there has been an increase with 793 positive cases today, compared to 688 yesterday .

Mortality rate remains somewhat the same with the percentage decreasing from a 2.1% mortality rate to a even 2% mortality rate
i told my landscaper to stay home for the next 2 months. Paid him for both months. Didn't need them around and catch me and the wife running around naked in the back yard now that we're home full time.

dope of you

wife n i are struggling to get it in, not ideal with kids around... by the time they go to sleep I’m washed
Essentially, we have to throw privacy out the window if we want to keep the masses informed of where the outbreaks are occurring. I haven't even found any information about cases in my area that are city specific. It's all county figures. I want to know where these people live, work, shop, etc. so I am informed!

I live in an area where the response has been relatively good compared to most of the US, but it still feels inadequate. I'm privileged enough to be handle it for me and my family, but there really needs to be hundreds of testing centers and authoritative figures guiding people who don't have the luxury to be on the internet 24/7
If police can pull over drivers, they can stop a pedestrian.
True, but driving is a privilege, not a right. It can be taken from you. That's why ppl stop. Being outside isn't a privilege, it's a right.

I'm all for quarantine and everyone staying home, I'm definitely doing my part, but I'm also trying to be realistic. Basically what I'm asking is, how will a cop give someone a citation if they're non compliant? Like those kids on the bike. Cops are either going to have to get physical or just walk away. Especially since getting physical would put each other at risk if one is sick. It would defeat the purpose of the citation.
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