Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I never said I was mad, that was you assuming I was. I was just stating that with the job market the way it is, people would more than likely be happy to take their place so they can feed their family

I always do me fam, and I don’t need your passive aggressive laughing emoji telling me to do so

I never said I wanted to be a amazon worker either, there you go assuming again.

that’s my point. People aren’t lining up to be amazon workers because it’s a trash job.

I don’t know why you’re getting heated over it. It’s a well known fact.
that’s my point. People aren’t lining up to be amazon workers because it’s a trash job.

I don’t know why you’re getting heated over it. It’s a well known fact.

I never said it wasn’t, all I said is people talk a lot of **** and there are probably more people lined up to take that job (only because they’re most likely laid off).
It probably is a trash job, but some people are willing to put up with it in the meantime if it means feeding their family.
They bring up a good point that this should be fought at the federal level as opposed to a state-by-state level. You have all these stay at home orders for "hot zones," but it will all be in vain if the other states drag their feet and are behind the curve once it gets there which will facilitate another wave.
Totally agree. US Government needs to come out and issue a shelter at home for the country because at this point Florida is never gonna do it and they're gonna keep f***ing us and making this drag on all summer. People don't wanna hear it in less hit parts of the country, but it ain't gonna stop until we all get on board.
Well yeah people will work there if their job market is bad and they have to take a job at amazon.

that doesn’t discredit everyone else saying it sucks, donate your sick pay, you wear a monitor and have to run everywhere etc etc.
People talking about walking out on the job, but finishing their shift first lol, that’s funny to me
some older patients have been recovering in a weeks time though
i know cats are stressed and looking for anyone to point their finger at but sometimes we need to accept that we aren't in control...mother nature is

does prince charles have 5g? :nerd:
but if they aren’t famous is wont make the news. News is trying to get people mad, scared and against each other
i was replying to the theories that rich people have the vaccine and are hiding it from the working folks
which is going to be what they’re doing if you go on a strike and you’re not in the Union

Well yeah, they’re dumb asses for not voting in the union already. My union is trying to get them here... good luck they spend millions on anti union brain washing.
Quitting a job with no funds saved up for 6 months (min) would not be the smartest thing to do right now.

In my experience, less than 10% of those who strike really believe in the cause and will actually follow through with drastic action. Most are just along for the ride because they feel like they need to go with the group. When the **** hits the fan, they will be right back to the job in a milli second.

I have a friend (one I argued intensely with the last 3-4 weeks) who works at Wholefoods as a butcher. He was all about WF. Was making bank because of all the OT he was making. He was part of the "this is not a big deal" crowd about 3-4 weeks ago. He thought this couldn't be that big of a deal if they are having him come to work. I gave him the Igoudala look and said its because they don't give a **** about you, thats why you are still coming in with no protection. He was one I had to give a mask to because work wasn't supplying it.

Now he's contemplating what to do. Cant quit because he practically lives pay check to pay check.

Any ways, cheers to another day of surviving. I needed this frosty beverage today

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