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It’s almost as if Whole Foods or amazon sucks to work at.
it's sad because i remember when i first shopping at whole foods about a decade ago. the service was top notch. dude at the seafood counter would always undercharge me (he'd lift the fish off the scale slightly when weighing it).

now the prices are marginally better but i'd gladly pay that extra 10% to have it back to the old days.

to be fair, some of the employees at whole foods are still great, but it's definitely not the overwhelming culture.
Meanwhile in one of the countries that always gets looked down on due to being poor relative to other European countries Coupé It Coupé It

(CNN)Portugal has temporarily given all migrants and asylum seekers full citizenship rights, granting them full access to the country's healthcare as the outbreak of the novel coronavirus escalates in the country.

The move will "unequivocally guarantee the rights of all the foreign citizens" with applications pending with Portuguese immigration, meaning they are "in a situation of regular permanence in National Territory," until June 30, the Portuguese Council of Ministers said on Friday.

The Portuguese Council of Ministers explained that the decision was taken to "reduce the risks for public health" of maintaining the current scheduling of appointments at the immigration office, for both the border agents and the migrants and asylum seekers.
arrest them all
it's sad because i remember when i first shopping at whole foods about a decade ago. the service was top notch. dude at the seafood counter would always undercharge me (he'd lift the fish off the scale slightly when weighing it).

now the prices are marginally better but i'd gladly pay that extra 10% to have it back to the old days.

to be fair, some of the employees at whole foods are still great, but it's definitely not the overwhelming culture.

I worked there when I was a teenager, just cashiering/bagging/stocking. It was a fun place to work at compared to other grocery stores. Caring staff, co-workers were fun, interesting and passionate about their departments. But even back then I always heard that the management was trash.
Crazy. I'm union and we have no peotections.

How is Non union WF/Amazon trying to accomplish what they have?
We have amazing healthcare and are still screwed.
They bring up a good point that this should be fought at the federal level as opposed to a state-by-state level. You have all these stay at home orders for "hot zones," but it will all be in vain if the other states drag their feet and are behind the curve once it gets there which will facilitate another wave.

This is an extremely sad and upsetting story
if it Wasn’t for this plague people like this would be alive today and so would thousands of others

The numbers for New York City cases today is just horrific
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Nah it’s big trash here at least, no there isn’t a line of people to take their place.

Are you in charge of HR? I know a lot of people out of work right now who have families to feed. Some of us don’t have the luxury to pay our gardeners 2 months pay up front
Are you in charge of HR? I know a lot of people out of work right now who have families to feed. Some of us don’t have the luxury to pay our gardeners 2 months pay up front

why are you mad that he paid his gardeners for two months and why are you telling me you don’t have that luxury?

no I’m not in hr, I just know a trash job when I see it due to the fact that the workers are constantly protesting here. You don’t see Costco having protests.

what are you trying to get at? Sure some people need a job, doesn’t mean it isn’t a trash one.

you wanna be an amazon worker go ahead, I was simply stating they treat their employees like trash. Do you. :lol:
why are you mad that he paid his gardeners for two months and why are you telling me you don’t have that luxury?

no I’m not in hr, I just know a trash job when I see it due to the fact that the workers are constantly protesting here. You don’t see Costco having protests.

what are you trying to get at? Sure some people need a job, doesn’t mean it isn’t a trash one.

you wanna be an amazon worker go ahead, I was simply stating they treat their employees like trash. Do you. :lol:

I never said I was mad, that was you assuming I was. I was just stating that with the job market the way it is, people would more than likely be happy to take their place so they can feed their family

I always do me fam, and I don’t need your passive aggressive laughing emoji telling me to do so

I never said I wanted to be a amazon worker either, there you go assuming again.
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