Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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but it will disappear if we all just live out lives like normal?

Ok, I won't engage anymore. I'm the idiot for partaking.

Gonna move on

I never said it did
But you are under the impression it will if we just go in the house :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Even though it hasn’t work for any other country

anyone get an email from your credit card company saying you can enroll to skip payments?

First Bankcard is the first Ive seen to let you skip until June. Solid of them. No need to wait around and have government tell you to do it.
Inform me then (shoulder shrug )
Show me a country that has improved after closing down the whole country

Show me how the people who aren’t following the rules are supposed to infect the people that are supposed to be in the house anyway

If I’m uninformed then inform me that what message boards are for
Look up flattening the curve and how that helps keep hospitals under capacity and curb the spread of the virus. You got 573 pages of information here but you want us to inform you.
Educate yourself and others and we can get over this thing.

edit: here are some links for you:



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your opinion won’t only results will
I Dj t think the virus is just going to disappear because people decided to be secluded in their homes for 14 days

I just don’t
Dog, they aren’t trying to make the virus dissapear. They are trying to slow the spread of it so we don’t overwhelm our hospitals (where we dont have enough equipment to save everyone if it continues to spread at the current rate).
It we got Cuomo sending a team to China to negotiate a deal for a few million masks :smh:
Man what’s it gonna take for us to just repurpose some factories for the time being to make masks and ventilators?
These cheap corporations & our government depends to much on outsourcing to save a buck. If they made more little efficient things like this here then they wouldn't be grasping at straws for supplies or panicking about our economy. Man **** this **** just start over. The way the system is set up is trash.
anyone get an email from your credit card company saying you can enroll to skip payments?

First Bankcard is the first Ive seen to let you skip until June. Solid of them. No need to wait around and have government tell you to do it.
be careful cause im hearing if you choose these types of things it will hurt your credit score
anybody shed any light on this?
anyone get an email from your credit card company saying you can enroll to skip payments?

First Bankcard is the first Ive seen to let you skip until June. Solid of them. No need to wait around and have government tell you to do it.
Naw they've just told me that we're here for you during this difficult time and remember you can make payments via the app and online
These cheap corporations & our government depends to much on outsourcing to save a buck. If they made more little efficient things like this here then they wouldn't be grasping at straws for supplies or panicking about our economy. Man **** this **** just start over. The way the system is set up is trash.
YEP. Our reliance on cheap global labor has made us vulnerable. We have the knowledge to make these items. Hopefully we learn from this but we won't.
be careful cause im hearing if you choose these types of things it will hurt your credit score
anybody shed any light on this?
oh word? I didnt choose to enroll since I didnt need to but damn, you're probably right though.
i just don't see where you could go even if you wanted to pay ridiculous prices. eBay and Amazon practically remove alll of the listings

yeah that I’m not sure about either like everyone needs masks/PPE and has the money to buy them, but there’s still a shortage.

I’m imagining either like increasing manpower in the supply chain, or buying up from other countries, or outbidding other hospitals from whatever the suppliers have :smh:
I don’t think a lot of y’all even understand how human contact even works
That’s why seeing people get upset at people who aren’t following the quarantine is hilarious

Like your so damn scary that you think people that’s your not even supposed to be in contact with is going threatening you somehow :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Probably one of the dumbest posts I've read in here, but judging by your grammar in your previous posts, I should've expected it

No one is afraid of random people being outside. People are upset that ignoring suggestions to stay at home is resulting in further spread of the virus, which makes it impossible for the rest of us productive and literate people to go back to our normal lives. Does that make sense or not?
Dog, they aren’t trying to make the virus dissapear. They are trying to slow the spread of it so we don’t overwhelm our hospitals (where we dont have enough equipment to save everyone if it continues to spread at the current rate).

I understand that aspect
But it’s people that’s been in self quarantine
And still ended up getting it

and hospital staff are literally telling people that’s out here panicking to chill
My sister works at Baylor in Dallas and she steady telling us that they have more people coming in with minimal and light symptoms filling the hospitals more than those who actually need to be there
I'm curious what the bums in this thread are even doing while "being outside". Majority of respectable places are closed, so what exactly are they achieving? They're obviously not working essential jobs since they're on here, so...???
These cheap corporations & our government depends to much on outsourcing to save a buck. If they made more little efficient things like this here then they wouldn't be grasping at straws for supplies or panicking about our economy. Man **** this **** just start over. The way the system is set up is trash.

you can blame corporations, but consumers are equally irresponsible when we make decisions based on price instead of quality. It got to the point where it’s not even worth it for companies to manufacture in the USA since most people don’t want to pay a premium for items made in America. I’m not even surprised to read that masks made in China are of poor quality...
These cheap corporations & our government depends to much on outsourcing to save a buck. If they made more little efficient things like this here then they wouldn't be grasping at straws for supplies or panicking about our economy. Man **** this **** just start over. The way the system is set up is trash.
It’s really sad. Seems like a simple solution.
Instead they got folks out here sewing masks and 3D printing medical supplies to donate.
Man I swear sometimes is as a society can do much better without government.
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