Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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prob just throwing the money around for whatever crazy markup prices or donating straight cash homie to the hospitals themselves and earmarking them for PPE.

my boy has a wife who’s a RN and he had to go on eBay and pay some reseller 500 for some masks because her hospital is cheap stupid evil or all of the above :smh:
i just don't see where you could go even if you wanted to pay ridiculous prices. eBay and Amazon practically remove alll of the listings
I don’t think a lot of y’all even understand how human contact even works
That’s why seeing people get upset at people who aren’t following the quarantine is hilarious

Like your so damn scary that you think people that’s your not even supposed to be in contact with is going threatening you somehow :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

makes me sad to read posts showing how uninformed people can be
Cities like Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, Singapore have much denser populations thank New York City yet the virus is more contained.

I strongly believe the wide adoption of masks and gloves is a factor.

That and maybe the citizens just follow guidelines and listen when their government officials advise them to stop going anywhere. Our culture enables knuckleheads and the US Commander In Chief is feeding into the ignorance of about half our population.
I don’t think a lot of y’all even understand how human contact even works
That’s why seeing people get upset at people who aren’t following the quarantine is hilarious

Like your so damn scary that you think people that’s your not even supposed to be in contact with is going threatening you somehow :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
bruh sit this one out. trust me
you sound like an idiot
I’m not trolling clown
That’s how I feel you don’t necessarily have to agree with it I’m totally ok with that
the problem is we're trying to prevent people like you from feeling this way. Its not a "go ahead and do you" mentality anymore. When we all stop being selfish, this battle can be won.

makes me sad to read posts showing how uninformed people can be

Inform me then (shoulder shrug )
Show me a country that has improved after closing down the whole country

Show me how the people who aren’t following the rules are supposed to infect the people that are supposed to be in the house anyway

If I’m uninformed then inform me that what message boards are for
Inform me then (shoulder shrug )
Show me a country that has improved after closing down the whole country

Show me how the people who aren’t following the rules are supposed to infect the people that are supposed to be in the house anyway

If I’m uninformed then inform me that what message boards are for
ok, so the better option is to not social distance and live our lives like normal because surely, this would be the right way. This would help out the mess.

you can not be this ignorant.
the problem is we're trying to prevent people like you from feeling this way. Its not a "go ahead and do you" mentality anymore. When we all stop being selfish, this battle can be won.

your opinion won’t only results will
I Dj t think the virus is just going to disappear because people decided to be secluded in their homes for 14 days

I just don’t
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