Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I just don’t get it.

Just off the top of my head. you can

Learn new languages
Order food delivery
Order anything you want/need on the internet
play video games
Check out new music
Watch TV/movies
Read books
Call/chat with friends 24/7 via multiple apps
Go outside for walks when there aren’t people outside

I mean literally the only “freedom” being asked of you to sacrifice is gathering outside in groups. and these clowns can’t do that and are equating it to jail
Everyone wants to do the opposite of what they’re told to do. They don’t like being “controlled”, even if it means their life is on the line

basically, folks out here downloading and sharing porn with no virus protection
I follow maybe 4 or 5 ppl who live in South Korea and I'm seeing posts of them going out to cocktail bars now after many weeks of posts of them staying inside ... I'm jelly
If we had good leadership in this country, perhaps we could have had the mlb and nba starting in a few weeks possibly. Now we prob won’t see sports until the NFL season if we’re lucky.
My Taiwanese friends are still only going out when they really need to, but most of them have been at home for the past 2-3 months. They complained about being bored sometimes, but they made the most of it knowing how important it was to do so.

more worried about Japan honestly. The government downplayed the entire situation so that the Olympics could go on. My friends over there work at hospitals and have been complaining about how stupidly the government has been reacting and preparing( aka not doing anything)
you taiwanese?
I’ve had to go to Fedex to drop off some urgent things a couple times these past few weeks. Caught myself doing the Harden step back when I’ve seen someone else approaching the entrance/inside the store :lol:

haven’t been to any other store. Only been ordering grocery/supply deliveries and wiping down packages with Lysol while wearing disposable gloves
I’m outside (shoulder shrug)

In Texas they **** down most of everything
And even got to the point where if your in a large group they write a citation (even though I’m positive it’s more than 10 people inside a grocery store and that’s employees alone)

I have no idea why people are interested in the idea of having the public on lockdown in their homes
Me personally I’m not comfortable in the fact that the people that enforce is inside or the only ones allowed outside

I’m cool on that
I would consider it if it was a proven method of starting improvement
Everyone wants to do the opposite of what they’re told to do. They don’t like being “controlled”, even if it means their life is on the line

There was a regular older lady at the bank who claimed it was the Democrats fault things were shutting down and said she had just gone to Vegas because they told her not to and quote “if they tell me not to do something, I’m going to do it”

people suck.
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I’m outside (shoulder shrug)

In Texas they **** down most of everything
And even got to the point where if your in a large group they write a citation (even though I’m positive it’s more than 10 people inside a grocery store and that’s employees alone)

I have no idea why people are interested in the idea of having the public on lockdown in their homes
Me personally I’m not comfortable in the fact that the people that enforce is inside or the only ones allowed outside

I’m cool on that
I would consider it if it was a proven method of starting improvement
Lol why be jealous of the ppl who have to stay outside to enforce the rules. They're the ones risking their health
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