Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Truthfully, I think they are getting the message out now because a lot of business have stopped normal production and have turned their manufacturing lines into a way to help battle this pandemic.

A lot more companies are making masks now than they were 2 weeks ago. Shortage may be avoided, even if we are advise to buy them.

Mask On.

Read an article where Taiwan had quarantined people in a hotel-esque room with an alarm on it. If they tried to leave the alarm would go off. Every day a health worker would come in and check their status, give them food etc.

We can all cry about "giving up freedoms" but these kind of measures saved Taiwan. None of this nonsense where self quarantine is recommended and *******s go out despite knowing they're positive to go to parties


:rolleyes :rolleyes
yea I don’t understand wearing gloves, except just to make yourself feel better about not getting germs on your hands and be able to quickly take them off and throw them away afterward instead of just cleaning your hands. Still gotta keep the gloves away from your face cuz they’ll be full of germs from the things you touch.

As I said earlier in this thread, I work for a bank that has branches in grocery stores. We shut down the grocery store branches but when the shoppers first started getting crazy while we were still open, there was a girl wearing gloves for her shift and then I saw her talking on her phone with her gloves still on... smh. Defeats the entire purpose.
Gloves are only good if you throw them anytime they get them dirty pretty much. Like you can’t keep re using them.

washing your hands a lot is just as effective, at least that’s what they teach in servesafe.
yup. Gloves would help for diseases that can transmit through skin (or to protect from harsh chemicals, etc.). Gloves are also a little easier to quickly disinfect with ethanol, but purell/soap is as good.

In either case, for the duration you're wearing the gloves without changing them, it's the same as not wearing gloves without washing hands. Also, there is proper technique for removing/disposing of gloves so that you don't transfer anything onto your hands.

Whatever you do, just follow a routine for whenever you leave the house. Once you touch anything outside your door, your hands are contaminated and everything you touch until you wash your hands is now contaminated. And if you touch those contaminated objects, you have now recontaminated your hands and can contaminate anything else you touch with your hands. That's why I am strict about what I touch when I go out, and I clean everything when I return (phone, keys, etc). And you have to do it every time.

Gloves doesn't really change anything unless you don't have access to washing your hands for some reason. Wearing gloves to go grocery shopping doesn't make much sense unless you want to de-glove one hand to pay at check-out and then put your wallet/phone away.
Read an article where Taiwan had quarantined people in a hotel-esque room with an alarm on it. If they tried to leave the alarm would go off. Every day a health worker would come in and check their status, give them food etc.

We can all cry about "giving up freedoms" but these kind of measures saved Taiwan. None of this nonsense where self quarantine is recommended and *******s go out despite knowing they're positive to go to parties

you got idiots in this very thread talking about “we can’t give up the little freedom we have” so that they can travel and party outside. this is what happens when you have an uneducated and simple minded population who don’t know how to apply their brains to anything outside of drinking and chasing short term fun.

acting like staying at home in 2020, during an era where you can literally do millions of things at home, is equivalent to prison
you got idiots in this very thread talking about “we can’t give up the little freedom we have” so that they can travel and party outside. this is what happens when you have an uneducated and simple minded population who don’t know how to apply their brains to anything outside of drinking and chasing short term fun.

acting like staying at home in 2020, during an era where you can literally do millions of things at home, is equivalent to prison
If we had done the SK style lockdown two weeks ago, we really could be opening things back up by Easter.

Now it's looking like May is optimistic and it'll likely be June.

Thanks, idiots.
The governors in the Tri-State area have already rejected the idea of a total lockdown type quarantine. NY Governor Cuomo is already shooting that down, and Pennsylvania governor has commented saying he's against that idea. So don't expect that to happen just because Trumpito claimed he was considering it
If we had done the SK style lockdown two weeks ago, we really could be opening things back up by Easter.

Now it's looking like May is optimistic and it'll likely be June.

Thanks, idiots.

I just don’t get it.

Just off the top of my head. you can

Learn new languages
Order food delivery
Order anything you want/need on the internet
play video games
Check out new music
Watch TV/movies
Read books
Call/chat with friends 24/7 via multiple apps
Go outside for walks when there aren’t people outside

I mean literally the only “freedom” being asked of you to sacrifice is gathering outside in groups. and these clowns can’t do that and are equating it to jail
I just don’t get it.

you can

Learn new languages
Order food delivery
Order anything you want/need on the internet
play video games
Check out new music
Watch movies/tv/YouTube 24/7
Read books
Call/chat with friends 24/7 via multiple apps

I mean literally the only “freedom” being asked of you to sacrifice is gathering outside in groups. and these clowns can’t do that and are equating it to jail
Bbbbuuttt LIVE FREE OR DIE! Smh

So just saw the #’s from my work for this week. While we have the “important” people all working from home we averaged 249 people onsite each day last week and still claiming that we have yet to have anyone test positive.

249 people a day in the same building while on a lock down and we wonder why the #’s keep going up.
If we had done the SK style lockdown two weeks ago, we really could be opening things back up by Easter.

Now it's looking like May is optimistic and it'll likely be June.

Thanks, idiots.
I follow maybe 4 or 5 ppl who live in South Korea and I'm seeing posts of them going out to cocktail bars now after many weeks of posts of them staying inside ... I'm jelly
The governors in the Tri-State area have already rejected the idea of a total lockdown type quarantine. NY Governor Cuomo is already shooting that down, and Pennsylvania governor has commented saying he's against that idea. So don't expect that to happen just because Trumpito claimed he was considering it
Figured that. Dummies prob running to the stores in my state panicking right now.
I follow maybe 4 or 5 ppl who live in South Korea and I'm seeing posts of them going out to cocktail bars now after many weeks of posts of them staying inside ... I'm jelly

My Taiwanese friends are still only going out when they really need to, but most of them have been at home for the past 2-3 months. They complained about being bored sometimes, but they made the most of it knowing how important it was to do so.

more worried about Japan honestly. The government downplayed the entire situation so that the Olympics could go on. My friends over there work at hospitals and have been complaining about how stupidly the government has been reacting and preparing( aka not doing anything)
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