Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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As I said earlier in this thread, I work for a bank that has branches in grocery stores. We shut down the grocery store branches but when the shoppers first started getting crazy while we were still open, there was a girl wearing gloves for her shift and then I saw her talking on her phone with her gloves still on... smh. Defeats the entire purpose.
I see food prep people doing this all the time. I can’t really eat out much anymore.
They have gloves on and touch your CC or cash. Then use same gloves to grab your prepared food. The ones that are effective take their gloves off and then back on every time. They may use 100 gloves a shift But that’s the point.
Off to receive the cash
Back on to prepare the food
Off for other work.
back on for food prep

it cuts out washing your hands every time, that’s about it.

doing take out and drive thrus the past week I’ve noticed all realms of glove wearing and usage.
There was a regular older lady at the bank who claimed it was the Democrats fault things were shutting down and said she had just gone to Vegas because they told her not to and quote “if they tell me not to do something, I’m going to do it”

people suck.
I’m not saying I hope she gets the Rona. But if she does, I won’t necessarily be upset about it
I just don’t get it.

Just off the top of my head. you can

Learn new languages
Order food delivery
Order anything you want/need on the internet
play video games
Check out new music
Watch TV/movies
Read books
Call/chat with friends 24/7 via multiple apps
Go outside for walks when there aren’t people outside

I mean literally the only “freedom” being asked of you to sacrifice is gathering outside in groups. and these clowns can’t do that and are equating it to jail
Funny thing is when they had the "freedom" they were just on their phones anyways.
I live in an apartment complex with a shared laundry area. Planning to wake up at 6 one morning to do laundry before everyone else does. I’m at the point where I have to decide whether I risk getting corona or be forced to rewear underwear :rolleyes.
curious how famous people like Future and Rhianna are getting the PPE items? Is this some sort of "personal" stash?

prob just throwing the money around for whatever crazy markup prices or donating straight cash homie to the hospitals themselves and earmarking them for PPE.

my boy has a wife who’s a RN and he had to go on eBay and pay some reseller 500 for some masks because her hospital is cheap stupid evil or all of the above :smh:
I’m outside (shoulder shrug)

In Texas they **** down most of everything
And even got to the point where if your in a large group they write a citation (even though I’m positive it’s more than 10 people inside a grocery store and that’s employees alone)

I have no idea why people are interested in the idea of having the public on lockdown in their homes
Me personally I’m not comfortable in the fact that the people that enforce is inside or the only ones allowed outside

I’m cool on that
I would consider it if it was a proven method of starting improvement

Second, although social distancing measures have been (at least temporarily) well-received, there is an obvious-but-overlooked phenomenon when considering groups (i.e. families) in transmission dynamics. While social distancing decreases contact with members of society, it of course increases your contacts with group (i.e. family) members. This small and obvious fact has surprisingly profound implications on disease transmission dynamics. Study after study demonstrates that even if there is only a little bit of connection between groups (i.e. social dinners, playdates/playgrounds, etc.), the epidemic trajectory isn’t much different than if there was no measure in place. The same underlying fundamentals of disease transmission apply, and the result is that the community is left with all of the social and economic disruption but very little public health benefit. You should perceive your entire family to function as a single individual unit; if one person puts themselves at risk, everyone in the unit is at risk. Seemingly small social chains get large and complex with alarming speed. If your son visits his girlfriend, and you later sneak over for coffee with a neighbor, your neighbor is now connected to the infected office worker that your son’s girlfriend’s mother shook hands with. This sounds silly, it’s not. This is not a joke or a hypothetical. We as epidemiologists see it borne out in the data time and time again and no one listens. Conversely, any break in that chain breaks disease transmission along that chain.

stay the **** home. stay away from people other than the people you live with, and make sure they're staying the **** home too.

if you can't stay the **** home, take every precaution possible when you go out.
Officially out of Lysol spray and running out of wipes. If anyone has a link to stock I’m willing to pay resale.
Don’t overthink it. Paper towels and a Clorox/water water bottle concentration is just as effective.

how often are y’all cleaning?if you’re in the same home and haven’t left, why you cleaning door knobs 10 times a day?
I live in an apartment complex with a shared laundry area. Planning to wake up at 6 one morning to do laundry before everyone else does. I’m at the point where I have to decide whether I risk getting corona or be forced to rewear underwear :rolleyes.

order more underwear
Said this before - those "studies" about how masks don't work...
Should've just told people the truth from the get. We needed masks for health workers and high risk groups because MASKS HELP.
Now they're going to look like absolute morons, people going to be cutting videos of doctors on TV saying masks don't help to now saying they're critical.

Anyone with a brain can think "yo these Asian countries that are handling it well literally have 99% of the population with masks" while we're over here promoting "wearing masks and staying indoors is the start to our liberties and freedom being taken away"

I just can't sometimes
People were looking at me like I was over reacting for wearing rubber gloves in the grocery store.
and i was laughed at for purchasing masks a couple of months ago. Too bad those chumps have disappeared.

Had to go to the market this morning and decided against the mask. I regret it. It wasn't busy but i still should have worn one

Amen. I never understood the whole "masks only help those who are sick" **** that was being spewed. But healthcare workers are wearing them to protect themselves. *Insert Nick Young gif

Same with you can't get sick from food prepared by someone who might have it. I still won't agree with this even if Dr. Fauci told me at my door. Logically, it doesn't make sense. So i'm gonna take pre-cautions and tell myself it does. There's zero reason for ME needing to eat food not prepared by me or my wife right now

And this is why I’m so thankful for this thread. Anyone that’s been following This thread since December/January shouldn’t be surprised at any of this. Same “just a flu” folks were also downplaying the importance of masks.

I managed to get a box of surgical masks a while back since that was the only thing left after I was able to get like five n95 single masks. It ain’t much but it’s better than nothing and just holding off on them as much as possible.

America keeps delaying the inevitable like lockdowns and masks. Time to get the f up off that high horse we are no better or special than any of the other countries that got hit first.

Remember I was straight up being called a villain for suggesting a worldwide travel ban a while back. Don’t look too far fetched now.

Government needs to open the vaults at their military bases and send out a pack of masks along with that $1200
Cities like Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, Singapore have much denser populations thank New York City yet the virus is more contained.

I strongly believe the wide adoption of masks and gloves is a factor.
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Cities in South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore have much denser populations thank New York City yet they the virus is more contained.

I strongly believe the wide adoption of masks and gloves is a factor.

Of course it is. Our government told us that we can pack in subways, airplanes and elevators and cough and sneeze on each other, but as long as we wash our hands we are fine.
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