Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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you can blame corporations, but consumers are equally irresponsible when we make decisions based on price instead of quality. It got to the point where it’s not even worth it for companies to manufacture in the USA since most people don’t want to pay a premium for items made in America. I’m not even surprised to read that masks made in China are of poor quality...
But prices and wages would’ve never gotten that cheap to begin with if we just produced at home. So in turn it would never and should never have gotten to the point where it’s up to the consumer
Probably one of the dumbest posts I've read in here, but judging by your grammar in your previous posts, I should've expected it

No one is afraid of random people being outside. People are upset that ignoring suggestions to stay at home is resulting in further spread of the virus, which makes it impossible for the rest of us productive and literate people to go back to our normal lives. Does that make sense or not?

how would they further spread it to you though:nerd:
What info do you have to where you are confident enough to say that’s the reason why it’s spreading further 🤔
It’s really sad. Seems like a simple solution.
Instead they got folks out here sewing masks and 3D printing medical supplies to donate.
Man I swear sometimes is as a society can do much better without government.

You ever notice how most politicians are people who are good salesmen, but don’t seem to grasp the most basic concepts of reality? IMHO, most people who go into politics as a career have very little actual life experience, but are great at convincing people WHAT they will do rather than HOW they plan to actually accomplish it. This is why most government projects end up over budget and behind schedule, or never completed at all. /rant
i have a feeling people will become refugees leaving USA the way it is going

Was about to leave in 2016 until my dad got sick and all my plans got put on hold indefinitely. If I have children, they're definitely not being raised here unless there's some miraculous 180 degree change in terms of healthcare, education, and violence (just having to type these things out makes me embarrassed of where I live)
1. you can blame corporations, but consumers are equally irresponsible when we make decisions based on price instead of quality.
2. It got to the point where it’s not even worth it for companies to manufacture in the USA since most people don’t want to pay a premium for items made in America. I’m not even surprised to read that masks made in China are of poor quality...
1. I agree to an extent.

2. That extent is that our continually plummeting economy is the direct result of corporate greed. If we cycled or if we never stopped cycling money throughout our economy premium prices wouldn't seem so premium b/c it would be the norm do to ppl around more that doing well for themselves.

People buy New Balance (Made in U.S.A.) everyday b/c they're known for it fine designs & quality.
how would they further spread it to you though:nerd:
What info do you have to where you are confident enough to say that’s the reason why it’s spreading further 🤔


Ok, no point even responding to you anymore if this has to be explained to you again. Have fun staying outside and doing whatever the hell it is you're doing when everything is closed :lol:
1. I agree to an extent.

2. That extent is that our continually plummeting economy is the direct result of corporate greed. If we cycled or if we never stopped cycling money throughout our economy premium prices wouldn't seem so premium b/c it would be the norm do to ppl around more that doing well for themselves.

People buy New Balance (Made in U.S.A.) everyday b/c they're known for it fine designs & quality.

Yes, there are some people who care about quality but we are a small minority. If you take the average person and offer them a pair of Asian made NB’s or a pair made in USA, I’m willing to bet they won’t notice the difference or be willing to pay the premium.
But prices and wages would’ve never gotten that cheap to begin with if we just produced at home. So in turn it would never and should never have gotten to the point where it’s up to the consumer
I’m probably just reading it wrong, but it sounds like you’re advocating for the government mandating that US companies can only manufacture here and only made in USA goods can be sold here?
Yes, there are some people who care about quality but we are a small minority. If you take the average person and offer them a pair of Asian made NB’s or a pair made in USA, I’m willing to bet they won’t notice the difference or be willing to pay the premium.
That's true and those ppl tend to be uneducated & don't know the benefits of paying more now and saving less later. All in it isn't that hard to reprogram ppl. Just like at how we've adapted to technology. Those darn boomers buried us all (outsourcing things that could be done here) for an ultimately short term benefit.
Fam you said they are spreading it you either got something to back this claim or not :lol: :lol: :lol:
it’s a bold statement to make is all I’m saying
And yes I’m enjoying myself out here just like I been doing

you think it’s weird that people can’t enjoy themselves inside but find it hard to do outside:lol::lol:

People like this dude are EXACTLY why this mess is gonna last all Summer.
This dude's location: Dallas,TX

Gatherings outside of families: Banned
Non-essential employees going to offices: Banned
Bars: Closed
Gyms: Closed
Museums: Closed
Performing Arts Centers: Closed
Sports arenas: Seasons Canceled/Closed
Festivals, park events, etc: Canceled/Closed
Restaurants: Take out/delivery only
Theaters: Closed
Schools: Closed

"I'm gonna stay outside and have fun" doing what exactly :rofl:
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