Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I went for a walk last night with my son n my wife. It’s a must at least for fresh air, I’m not in the city so there wasn’t barely any ppl out. Couple here n there at a great distance.

still waiting on my test results but I’m feeling a bit better now. Still tired but I’m starting to thing it’s anxiety and sitting around the house when my body is used to training kids everyday in the gym
anyone get an email from your credit card company saying you can enroll to skip payments?

First Bankcard is the first Ive seen to let you skip until June. Solid of them. No need to wait around and have government tell you to do it.
I’ve called all my CCs and had them push my next payment back to May/June. Same with student loans.
I’m probably just reading it wrong, but it sounds like you’re advocating for the government mandating that US companies can only manufacture here and only made in USA goods can be sold here?
Not at all what I’m advocating. I’m just pointing out that there should be no need for us and countries like Spain or Italy to be buying millions of masks from China for them to turn out faulty. These are emergency measures it doesn’t seem that difficult to repurpose some factories to make medical supplies for the time being so we can all be self sufficient.
In the long term of things this should be a red flag as to why we shouldn’t rely on China or other nations so heavily.
This thread is getting hilarious.

I just biked through the nearby shopping area that has tons of stores, residence homes, restaurants and stores and it's surreal seeing it empty during the day. Few people walking the dog or picking up from restaurants and that's it. Virtually no traffic and that place is usually SLAMMED on a nice day. Strange times.
April is when its all going to hit the fan is what professionals are suggesting.

already know of some people who unfortunately have succumbed to this serious pandemic.
I went out to grab some essentials and the amount of people just out and about is crazy. Messing around we won't be in the free til like May/June
I live in a suburban area, so it's not crowded outside, but just to be safe, I usually go out for walks/runs late at night so I can avoid other people. During the day, usually just work out in the yard
Nice, thank God I live in Bayview and still have breathing room compared to other parts of the city/bay.

I hope the groups in this picture are all people that live in the same household. The groups actually seem quite spaced out, as long as those groups are in the same household.

I think we will have to find a balance because a vaccine won't be here for at least another year. Can't frown on a family of 5 that go to the beach together and stay away from other groups.
Nice, thank God I live in Bayview and still have breathing room compared to other parts of the city/bay.

I live in Palo Alto now and couldn’t imagine going through this if I lived in SOMA, the Mission, etc. no motivation to even go out and get some air out in those areas because it smells like $@@& and there are needles everywhere :lol:
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