Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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swear I'm dealing with some prostate / diabetes issue. Can't stop peeing man - I'm talking about once an hour or at times twice per hour

You might be spiking your blood sugar and the body is getting rid of the excess sugar by urine. Check your blood sugar 1hr 1/2 after eating to see where you are.
the wealthy can get tested the poor of this first world country country can't

in nyc the hardest hit areas are queens and bronx boros
also parts of manhattan and brooklyn
alot of people dont have the money to get a test done or are being sent away from testing and told to go home
basketball players actors politicians can get tested done for themselves and their families

private wealthy citizens im sure are getting tests done quicker than the average citizen

this whole country is only about money and being assbackwards

the poor of this country don't have the means to travel outside the US in the past 3 months since this started
so why should they suffer

these are my observations
googling wealthy and coronavirus comes up with this
these bastards can try and hide from this but most of us can't

what is a $1200.00 check going to do for most of us not a damn thing in the long run of this virus


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the wealthy can get tested the poor of this first world country country can't

in nyc the hardest hit areas are queens and bronx boros
also parts of manhattan and brooklyn
alot of people dont have the money to get a test done or are being sent away from testing and told to go home
basketball players actors politicians can get tested done for themselves and their families

private wealthy citizens im sure are getting tests done quicker than the average citizen

this whole country is only about money and being assbackwards

the poor of this country don't have the means to travel outside the US in the past 3 months since this started
so why should they suffer

these are my observations
googling wealthy and coronavirus comes up with this
these bastards can try and hide from this but most of us can't


how dare you question the practices of AmeriKKKa

It's unfortunate that Sikh people get targeted so much by racist and illiterate white people. Sikh people are some of the most kind and charitable people on earth. Every time there's a major disaster or crisis somewhere, you'll find Sikhs out there preparing food or helping in whatever way they can; it's a core aspect of their religion to do so. Check out their response to the Japanese tsunamis, the Rohingya crisis in Burma, the Manchester bombing, etc.

Even outside of disasters, they serve free food at the temples every weekend without trying to convince you to join their religion. Anyone from any religion is welcome with no strings attached.

Always got major respect for the Sikh community :pimp:
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Don’t overthink it. Paper towels and a Clorox/water water bottle concentration is just as effective.

how often are y’all cleaning?if you’re in the same home and haven’t left, why you cleaning door knobs 10 times a day?

we clean the entry way everyday. My husband is the only one that goes out really. But whoever does we strip down in the garage, Wash hands in the downstairs bathroom and immediately go to shower. Clothes go straight to washer.

Mom just told me one of my aunts got it. Hospitalized for a week and sent home today.
FWIW equality equality I had the same problem. I would even wake up in the middle of the night to pee after not drinking for hours prior to falling asleep.

Simple solution, I was drinking too much water. Turns out "8 glasses a day" isn't a catch-all for every individual.
FWIW equality equality I had the same problem. I would even wake up in the middle of the night to pee after not drinking for hours prior to falling asleep.

Simple solution, I was drinking too much water. Turns out "8 glasses a day" isn't a catch-all for every individual.
Thanks man, hoping I’m the same.
a year ago when I was in italy, I did the awful mistake of trying give myself a fade :lol: .... one side went higher than the other and I kept fixing it but I looked straight stupid and had to wear a hat when I was out with my girl

Same thing happened to me the last time I cut my hair a few years ago ; gave myself the masculine lesbian haircut while trying to do a fade. During this time I'm just going with one length all over to be safe; the fade can wait :lol:
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