Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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There used to be a checkers in my old neighborhood but it closed down years ago
It seems like they are only located in the hood now :lol:
What’s up with that?

Breaks your heart seeing stories like this in a first world country :smh: |l

Urgent care f'd him over. If you go to the E.R they won't turn you away. He went to the E.R right after and they took care of him there but he ended up dying anyways. I don't f with urgent care, if I feel like I have Rona, I'm taking my a** to the E.R.
Got laid off from my 2 jobs in 1 month, plus I have a 1 month old. I feel like I'm back to square 1. I had my future all laid out and now it's all gone with a snap of a finger.

I try not to watch the news on the daily but them numbers don't look good.

I feel ya guy.. my apartment complex caught on fire March 10th, lost EVERYTHING, 400+ pairs of shoes, all my clothes and gfs clothes, and worst of all our cat. Then work slows down the next week cause of the covid 19. Then we all get stay at home orders pretty much so can't go get new furniture so I'm stuck in my mom's basement and too top it off, I get a call 2 days ago saying looters broke into the burnt down complex and got to all the stuff that didn't burn up but the complex won't let me in to get anything because it's not "structurally sound". It's been a ****** 2 weeks. But we will get thru it.. you me and everyone else, just keep pushing forward one step at a time.
The nba is actually a really good example of how the government should've acted.

First confirmed case. Rudy Gobert. They immediately shut dowb the whole league, they tested all of the jazz organization and tested teams that played the jazz and tested teams that played the jazz opponents.

Been how many weeks since the league got shut down. How many positive confirmed cases have there been? Maybe 6. That's REALLY good.

Easier to do when you have to shut down a few hundred people with one job than it is with a few hundred million people with millions of jobs
Urgent care f'd him over. If you go to the E.R they won't turn you away. He went to the E.R right after and they took care of him there but he ended up dying anyways. I don't f with urgent care, if I feel like I have Rona, I'm taking my a** to the E.R.
urgent cares are a scam

my opinion of course but ill never step foot in one or recommend it to anyone
got fired on my day off smh.
Sorry dude. I relate I'm sure you're using this time off wisely...
There used to be a checkers in my old neighborhood but it closed down years ago
It seems like they are only located in the hood now :lol:
What’s up with that?
They understand their market....
Lol, but nah this spot busy af! Buncha stoners out here though..
Easier to do when you have to shut down a few hundred people with one job than it is with a few hundred million people with millions of jobs
The nation is trending towards a shutdown anyway. Would've been most effective at the beginning than whenever they're going to do it.
What are some measures you think the US couldve taken? Start quarantine and shutdowns earlier back in Feb?

that and case detections and case tracings. thats what i see countries like south korea, singapore, and vietnam are doing. when they find a case, they investigate and warn the people that may have been infected.
4 guests dead on Port Everglades-bound cruise ship with 138 ill people ..another zombie ship

trying to dock an infested ship in a country that's literally the bridge between the america's is nuts.
Well it’s about that time to fry up some spam and eggs and eat with white rice
Actually craving a checker burger with fries but I’m not driving down to the hood :lol:
This week for me:

-Files unemployment online Monday
-prompt to call on Tuesday
-calls on Tuesday
-Busy signal or prompt to go online to file
-Repeat step 1

My sis and her family live in Bologna. She just told me they announced another 900+ deaths last night.
what's your recipe for garlic rice? Sounds simple but there's gotta be a secret to make it bomb
I just cook it the regular way. I prefer day old rice and not fresh out the cooker rice. I fry the minced garlic in oil over low heat till it's brown. I remove the garlic but keep the oil in the pan and throw in the rice. I stir the rice with salt and pepper. Then I throw the garlic back in, mix, and I'm done. Sometimes I'll throw in some scallions. I also like cooking scrambled eggs separate and then mixing it with the rice. I prefer that over a fried egg. Sometimes I'll put some sriracha drops on top and mix it up. Sometimes I'll cook bacon and crush it up for bacon bits on the rice or cook some canned corned beef with onions and mix that in too. All depends on my mood.
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