Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I completely agree. Urgent Care is perfect for basic medical exams that require quick diagnosis and prescriptions. Few days after Christmas my daughter came to me around 6pm complaining that her ears were hurting really bad. I took her temp and she had a low grade fever. I found an urgent care that was open until 7pm and got her checked (double ear infection) with a prescription sent directly to a 24 hour drive through pharmacy. We were home before bed time and started her on the antibiotic with some Tylenol to help her sleep through the night. This was a Friday evening, so our other option was waiting until Monday to try and get into her pediatrician or going to the ER to wait hours in the waiting room and put us both at risk of catching something worse. I've also had bad luck in other cases with a random Dr or nurse who was incompetent (IMO) but overall had more good than bad ones.

I've had strep a couple of times and went to an urgent care.

Same when I tore a muscle.

Because even though I know what hospitals are a little faster, I also know what urgent cares are faster. Not only do I not back up the ER with something minor, I conserve my time. One of the problems with ED's is that people go for things like the flu.

An urgent cares NP will prescribe you the same drugs that your PCP or an ER doc would.
Do you even have any knowledge of what you're talking about?

How exactly are they a scam?

Getting seen a lot quicker rather than going to an ER or waiting days to see a PCP?
Scam as in its worthless. Rather go to ER and wait then basically place a bandaid and be told to go to the ER

waste of time essentially. Also from my experience with family members, being told incorrect info, being diagnosed with **** they don’t have. Told my mother go to the ER because her appendix burst and scheduled a surgery and waited 6 hours at the hospital telling her that hers isn’t burst or swollen that she had the flu

carry on
If we are being honest, the ER is a rip-off too. Two years ago I had either food poisoning or a 24 hour bug, unsure of which. Was throwing up for 8 hours straight and felt like absolute hell and my girlfriend basically made me go to the ER.

They gave me a shot for nausea and I was there for maybe two hours, after insurance it was still 1200 dollar visit .
Scam as in its worthless. Rather go to ER and wait then basically place a bandaid and be told to go to the ER

waste of time essentially. Also from my experience with family members, being told incorrect info, being diagnosed with **** they don’t have. Told my mother go to the ER because her appendix burst and scheduled a surgery and waited 6 hours at the hospital telling her that hers isn’t burst or swollen that she had the flu

carry on
Sounds like your family has had bad experiences. Still doesn't mean it's worthless. It just means go to a different urgent care lol
Reality has a liberal bias.
What are they doing about court cases? Can't have a jury that close to each other.

Washington state has just about all Reviews and trials set over until at least 4/27. Only thing being heard, at least in King County (Seattle Area), are bookings for new cases where Judges decide to release or keep someone in custody and/or DV-related matter.
Heard through the grapevine that Russia has been hit HARD, but they're writing off the deaths as "pneumonia."
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