Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Wuhan doctors plan long-term look at coronavirus impact on male sex hormone
  • Blood samples from Covid-19 patients in small-scale study indicate what could be a testicle malfunction, researchers say
  • Results ‘not conclusive and require further investigation’
Scam as in its worthless. Rather go to ER and wait then basically place a bandaid and be told to go to the ER

waste of time essentially. Also from my experience with family members, being told incorrect info, being diagnosed with **** they don’t have. Told my mother go to the ER because her appendix burst and scheduled a surgery and waited 6 hours at the hospital telling her that hers isn’t burst or swollen that she had the flu

carry on

Yeah, I sure do believe that story.
y’all gotta leave da bay, all you guys talk about his how broke you are. Is it even worth it?
Define broke? Chances are they actually have a decent job but live above their means. And that’s on them

Also, living in Cali >>>>>. Outside of the water jokes that are no longer valid, it can be difficult for someone to just up and leave.
Define broke? Chances are they actually have a decent job but live above their means. And that’s on them

Also, living in Cali >>>>>. Outside of the water jokes that are no longer valid, it can be difficult for someone to just up and leave.

I was partially joking, I know it’s hard to up and leave.

I’m just laughing at nt, every time money is brought up “b-b-but the Bay Area!”

I’m sure most do have decent jobs that are just living above their means. I’d love to live in California, I could make good money there but I wouldn’t be able to afford the Bay Area either.

Bro isn’t really how much you make, it’s how much you got after your bills imo.
Universal healthcare sounds ideal, but in countries where it is available (Canada) it's not always that great. They have a lot of prescription meds available as OTC over there, something this country will never do.

But I heard if you want a regular doctor appointment for something super simple you might have to wait close to a month.
these kind of assumptions are what deters people from even attempting or considering change. not all countries work the same. there are countries where universal healthcare 'works.'

i think it has to do with expectations. the whole argument about waiting such a long time is universal. i have been in the ER and people are near death and still waiting. it happens everywhere especially in populated areas. however i would say when you go to a country that actually offers it, the patient is not stressed and anxious thinking about the bill beforehand and afterwards.

being in a country where health insurance is mandatory by the law is actually a good thing. it means people do not have to worry about an emergency stay at the hospital and putting something off because you cannot afford the service.

obviously there are two sides to the coin, but there is no reason why the US (with so many resources) cannot offer their citizens these basics. there are countries far more less resourceful and are able to provide this for everyone. i understand it is an issue about population but it is a shame people have to decide between debt and living.
The homie was supposed to get tested yesterday. When he called to follow up since he didn't get a time, they told him there was a huge rise in cases and that "hopefully" he'd get his test tomorrow.

He hasn't, no phone call, nothing.

We are not ******* doing this anywhere near what Trump is claiming. I'm worried as ****.
The homie was supposed to get tested yesterday. When he called to follow up since he didn't get a time, they told him there was a huge rise in cases and that "hopefully" he'd get his test tomorrow.

He hasn't, no phone call, nothing.

We are not ****ing doing this anywhere near what Trump is claiming. I'm worried as ****.

Out of curiosity, who is he talking to? PCP office, ER, public health dept? From what I've seen in my area, the process starts with your PCP and it's up to them to advocate for their patients to get tested if they do not have the ability to test in house. My kids' pediatrician is a small single doctor office and she specifically said she can test patients in the office, though she must send the completed kit out to be verified and results will take a few days.
Out of curiosity, who is he talking to? PCP office, ER, public health dept? From what I've seen in my area, the process starts with your PCP and it's up to them to advocate for their patients to get tested if they do not have the ability to test in house. My kids' pediatrician is a small single doctor office and she specifically said she can test patients in the office, though she must send the completed kit out to be verified and results will take a few days.

His PCP. After his video chat appointment the doctor had to call the CDC to get him approved. Now he’s just on a list.

He just called me and said he has to wait another 24-48 hours because “they’re full.”
His PCP. After his video chat appointment the doctor had to call the CDC to get him approved. Now he’s just on a list.

He just called me and said he has to wait another 24-48 hours because “they’re full.”

Damn, how are his symptoms? I apologize if you already posted and I missed it. Thread is moving quick...
Damn, how are his symptoms? I apologize if you already posted and I missed it. Thread is moving quick...

It's okay, I get it.

Loss of smell and lessened taste on Tuesday, developed a cough and low-grade fever Wednesday. Cough and ~99.5 fever were consistent through yesterday. Today, rolling chest pain.
This is what I’m talking about. This absolutely f***s the renter. If we can’t make one month payment how would we “make it up” later and then are subject to eviction after this temporary ban is lifted when we cant pay the behind rent. The whole thing is a joke.

It's terrible all the way around though... the landlord is likely in the same exact situation where their bills don't stop either.
I just looked at the numbers.... I don’t got a good feeling about this
It's okay, I get it.

Loss of smell and lessened taste on Tuesday, developed a cough and low-grade fever Wednesday. Cough and ~99.5 fever were consistent through yesterday. Today, rolling chest pain.

I wonder if the list is prioritized based on severity and they're looking at your friend's "mild" case as not critical. I'm guessing there are no drive through testing sites in your area? He might wanna call the county public health department and see if they can provide more info on potential testing sites for cases like his.
This is what I’m talking about. This absolutely f***s the renter. If we can’t make one month payment how would we “make it up” later and then are subject to eviction after this temporary ban is lifted when we cant pay the behind rent. The whole thing is a joke.

As far as I know mortgages don't stop... so I would say it's fair.
I wonder if the list is prioritized based on severity and they're looking at your friend's "mild" case as not critical. I'm guessing there are no drive through testing sites in your area? He might wanna call the county public health department and see if they can provide more info on potential testing sites for cases like his.

He's asthmatic, so he's technically high risk.

We're in Los Angeles. There ain't ****.
This is what I’m talking about. This absolutely f***s the renter. If we can’t make one month payment how would we “make it up” later and then are subject to eviction after this temporary ban is lifted when we cant pay the behind rent. The whole thing is a joke.

I don't understand a lot of this stuff where they are saying "no penalties" and "you don't have to pay we will defer them"
Like these small business loans at 0% they will give people. It's like so everyone should just get into more debt? So everyone will still have to pay all this rent/loans/mortgage back...and the $1200 is supposed to cover that?

I live in DC, $1200 isn't half my rent
This is what I’m talking about. This absolutely f***s the renter. If we can’t make one month payment how would we “make it up” later and then are subject to eviction after this temporary ban is lifted when we cant pay the behind rent. The whole thing is a joke.
doesn't this mess with fixed rent and such? All these scummy landlords watering at their mouths at the thought of increased rent when they kick 90% of their tenants out. They'll recoop their losses within 2-3 months. They're not hurting. I've never met a landlord who wasn't a penny pincher.

All these social distancing measures at grocery stores and such are getting on my nerves

5 person limits at certain big box retailers. What used to take 5 minutes is taking 90 minutes. Thanks Lowe's and home Depot. You're all better off closed. Some of these breweries are allowing two people in at a time. Six feet apart at check out counters but they let us be within inches through the aisles.
And now 90% of these places have the same exact hours of operation as one another. Places are more cRowded than ever now. I wish I could go into a cave and turn ahead time 3 months. Most of these measures leave you exposed in open air for 8-10times longer than a quick trip to the store. There are no more quick trips. Time to hunker down.
doesn't this mess with fixed rent and such? All these scummy landlords watering at their mouths at the thought of increased rent when they kick 90% of their tenants out. They'll recoop their losses within 2-3 months. They're not hurting. I've never met a landlord who wasn't a penny pincher.

All these social distancing measures at grocery stores and such are getting on my nerves

5 person limits at certain big box retailers. What used to take 5 minutes is taking 90 minutes. Thanks Lowe's and home Depot. You're all better off closed. Some of these breweries are allowing two people in at a time. Six feet apart at check out counters but they let us be within inches through the aisles.
And now 90% of these places have the same exact hours of operation as one another. Places are more cRowded than ever now. I wish I could go into a cave and turn ahead time 3 months. Most of these measures leave you exposed in open air for 8-10times longer than a quick trip to the store. There are no more quick trips. Time to hunker down.
Out here in LA, I’ve been able to go to the local Vallarta once a week On my lunch break and stock up on food. Waited in line for five minutes to get in and was out in 15. Must be crazier in some places.
If we are being honest, the ER is a rip-off too. Two years ago I had either food poisoning or a 24 hour bug, unsure of which. Was throwing up for 8 hours straight and felt like absolute hell and my girlfriend basically made me go to the ER.

They gave me a shot for nausea and I was there for maybe two hours, after insurance it was still 1200 dollar visit .

Few years back i had some horrible food poisoning
I was throwing up and peeing outta my butt every 30 min for probably 8 hours straight
Going to the hospital never crossed my mind
I had the worst stomach pains
I just rode it out
Food poisoning ain't no joke
I used to be careless when it came to food like if it was close to being spoiled or expired
After that incident I don't mess around anymore
watching this white house briefing and :smh:

why is trump referring to himself in the third person :smh:

what a head scratcher

Unfortunately gonna be awhile til we get any signs of good news out here in NYC

how strong is their union? They getting 14 day quarantine pay? The incentive to use that has to be immense

you don’t see healthcare workers getting that liberty.
It's okay, I get it.

Loss of smell and lessened taste on Tuesday, developed a cough and low-grade fever Wednesday. Cough and ~99.5 fever were consistent through yesterday. Today, rolling chest pain.
How about $1,300 for a 30 minute visit for them to check my vital signs and then send me home and suggest a 14 day isolation.
Not trying to downplay the severity of your symptoms or anything but if you have those symptoms then you can pretty much bet 99% you have the virus at this point.
And if you’re not gasping for breathe you should know the result of any hospital visit is going to be to go home and isolate for 14 days.
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