Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Read what I gave you. You're defending him within knowing anything. Educate yourself. They are legitimate sources and for some reason you refuse to look at anything that doesn't confirm your bias. Exactly what you accuse me of doing. Why do you hate being informed?

Ebocha, Nigeria —
JUSTICE Eta, 14 months old, held out his tiny thumb.
An ink spot certified that he had been immunized against polio and measles, thanks to a vaccination drive supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
But polio is not the only threat Justice faces. Almost since birth, he has had respiratory trouble. His neighbors call it “the cough.” People blame fumes and soot spewing from flames that tower 300 feet into the air over a nearby oil plant. It is owned by the Italian petroleum giant Eni, whose investors include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Gates Foundation has poured $218 million into polio and measles immunization and research worldwide, including in the Niger Delta. At the same time that the foundation is funding inoculations to protect health, The Times found, it has invested $423 million in Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and Total of France -- the companies responsible for most of the flares blanketing the delta with pollution, beyond anything permitted in the United States or Europe.

Indeed, local leaders blame oil development for fostering some of the very afflictions that the foundation combats.
I just read the first sentence and stopped. I'm not going to defend him. I will post facts that he has donated over $50 billion to various causes. $100M minimum to this cause.

Its not my place to say he should be doing more or less. He's done wayyyyyyyy more than anyone else. So save yourself from typing so much because I don't need it. We are on the complete opposite of the spectrum. We'll never agree and meet in the middle. Thats why I'm out of this topic because we'll just waste everyones time.

And its Happy Hour. I'm going to look at the positives
Man this **** sucks.

A couple days ago I mentioned my mom having a sinus infection and us initially being worried it was the virus.

I been trying to social distance while checking on her via the phone etc. She’s older and still pretty busy so no red flags go off if she doesn’t get back to me same day however 2-3 days without a returned call or text is unlike her.

Anyways she stopped texting and returning calls back for a couple days and I finally decided to go see her despite the warnings. I got there and noticed her car was on so I figured she was either heading out or had just gotten home. When I walked in she was sitting in a bedroom struggling to breath. she said she forgot she had started her car but wanted to go back to the docs since the sinus meds didn’t do **** for her.

I offered her a ride which she declined, so I chose to follow her to clinic instead. After insuring she made it in I came back home and got a call about an hour later that she was being sent to the ER due to SOB (shortness of breath).

I attempted to meet her at the ER but no one can go in hospitals unless they are symptomatic right now so that was a dub. Eventually moms hit me and said she’s got pneumonia but she wants me to go home for now since they won’t let me in anyways. She got transferred to ICU as we were communicating.

This morning I spoke to her attending nurse who informed me that of course my mom would be getting checked for the virus.They don’t have her results yet but they will reach out when they do. My mom is currently on a ventilator because she had trouble breathing last night. I’m unable to talk to her for the time being and of course I can’t see her.

This whole **** is surreal for me personally right now. I don’t have a happy ending to this for you all yet but I will keep you posted. Hopefully things take a turn for the better.

Sorry to hear that man. Hope you and your mom the best. You did good checking up on her. Hang in there man.
I really hope my American brethens will realize Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income is a good thing. It's the safety net of society. It will remove the boot of the neck of people. It will also improve the physical and mental well being of people.
Oh I’m well aware his symptoms are leaning towards a positive test. I’m just trying to be as strong as I can for the homie. He’s getting tested on Monday, luckily.
That’s all you can do. But I’d still try to talk some sense into him. You know what they’re gonna tell him.
No longer affiliated with Epstein either I guess right? So you're at least aware that gates has a track record of funding both the disease and the cure?
Yes. I believe his take on it was that he was taking the gains he made from the oil companies stock and transferring it into organizations to fight climate change. He says that divesting his stock from oil companies wouldn't do anything but transfer that stock to someone else who wouldn't use the profits for change. So he figures better he has a seat at the table with their profits to use against them. I think he might of had a point. After he divested, the oil companies took a hit, but they bounced right back and it made no difference. Now someone else has that stock that likely isn't using it's profits for good. It's a slippery slope, and I'm definitely not taking sides on this. I see where there might be valid points and arguments on both sides tho.
This is Trump's 9/11. He will win the second term like GWB won 2nd term.

It's also American stupidity as to why Trump will win.
:lol: Dude hasn't been handling this like a wartime President at all. Put on the wartime jacket one time then said F it, let's all come back early, privately i'm losing money. I don't see his open fumbling working in his favor. Then again Bush had "Mission Accomplished".
It will only be recognized as a failure if this virus extends and does more damage than models even predict. If the virus calms down before September, people will attribute it to his leadership - justified or not. People will just be relieved it's all over. Not to mention Biden literally can't say a sentence without tripping over his own words
It will only be recognized as a failure if this virus extends and does more damage than models even predict. If the virus calms down before September, people will attribute it to his leadership - justified or not. People will just be relieved it's all over. Not to mention Biden literally can't say a sentence without tripping over his own words

The way Bernie has reacted to this, he REALLY needs to be the Democrat nominee. Bernie is the President we need.
Man this **** sucks.

A couple days ago I mentioned my mom having a sinus infection and us initially being worried it was the virus.

I been trying to social distance while checking on her via the phone etc. She’s older and still pretty busy so no red flags go off if she doesn’t get back to me same day however 2-3 days without a returned call or text is unlike her.

Anyways she stopped texting and returning calls back for a couple days and I finally decided to go see her despite the warnings. I got there and noticed her car was on so I figured she was either heading out or had just gotten home. When I walked in she was sitting in a bedroom struggling to breath. she said she forgot she had started her car but wanted to go back to the docs since the sinus meds didn’t do **** for her.

I offered her a ride which she declined, so I chose to follow her to clinic instead. After insuring she made it in I came back home and got a call about an hour later that she was being sent to the ER due to SOB (shortness of breath).

I attempted to meet her at the ER but no one can go in hospitals unless they are symptomatic right now so that was a dub. Eventually moms hit me and said she’s got pneumonia but she wants me to go home for now since they won’t let me in anyways. She got transferred to ICU as we were communicating.

This morning I spoke to her attending nurse who informed me that of course my mom would be getting checked for the virus.They don’t have her results yet but they will reach out when they do. My mom is currently on a ventilator because she had trouble breathing last night. I’m unable to talk to her for the time being and of course I can’t see her.

This whole **** is surreal for me personally right now. I don’t have a happy ending to this for you all yet but I will keep you posted. Hopefully things take a turn for the better.

Wishing your mom the best bro
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