Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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1. What's the order in which the symptoms hit?
2. For shortness of breath, how long before when 1st reported to critical?
3. What can be done for shortness of breath if they dont need a ventilator?
4. Does shortness of breath come and goes?

For the young: Muscle pain -- Diarrhea --- Fever -- SOB --- Lack of smell/taste
Elderly: Fever -- SOB -- Chest Pain gradually worsens

If you start getting chest pain/pressure with the nagging dry cough, go to ER
If you cant walk 3 blocks without shortness of breath, go to ER
If it worsens when you lay down without numerous pillows, go to ER

Short term therapy of prednisone +/- inhaler
Rule out pneumonia for antibiotic therapy

Yes. Some people mistake a dry cough due to postnasal drip/allergies for shortness of breath too.
He’s clearly talking about government funding, which his net worth has nothing to do with. The government should’ve been prepared for the pandemic. It’s not on private individuals to prepare us for this just because they’re rich.
Also, hasn't he donated like $40 billion lifetime to his foundation that's been trying to get rid of diseases & poverty years before this happened? I think he also plans to give more than 90% of his wealth to charity when he dies. That's like $90 billion. That's nuts. I dunno, personally, I think he's doing his part as a philanthropist and sets a good example to other billionaires.
Why doesn't he? Why wouldn't gates have done this before stepping down or in the past 5+ years to help preparedness?

I mean why do we expect Bill Gates to save the world? This should be a joint effort with numerous companies. Those with expertise in the production of supplies and science/research in medicine are doing what they can right now. From what I understand his focus in the past has been on clean water and preventable diseases in 3rd world countries.

I'm sure he's doing something to help with the current pandemic. I havent looked into what it is yet.
Can you file for unemployment if you on disability?
Lol my cousin is currently on short term disability but his job called him to basically lay him off due to this, so he is wondering does he just continue getting the SDI or can be now get both ? I told him I don’t believe u can get both it’s either 1 or the other
So far from what I've read is:
- If you filed 2019 taxes, the determination of payout will be based on that info. If have yet to file for 2019, they would use your 2018 info.
- Single: $1200
- Married: $2400
- Kids under 17: $500 each
- Checks won't be seen until May

Would be great if this was free money and people wouldn't have to think about having to pay back during the 2020 tax season.

Link to what you've read?
I mean why do we expect Bill Gates to save the world? This should be a joint effort with numerous companies. Those with expertise in the production of supplies and science/research in medicine are doing what they can right now. From what I understand his focus in the past has been on clean water and preventable diseases in 3rd world countries.

I'm sure he's doing something to help with the current pandemic. I havent looked into what it is yet.
You went from boasting about how he and his wife are hands on with science and research in a Netflix documentary to asking why people should expect him to help fix this problem. He's made himself the face of disaster preparedness so you'd expect more from him, wouldn't you?

Following the eventual end of the pandemic, Gates hopes that countries can work together to better prepare for similar situations, including the “need to have the ability to scale up diagnostics, drugs and vaccines very rapidly…the technologies exist to do this well if the right investments are made”; the $100 million his and his wife Melinda’s Gates Foundation donated to fight the coronavirus is focused on those three areas.

Bill gates makes about $33 million dollars a day. To me this contribution doesn't seem consistent with his image of being concerned about this pandemic. Is that fair to say?
You went from boasting about how he and his wife are hands on with science and research to asking why people should expect him to help fix this problem.

I really dont think you understand the pledges he's made though. I'm saying look into it. Went on a Bill Gates binge some months back, he's the last billionaire to **** on from a giving standpoint.
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