Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Lol my cousin is currently on short term disability but his job called him to basically lay him off due to this, so he is wondering does he just continue getting the SDI or can be now get both ? I told him I don’t believe u can get both it’s either 1 or the other

That's a very good question. I'm currently on Short term through my work that I pay for. I wondered but I'm pretty sure you cannot double dip. My work furloughed the sales team (car dealership) for 2 weeks. I didn't get it as I'm on disability and they can't do it to me since I'm not on the normal payroll. Can't layoff/furlough someone on disability in my state.
At this point who cares about magic money that a lot of us probably won’t even see because of some stupid loophole or other fine print stipulation. I’m more baffled that with all the resources we have we are still light years behind what South Korea has done with testing. There is not enough news coverage on that and how we can’t mass produce that right now and really get a handle on what we are dealing with.
So if you make over $100k you supposed to have enough savings to say...pay 3 months of bills?
But these million dollar corporations aren't held to the same standard? Making millions in revenue but yet still need a bail out...ok i see
this is the part that bugs me, corporations/wealthy push this idea of self reliance yet they rely on bailouts lol
At this point who cares about magic money that a lot of us probably won’t even see because of some stupid loophole or other fine print stipulation. I’m more baffled that with all the resources we have we are still light years behind what South Korea has done with testing. There is not enough news coverage on that and how we can’t mass produce that right now and really get a handle on what we are dealing with.
My hospital is still administering exams with 5 day turnarounds. This is unacceptable.
Yeah that's the main issue honestly...More tests available the more they can test people who have even minor symptoms and get them so stay the **** home. It all starts with those tests.
Lots of checks will be sent to the wrong addresses watch...
folks going to be calling up the SSA office to update their info knowing a check is coming their way :lol:
will they get hit with prior garnishments that have been ignored?
My job horrible. Only way you can take 2 weeks off if you show up with doctor note saying you got this crap. Terrible!, about to call some offices like “yerrr” can you just do me a favor and write this out :lol:
At this point who cares about magic money that a lot of us probably won’t even see because of some stupid loophole or other fine print stipulation. I’m more baffled that with all the resources we have we are still light years behind what South Korea has done with testing. There is not enough news coverage on that and how we can’t mass produce that right now and really get a handle on what we are dealing with.
they had to ensure only the right people got the testing contracts and patents on the new development

then they had to also make sure a single company gets a lock on future meds(Gilead)
Haven't filed my taxes for 2019 yet. I'm going to do it today though so hopefully I get my refund within the next week or two.
garnishments should be ignored for now. At least it should

Do we know anything about mortgages, rent, loans, credit card bills? Is that business as usual?
This! The most important for the majority of us! We have to choose between eating or paying rent! Take care of the people who make the world go! Would rather get a few months off rent than the check and give those checks to the landlords
the more you make, the more you spend and the more you have headaches. Its why we work so hard

But if you're rich and don't have anything in situations like this, I don't feel sorry for you.

But $100k is nowhere near being rich.

garnishments should be ignored for now. At least it should

Do we know anything about mortgages, rent, loans, credit card bills? Is that business as usual?
I'm pretty sure none of that is in the bill
Haven't filed my taxes for 2019 yet. I'm going to do it today though so hopefully I get my refund within the next week or two.
Man I am going on 2.5 weeks since filing and still no refund on direct deposit. Not sure what is going on, family and friends around me getting it in less than a week
CA bay area resident here. we don't qualify for anything. but living here, we classified as median household income.
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