Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Entertainment it’s not what’s needed right now
get your head out of the toilet
I don’t want anything from anybody I don’t want anyone to die

This is the end for a lot of people do you want to be blind about it go right ahead

enjoy your ESPN special
man, I've been in here way longer than you have and have been over preparing than almost most in here. I'm doing my part. Asking for some home entertainment is nothing for you to get butt hurt over. YOu're literally in your apartment sitting in the shower crying. You think you're helping? This thread has been about facts about the virus, tips of what you are doing to keep safe, and shows/movies we can view to get through the day.

Then you came in here to bring everyone down with your "end of the world talk." ****. Go back into hiding. We dont need you in here champ.

Aint nobody blind. I'm woke. WHat I asked wasnt selfish. Get a grip.
man, I've been in here way longer than you have and have been over preparing than almost most in here. I'm doing my part. Asking for some home entertainment is nothing for you to get butt hurt over. YOu're literally in your apartment sitting in the shower crying. You think you're helping? This thread has been about facts about the virus, tips of what you are doing to keep safe, and shows/movies we can view to get through the day.

Then you came in here to bring everyone down with your "end of the world talk." ****. Go back into hiding. We dont need you in here champ.

Aint nobody blind. I'm woke. WHat
I asked wasnt selfish. Get a grip.

When did you start following this and not on niketalk
I started following this January 25 i started watching the videos on Twitter people in China dropping dead in the streets
body bags piling up in hospitals people crying uncontrollably because the parents were dying
did you see the same videos

thats why I’m worried as hell about this
we don’t need you in here all star

If you don’t live in New York it’s time for you to wake up
if you do live in New York it’s time for you to get the crap out of your eyes
Here’s my thing. If they want a lockdown, they legit need a total lockdown. 100% or everything. No grocery stores, pharmacies, and everything.

my situation. I’m an essential employee working, I have the exemption pass to leave my home to work.
I need to cross three county lines to get to work.
I contract the virus at my employer county, get gas in the middle county, and live in another

so because I’m essential I can now spread the virus to three completely different regions of my state.

and our employers isn’t giving us protective equipment, anyone can come shop and grab their goods.

be safe bro
When did you start following this and not on niketalk
I started following this January 25 i started watching the videos on Twitter people in China dropping dead in the streets
Three bags piling up in hospitals people crying uncontrollably because the parents were dying
did you see the same videos

thats why I’m worried as hell about this
we don’t need you in here all star

If you don’t live in New York it’s time for you to wake up
if you do live in New York it’s time for you to get the crap out of your eyes
yes, I saw all of that. I was in here getting laughed at because I purchased N95 masks back in late January before the **** really hit the fan. Those fools have disappeared. I've been preparing for 2 months now.

I'm absolutely the last person who has taken this whole thing lightly. I've been overaggressive and overreacting in everything that has to do with covid-19. I literally wanted to watch an upcoming documentary earlier than expected. How is that terrible? That means I'm not woke?

I really dont remember seeing you in here until about 10 days ago. so go back, take a look at my posts in here, and make your opinion. Cuz you're wrong og.
Here’s my thing. If they want a lockdown, they legit need a total lockdown. 100% or everything. No grocery stores, pharmacies, and everything.

my situation. I’m an essential employee working, I have the exemption pass to leave my home to work.
I need to cross three county lines to get to work.
I contract the virus at my employer county, get gas in the middle county, and live in another

so because I’m essential I can now spread the virus to three completely different regions of my state.

and our employers isn’t giving us protective equipment, anyone can come shop and grab their goods.
absolutely needed to be a 100% lock down scenario. Thats what I prepared for. Ready for it but then was told I was selfish to want a complete lock down because most people dont have the means to do that.
When did you start following this and not on niketalk
I started following this January 25 i started watching the videos on Twitter people in China dropping dead in the streets
body bags piling up in hospitals people crying uncontrollably because the parents were dying
did you see the same videos

thats why I’m worried as hell about this
we don’t need you in here all star

If you don’t live in New York it’s time for you to wake up
if you do live in New York it’s time for you to get the crap out of your eyes
Bro I saw those videos. Straight bags on the street.
I'm doing my part. What more do you want from me? Want me to stay home and lose my mind and cry all day? WOuld that be better?

Shut the hell up with your end of the world attitude. We're just asking for something simple. You acting like we're talking about this is all an overreaction and we should be allowed to leave our homes.

Dont be a goober.
When did you start following this and not on niketalk
I started following this January 25 i started watching the videos on Twitter people in China dropping dead in the streets
body bags piling up in hospitals people crying uncontrollably because the parents were dying
did you see the same videos

thats why I’m worried as hell about this
we don’t need you in here all star

If you don’t live in New York it’s time for you to wake up
if you do live in New York it’s time for you to get the crap out of your eyes

pls post all of these. thanks
I’m also considered essential and got my pass today. We have some lucky employees who are allowed to work from home, but I guess my health is not as important as theirs.
We literally still have hundreds of employees in the office with no possible way to avoid each other. They moved our desks all six feet apart, but we all use same elevators, bathrooms, lunch rooms, entrance, etc.

I’m 50/50 on if I should quit or not right now.
I’m also considered essential and got my pass today. We have some lucky employees who are allowed to work from home, but I guess my health is not as important as theirs.
We literally still have hundreds of employees in the office with no possible way to avoid each other. They moved our desks all six feet apart, but we all use same elevators, bathrooms, lunch rooms, entrance, etc.

I’m 50/50 on if I should quit or not right now.
tough decision man. What state are you in?
All I can say about NY is RIP. Economy gonna get shot .Maybe back to ‘77 level. Only bright side is this may drive out a whole bunch of these bozos living off the gig economy here when they realize we’re in this for the long run. Just a month or two without work is enough to crush your whole NY dreams .
I’m also considered essential and got my pass today. We have some lucky employees who are allowed to work from home, but I guess my health is not as important as theirs.
We literally still have hundreds of employees in the office with no possible way to avoid each other. They moved our desks all six feet apart, but we all use same elevators, bathrooms, lunch rooms, entrance, etc.

I’m 50/50 on if I should quit or not right now.

I don’t want you to make a bad decision for yourself but if I was you I would leave they don’t seem to give a damn about you and you’re just expendable to this business

but I’m sure your not expendable to your family it’ll be tough and hard for you but at least you’ll have a fighting chance stay alive
LAX employees are being packed into buses from the parking lot to the actual airport. 100 in a bus. Straight ignoring the social distancing rule. Word to CBS for catching this.

Now they are capping it to 15 per bus,

If you just stepped foot in NY State :wow:
This is a sign that they should close the airports or that other places need to put a travel ban on NY flights just like we did with others
Last thing I need is another loan to pay back....hope we have the option to opt out...lol
i hope they do give the option to opt out, but its probably easier for them to distribute it out to everyone all at the same time rather than figure out who needs it and who doesn't.
Ohio love bro. Hoping everything checks out.

Mom had a crazy sinus infection this weekend and scared the **** outta me.
Good look bra.I hope your mother has a speedy recovery..yeah both of parents went to get checked..one of my mom's nurses called out today because she had a "runny nose" and "fever" and according to my dad, my mom today was coughing up a green colored pghlem Besides spitting up pghlem she doesnt have any symptoms..They went to two hospitals trying to get tested..For those in the Nashville area, dont attempt to get tested at Stonecrest hospital in Smyrna..there turning down all patients unless your showing symptoms..My parents were admitted at St. Thomas West in downtown Nashville..from what my dad was telling me the test isnt that bad, and that they will get there results in 5 days..My parents are going to quarantine at home for the next 14 days...I stay with my parents because I take care of them, but according to what the Dr's told my dad...they're not really worried about me since Im in good health and Im not showing symptoms as well..They just told my father to make sure I wear a mask and gloves when I go out. Personally, I dont think my parents have it but Im glad they were tested..both of my parents are pretty sick/recovering from major surgery over the past year
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