Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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You guys are worried about a ESPN Michael Jordan special all these years we gave this man money and where all about to drop dead

i could get a **** about Michael Jordan right now
Michael Jordan gives a **** about you and me living or dying ?
this is the type of nonsense none of us should be paying attention to right now
all i thought of
Look at this we got another Plague coming out of China

all 3 of these countries are screwed
what did the Netherlands Germany and South Korean do
people are sick and dying there also

but the US is in a spot we never been before
someone asked about famine in the US
Eventually they will be famine some places I’m sure right now there’s looting right now and once the money starts running out that’s when people are really going to go crazy

New York State is allowing prisoners to leave and people inside the prisons including the correction officers are getting sick this is the end of the beginning

I said it right the end of the beginning

going by your logic...aren't we hella screwed then?
new york's outlook doesn't look great
tbh new york didn't look it was headed in a good direction before the pandemic happened now it looks terrible
Need clarification as to what allow to “stop paying mortgages for 360 days” means.
Does that mean you’ll have to pay it back by getting another year added to your mortgage? Will next years monthly payment a increased to include this years missing mortgage payments?
Still nothing about regular folks paying rent in cities.
gotta imagine the "clock" on your mortgage just stops for a period of time. You can participate or not, but at the end of the day, your mortage is extended based on the months you dont pay. Seems more than fair. COuld be amended based on how much longer this goes.
This had to have been years in the making. 1400 pages. They can’t even make this up. This whole virus thing sounds pre planned to change up the economy and various other odd ball changes. Do they not think we’ll be or get better in 3-4 weeks? We can’t just jump start everything in a months time? Is it wrong to be skeptical.?
No it’s not wrong to be skeptical. It’s weird tho to suggest that “this whole virus thing sounds pre planned” tho :lol:

I like so much about this:

Mortgages on hold for 360 days - nice
public housing renters cant be evicted and rent is on hold - very nice
student loans get a $10k credit - solid
foreclosures/evictions banned - phenomenal
$1500 per individual with a sociall security # - great
Those making $75k per filer, $150k for dual filer have 3 years to pay this back at 0% loan - OUTSTANDING

I love so much of this.

But who am i kidding. It aint gonna get passed.
At this point, both sides are to blame
Here’s my thing. If they want a lockdown, they legit need a total lockdown. 100% or everything. No grocery stores, pharmacies, and everything.

my situation. I’m an essential employee working, I have the exemption pass to leave my home to work.
I need to cross three county lines to get to work.
I contract the virus at my employer county, get gas in the middle county, and live in another

so because I’m essential I can now spread the virus to three completely different regions of my state.

and our employers isn’t giving us protective equipment, anyone can come shop and grab their goods.
not sure why dude is trying to tell people how they should quarantine in peace

what does staying very woke entail?

that you have to assume everybody around you has coronavirus and that you have it

i was told this by my doctor this past week doing a telecall with him

Nothing in this country will never be the same and the world
Definitely one of the GOAT documentaries. I started watching it last night on ESPN+ and coincidentally enough they're playing it on ESPN. Weird.
Yea, definitely one of the best docs ever. It's up there with my favorite, Hoop Dreams. Hoop Dreams really changed the way documentaries were made. It's common now for a documentary to follow someone around and watch how their life unfolds in real time over years, but before Hoop Dreams, docs were mostly voice over's with clips of pics and videos and some interviews. No real heart and soul in documentaries untill Hoop Dreams. It was as raw as a doc could get and shook the film community at the time. The movie still sits in the library of Congress today.

For those who plan on recording the O.J doc, ESPN is airing part 1 & 2 right now. Part 3 & 4 tomorrow, and part 5 on Thursday.
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