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Pelosi’s $2.5 Trillion Virus Bill Delays Mortgage, Car Payments

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled a $2.5 trillion virus economic stimulus plan in a bid to shape negotiations on a Senate measure that stalled on Monday, triggering a sell-off in U.S. equities markets.

Pelosi’s 1,400-page bill would have broad implications for the financial sector. It would force lenders to grant a temporary reprieve from mortgage and car payments and credit card bills. It would order the Federal Reserve to provide loan servicers with liquidity to allow borrowers to stop paying their mortgages for up to 360 days. Public housing residents would get a temporary reprieve from paying rent, and student loan borrowers would have $10,000 of debt forgiven.

Negative consumer credit reporting would be halted. Foreclosures and evictions would be banned.

There are currently no plans for House members to return to Washington to vote on the bill, and the proposal appears to be a list of demands Democrats want to see included in the Senate bill. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer spent much of Monday negotiating behind closed doors on the Senate proposal, initially introduced last week.

“Secretary Mnuchin just left my office,” Schumer said on the Senate floor shortly after House Democrats introduced their bill. “We are going to work on into the night.”

Democrats on Monday blocked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell‘s second attempt at a procedural vote to advance his $1.8 trillion plan, saying its loan program for companies lacks transparency and oversight.

Investors and Americans are looking to policymakers to provide concrete action to respond to the health risks of the global health crisis and the economic fallout. Democrats say they still aren’t satisfied with changes to the Senate’s Republican-written bill. The House’s decision to introduce a counterproposal -- even as a messaging bill -- risks slowing the process further.

The House and Senate would have to pass the same version of the bill before sending it to President Donald Trump for his signature.

Individual Payments

The House bill would require corporations receiving any federal assistance to restrict executive pay, ban so-called golden parachute payments for departing executives, halt stock buybacks and dividend payments, pay a $15 minimum wage, and maintain their workforce and any labor union agreements.

Under the House bill, all individuals with a Social Security number, including retirees and the unemployed, would receive $1,500, compared with $1,200 for taxpayers in the Senate bill.

But households with 2020 income over $150,000 for a joint filer, $112,500 for a head of household filer, and $75,000 for a single filer will be required to pay back part or all of the assistance payment over three years. For these households, the payment is a zero-interest loan.

Both bills would boost unemployment checks by $600 per week and expand the pool of people who qualify.

The legislation would authorize the Federal Reserve to purchase state and local government bonds to bolster resources needed to fight the coronavirus outbreak. The House bill would also send $60 billion to schools and universities.

GOP Rebuffs

Republicans denounced House Democrats’ bill as a wish list, noting it includes provisions on federal elections, minimum wages, union regulations and climate change that Democrats have long advocated.

“Republicans had a deal until Nancy Pelosi rode into town from her extended vacation,” Trump said in a Twitter post late Monday night. “The Democrats want the Virus to win? They are asking for things that have nothing to do with our great workers or companies.”

Earlier, McConnell said on the Senate floor that “The bazaar is apparently open on the other side.”

But Schumer, speaking to reporters at the Capitol late Monday night, said “we expect to have an agreement tomorrow morning,” and that Mnuchin had called the president.

The bill would create a national requirement for states to allow early voting and voting by mail in cases of national emergency, and it would stop Trump from issuing any new financial regulations during the coronavirus emergency.

The House plan would direct airlines that receive assistance to offset their carbon emissions and reduce them by 50% by 2050. It would provide grants for the development of sustainable aviation fuels and allow the Department of Transportation to purchase inefficient airplanes if airlines commit to purchasing newer, more fuel efficient versions.

The Democrats’ proposal would allocate $37 billion in grants to airlines and $3 billion to airline contractors to keep workers on the job, while the GOP bill offers only loans. Airlines for America, a lobby group for the largest U.S. carriers, pushed for at least $29 billion in grants to save jobs.

Airlines would also be eligible for up to $21 billion in loans under the House plan. The Senate’s rescue would provide $50 billion in loans for passenger carriers plus another $8 billion for cargo haulers, but would not offer grants.

For small businesses, the Pelosi plan would unlock loans, grants and payroll tax suspensions to help keep workers employed.

While the Senate Republican bill gives the Energy Department $3 billion to buy crude for the U.S. emergency stockpile, the House Democrats include no such funding.

The House’s draft includes legislation passed by the House in July on a mostly party-line vote to shore up financially troubled union pension funds that serve more than 1 million workers and retirees. Senate Republicans have resisted the measure.

“People are sick, families are frightened, our economy has ground to a halt, and workers face unprecedented job loss,” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement. “Democrats are using this national crisis to hold relief hostage unless Congress mandates corporate board diversity requirements and major components of the Green New Deal which will kill American jobs.”

Senate Bill

The Senate version includes aid for middle class taxpayers, the unemployed and distressed companies and local governments, although the details are different from the House plan.

The Senate would give direct payments of $1,200 to most middle class individuals, with $500 per child. After negotiations with Senate Democrats, the most recent version boosts unemployment payments and makes them available for longer periods, although Democrats continue to push for more generous funding.

The Senate plan includes $500 billion to loan to struggling corporations and state and local governments. That has been a source of tension with Democrats, who are seeking more stringent rules for companies that get federal aid.

Stocks sank Monday as lawmakers fought over the third and largest bill to address the coronavirus crisis. The S&P 500 Index fell 2.9% as of 4 p.m. in New York and the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 3%. The S&P is down almost 35% from its Feb. 19 record and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost almost all its gains since Trump was elected on Nov. 8, 2016
I like so much about this:

Mortgages on hold for 360 days - nice
public housing renters cant be evicted and rent is on hold - very nice
student loans get a $10k credit - solid
foreclosures/evictions banned - phenomenal
$1500 per individual with a sociall security # - great
Those making $75k per filer, $150k for dual filer have 3 years to pay this back at 0% loan - OUTSTANDING

I love so much of this.

But who am i kidding. It aint gonna get passed.
I’m not sure if anyone had mentioned this, but I heard they’re going to start handling permission slips to be out in public? Can anyone confirm
I got one for my work as an essential employee. Walked in the doors today and was checked out a work at home computer setup. Keeping that essential letter though just in case.
The documentary "O.J: Made in America" is bout to play on ESPN. ESPN is airing it in 5 parts. This is one of the best docs I've ever seen in my life. Still holding 100% on rotten tomatoes. Came out in 2016. If you haven't seen this, record it. Trust me, it's good. It's much more than just the o.j case. It's about what America was like at that time.

Lived 2 miles from the murder (and still do) and to this day, I'm still fascinated with this event. We had a front row seat to entire event. I always watch when its on. Its like Shawshank Redemption. On tv? Let me stop everything and watch
Yikes. While I feel you...you're kind of cringe about it bro. If she washed her hands and changed her clothes..why would she shower? Especially since she'll probs be drenched after yoga. Come on. Don't make it weird and go overboard. She was responsible. Have her resenting you for the entire quarantine
I agree. But I think its common sense. We literally sat here and watched a Doctor on tv tell his routine, and he always came home and showered immediately, even if it was to go to the market.

I'm not taking the half *** approach with this. I'm going to protect at all costs. Rather go overboard and be overly paranoid than vice versa
The documentary "O.J: Made in America" is bout to play on ESPN. ESPN is airing it in 5 parts. This is one of the best docs I've ever seen in my life. Still holding 100% on rotten tomatoes. Came out in 2016. If you haven't seen this, record it. Trust me, it's good. It's much more than just the o.j case. It's about what America was like at that time.

Definitely one of the GOAT documentaries. I started watching it last night on ESPN+ and coincidentally enough they're playing it on ESPN. Weird.
in the land of the free? sounds like something only a communist country would do.

in order to stay alive we need to give up our freedom so we don’t die
from a disease that came from a Communist country

this is only going to get worse
only wish I Prepared myself sooner
since I knew that this was going to get really bad
Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries


If you live near an Ikea then get the batteries there. Same exact battery but much cheaper!

in order to stay alive we need to give up our freedom so we don’t die
from a disease that came from a Communist country

this is only going to get worse
only wish I Prepared myself sooner
since I knew that this was going to get really bad
Y’all say really bad. What does that mean to you? Famine? War? Looting? No internet?
in order to stay alive we need to give up our freedom so we don’t die
from a disease that came from a Communist country

this is only going to get worse
only wish I Prepared myself sooner
since I knew that this was going to get really bad

Is it too late to do what South Korea, Germany, or Netherlands is doing lol

Depending where we are as a country in a couple weeks from it could still release early

You guys are worried about a ESPN Michael Jordan special all these years we gave this man money and where all about to drop dead

i could get a **** about Michael Jordan right now
Michael Jordan gives a **** about you and me living or dying ?
this is the type of nonsense none of us should be paying attention to right now

Is it too late to do what South Korea, Germany, or Netherlands is doing lol

all 3 of these countries are screwed
what did the Netherlands Germany and South Korean do
people are sick and dying there also

but the US is in a spot we never been before
someone asked about famine in the US
Eventually they will be famine some places I’m sure right now there’s looting right now and once the money starts running out that’s when people are really going to go crazy

New York State is allowing prisoners to leave and people inside the prisons including the correction officers are getting sick this is the end of the beginning

I said it right the end of the beginning
Last edited:
Pelosi’s $2.5 Trillion Virus Bill Delays Mortgage, Car Payments

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled a $2.5 trillion virus economic stimulus plan in a bid to shape negotiations on a Senate measure that stalled on Monday, triggering a sell-off in U.S. equities markets.

Pelosi’s 1,400-page bill would have broad implications for the financial sector. It would force lenders to grant a temporary reprieve from mortgage and car payments and credit card bills. It would order the Federal Reserve to provide loan servicers with liquidity to allow borrowers to stop paying their mortgages for up to 360 days. Public housing residents would get a temporary reprieve from paying rent, and student loan borrowers would have $10,000 of debt forgiven.

Negative consumer credit reporting would be halted. Foreclosures and evictions would be banned.

There are currently no plans for House members to return to Washington to vote on the bill, and the proposal appears to be a list of demands Democrats want to see included in the Senate bill. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer spent much of Monday negotiating behind closed doors on the Senate proposal, initially introduced last week.

“Secretary Mnuchin just left my office,” Schumer said on the Senate floor shortly after House Democrats introduced their bill. “We are going to work on into the night.”

Democrats on Monday blocked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell‘s second attempt at a procedural vote to advance his $1.8 trillion plan, saying its loan program for companies lacks transparency and oversight.

Investors and Americans are looking to policymakers to provide concrete action to respond to the health risks of the global health crisis and the economic fallout. Democrats say they still aren’t satisfied with changes to the Senate’s Republican-written bill. The House’s decision to introduce a counterproposal -- even as a messaging bill -- risks slowing the process further.

The House and Senate would have to pass the same version of the bill before sending it to President Donald Trump for his signature.

Individual Payments

The House bill would require corporations receiving any federal assistance to restrict executive pay, ban so-called golden parachute payments for departing executives, halt stock buybacks and dividend payments, pay a $15 minimum wage, and maintain their workforce and any labor union agreements.

Under the House bill, all individuals with a Social Security number, including retirees and the unemployed, would receive $1,500, compared with $1,200 for taxpayers in the Senate bill.

But households with 2020 income over $150,000 for a joint filer, $112,500 for a head of household filer, and $75,000 for a single filer will be required to pay back part or all of the assistance payment over three years. For these households, the payment is a zero-interest loan.

Both bills would boost unemployment checks by $600 per week and expand the pool of people who qualify.

The legislation would authorize the Federal Reserve to purchase state and local government bonds to bolster resources needed to fight the coronavirus outbreak. The House bill would also send $60 billion to schools and universities.

GOP Rebuffs

Republicans denounced House Democrats’ bill as a wish list, noting it includes provisions on federal elections, minimum wages, union regulations and climate change that Democrats have long advocated.

“Republicans had a deal until Nancy Pelosi rode into town from her extended vacation,” Trump said in a Twitter post late Monday night. “The Democrats want the Virus to win? They are asking for things that have nothing to do with our great workers or companies.”

Earlier, McConnell said on the Senate floor that “The bazaar is apparently open on the other side.”

But Schumer, speaking to reporters at the Capitol late Monday night, said “we expect to have an agreement tomorrow morning,” and that Mnuchin had called the president.

The bill would create a national requirement for states to allow early voting and voting by mail in cases of national emergency, and it would stop Trump from issuing any new financial regulations during the coronavirus emergency.

The House plan would direct airlines that receive assistance to offset their carbon emissions and reduce them by 50% by 2050. It would provide grants for the development of sustainable aviation fuels and allow the Department of Transportation to purchase inefficient airplanes if airlines commit to purchasing newer, more fuel efficient versions.

The Democrats’ proposal would allocate $37 billion in grants to airlines and $3 billion to airline contractors to keep workers on the job, while the GOP bill offers only loans. Airlines for America, a lobby group for the largest U.S. carriers, pushed for at least $29 billion in grants to save jobs.

Airlines would also be eligible for up to $21 billion in loans under the House plan. The Senate’s rescue would provide $50 billion in loans for passenger carriers plus another $8 billion for cargo haulers, but would not offer grants.

For small businesses, the Pelosi plan would unlock loans, grants and payroll tax suspensions to help keep workers employed.

While the Senate Republican bill gives the Energy Department $3 billion to buy crude for the U.S. emergency stockpile, the House Democrats include no such funding.

The House’s draft includes legislation passed by the House in July on a mostly party-line vote to shore up financially troubled union pension funds that serve more than 1 million workers and retirees. Senate Republicans have resisted the measure.

“People are sick, families are frightened, our economy has ground to a halt, and workers face unprecedented job loss,” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement. “Democrats are using this national crisis to hold relief hostage unless Congress mandates corporate board diversity requirements and major components of the Green New Deal which will kill American jobs.”

Senate Bill

The Senate version includes aid for middle class taxpayers, the unemployed and distressed companies and local governments, although the details are different from the House plan.

The Senate would give direct payments of $1,200 to most middle class individuals, with $500 per child. After negotiations with Senate Democrats, the most recent version boosts unemployment payments and makes them available for longer periods, although Democrats continue to push for more generous funding.

The Senate plan includes $500 billion to loan to struggling corporations and state and local governments. That has been a source of tension with Democrats, who are seeking more stringent rules for companies that get federal aid.

Stocks sank Monday as lawmakers fought over the third and largest bill to address the coronavirus crisis. The S&P 500 Index fell 2.9% as of 4 p.m. in New York and the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 3%. The S&P is down almost 35% from its Feb. 19 record and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost almost all its gains since Trump was elected on Nov. 8, 2016

Need clarification as to what allow to “stop paying mortgages for 360 days” means.
Does that mean you’ll have to pay it back by getting another year added to your mortgage? Will next years monthly payment a increased to include this years missing mortgage payments?
Still nothing about regular folks paying rent in cities.
Man, I keep checking groceries stores for deliveries and man .... I'm starting to panic. They dont have much ... ****.
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