Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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What is hard to accept about the reality that no country has a health system physically capable of taking care of half their population getting sick at the same time?

Italy is rushing student doctors into hospitals (10000 of them) and scraping their exams because they need the manpower. The US is calling retired doctors back into action right now. In this country we only have 6000 hospitals and maybe a couple million hospital beds (if we are generous). What happens if 10 million Americans become sick? 50 million?

The closures are the cost of ignoring preventive measures and ignoring experts. We had been warned about cutting government agencies that would address pandemics but we didn't listen. In the end, we will be losing more than if we had kept the CDC adequately funded and staffed to handle the spread of the virus when we first detected it here.

Let's hope we will remember this event the next time morons run on "cuts cuts cuts."
buc em buc em dont give a damn about any of this, his real beef is the NBA shutdown. Somewhere in his delusional mind, still think the 76ers would of have won the chip this year.

Country got a big problem with alcoholism

Reminds me of the It's Always Sunny ep where they quarantine themselves because of the flu and the gang gets sick one at a time. Turns out they were never sick just experience alcohol withdrawal.
Do you think this catastrophe could eventually force the country's hand and provide citizens with universal health care in the years to come?
It's forcing a lot of industries to re-evaluate their approach and abandon the practices of old. It's actually sad that it takes the threat of death to progress the world.
What’s an acceptable death rate? Have we not seen the full brunt just yet in the US? Sitting pretty low in NY at 0.9%. Washington is the highest at 5%. Most others within that 3% range. Worldwide average is 3.9%. Id say we’re below the norm. So we’re doing something right.
welp legit just me and 1 other female in my office today

everyone else is WFH

Center City Philly is legit a dead zone its wild.. not many offices are open in my building either but here goes my company smh
What’s an acceptable death rate? Have we not seen the full brunt just yet in the US? Sitting pretty low in NY at 0.9%. Washington is the highest at 5%. Most others within that 3% range. Worldwide average is 3.9%. Id say we’re below the norm. So we’re doing something right.
Too early to say. It's only starting to sink in here this week. I say In late April we'd know a lot more.
There's 50 confirmed cases of coronavirus at my sister's hospital.

A week ago there was like 6!
I’m wondering if there will be exclusive hospitals for all those affected, including doctors. And the doctors are forced to work. I want to say I heard they’re doing this in Italy.
Im just thinking with me being as serious as I am about not leaving the crib..Idk the next time im going to get some yambs lol..Im trying to play it safe..I dont want to be around anyone else except my fam right now
What’s an acceptable death rate? Have we not seen the full brunt just yet in the US? Sitting pretty low in NY at 0.9%. Washington is the highest at 5%. Most others within that 3% range. Worldwide average is 3.9%. Id say we’re below the norm. So we’re doing something right.

I still think we are just under reporting everything. Not that if we report every case the death rate will go up but i still don't think we have our hands around it. It is strange to me how easily this thing spreads and yet our numbers aren't jumping like you would think quite yet

This virus is scary because of how it prays on the immuno-compromised. It is a strange virus in that it doesn't effect children and the elderly like you would think. The death rate for the older folks is very scary (IMO).
God I wish somebody would knock this dude off. What a waste of human life.

My mans is LAPD and said his sergeant said major major announcement coming this morning. He’s thinking martial law.
Wouldn't the armed forces be the branch that executes martial law. I dont think police make that call..
It's forcing a lot of industries to re-evaluate their approach and abandon the practices of old. It's actually sad that it takes the threat of death to progress the world.

That’s usually how things go unfortunately yet these old companies want to talk about how “innovative” they are.

welp legit just me and 1 other female in my office today

everyone else is WFH

Center City Philly is legit a dead zone its wild.. not many offices are open in my building either but here goes my company smh

I used to live in Philly for years and this is crazy to think about. One of my good friends works in Two Liberty and has been saying the same thing. I hope this doesn’t spill over into SIPS SZN for y’all :lol:

*There will be stipulations and the ones that are in need the most, WON'T be eligible...as always in every disaster.

China? Like the China we were in “trade wars” with. Man, it would be smart not to buy things from China, it might come with the corona...
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