Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I'm a Data Scientist and super concerned about layoffs. One of those professions that are nice to have but not critical for business operations smh
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No expert here. But I believe the theory is that 14 days will be the time you find out you may or may not have it. So outside the world social gathering exposure essentially resets your time clock every day. Even if you don’t have it after 14 days of isolation, your first day back in the real world, you could get it. They’re trying to lower the infection rate and spread it out imho.
Anyone know if fruits and veggies will see a shortage? We get a lot imported from Mexico.

We may also see a shortage in non essential items if amazon stops shipping those out. So stop with the Tp, and think of underwear and laundry soaps, and even luxury food items next.

does anyone know if these funerals are being attended/considered as social gathering events? Can the dead bodies still carry the disease? Crazy to think of loved ones getting no choice in burial or cremation
I feel bad because you been asking about produce, farms, and supply chain for a minute now. Wish I had answers homie
You spent all this time typing this while I’m trying to ask...when exactly is the end of all of this? Only once we find a vaccine? Once we have the same drive thru testing other countries have and can be tested weekly even if we don’t have symptoms? Considering nobody knows who’s actually infected how are they going to say we’re “safe” to go back to work and/or sports are good to resume a month or two from now? If people are panicking this hard then idk what is going to make people go back to their daily lives and just be a normal ****ing human and wash your damn hands before you put them near your mouth or eyes.......
Mass testing and daily new cases starting to drop rather than increase, at a minimum
This won't end until numbers trend downwards. At some point, and I wonder when that point is, we will decide this is just something we have to deal with and resume our normal lives. Elderly and at-risk populations will probably continue to stay away until a vaccine is developed next year.
As a teacher and coach in Florida, I am looking at this from the perspective of how will it affect student graduation and athletic participation. Yesterday our governor announced that school will not resume until April 15th at the earliest, all state testing will be canceled, and that parents will have the option of retaining their students if desired. Springs sports are basically canceled. Will be interesting to see if the state gives a 5th year for athletic participation. I could see scenarios where unsigned seniors stay back a year to work on their GPA and get some offers. Also, what happens to all of the kids who were supposed to be taking AP tests in May? They may still be able to test , but there’s no way they will be prepared and we will see dramatic drops in passing rate. How will this affect college admissions?

Also, lots of club teams and AAU coaches count on this time and the events that have been canceled for income. We will most likely see many of these individuals forced into other work at this time.

The whole thing is unprecedented. It is impossible to predict all of the effects this will have.
whats wrong with ibuprofen again?

It’s an anti flammatory which technically slows down your antibodies, I however doubbttttt a couple of pills of ibuprofen will have enough impact on your immune system that it won’t be able to fight this virus...if you however suffer from Chrons, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc and take much more potent meds to fight inflammation, I suggest you put those on hold, IF POSSIBLE and won’t put your life further at risk** I suffer from chronic Psoriasis and been on Humira therapy for about 3 years, I stopped the second I realized how close in contact I’ll be with this virus, I’m flaring out but I much rather deal with the discomfort of my psoriasis, than compromise my immune system.
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I manage a handful of branches for a small financial institution and our CEO refuses to shut any branches down. Most branches have drive thru lanes and we will be conducting business that way but two of my branches don’t, just lobbies. So today I get to stand at the door and yell at customers as they approach to use the night depository or ATM. Should be a greats day. Lol
yes, look out for those things.

doesn't hurt to call your pediatrician regardless, and probably better to do before going straight to the ER, especially if covid-19 is already widespread in your region.

Honestly I would never rely on a phone call assessment from a pediatrician, be your own kids advocate, with kids things can go south quicker than you know it...because by the time they crash is usually no coming back...I’ve seen too many cases in my carreer of parents that kept on being conservative about a child’s symptoms till it was too late and their kid died, some of the ones I remember the most were ironically enough children of physicians and nurses....happened to a 1 year old not too long ago, thank God I wasn’t on shift....those cases ***** you up mentally no matter how long you been on the field.

Be a hypochondriac about your kids health, never be ashamed of over reacting.
You spent all this time typing this while I’m trying to ask...when exactly is the end of all of this? Only once we find a vaccine? Once we have the same drive thru testing other countries have and can be tested weekly even if we don’t have symptoms?
Once the existing health infrastructure can support the number of folks affected by the virus, it's reasonable to assume that we can consider going back to normal. I'm not an epidemiologist, so look in that direction if you want to know when that might be.
I can see a whole bunch of piggy back /rider laws being put under new bills that we won’t know about, were all f’d
It’s an anti flammatory which technically slows down your antibodies, I however doubbttttt a couple of pills of ibuprofen will have enough impact on your immune system that it won’t be able to fight this virus...if you however suffer from Chrons, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc and take much more potent meds to fight inflammation, I suggest you put those on hold, I suffer from chronic Psoriasis and been on Humira therapy for about 3 years, I stopped the second I realized how close in contact I’ll be with this virus, I’m flaring out but I much rather deal with the discomfort of my psoriasis, than compromise my immune system.

Stay safe out there. My wife has MS and the medication ( an infusion drug) she takes pretty much wipes out her immune system. Very scary time for me right now. She's not worried. At least she's not showing that she is.

Doing my best to stay clean. I work amongst the public. And she works in a hospital. Just staying positive and clean
Stay safe out there. My wife has MS and the medication ( an infusion drug) she takes pretty much wipes out her immune system. Very scary time for me right now. She's not worried. At least she's not showing that she is.

Doing my best to stay clean. I work amongst the public. And she works in a hospital. Just staying positive and clean

damn bro, I’m so sorry, she can’t just stop her treatment like I can :frown: please tell her to take care of herself first and foremost.....one thing I’ve learned is that a hospital is just another business and they will do whatever damage control needs to be done to protect their own interest....not ours.

stay safe bro
Coronavirus got my girl working from home, I get home about 3:15 and she normally doesnt get home till about 6:30. I normally can get a good fap session in on days I don't feel like coaxing the chocha out the draws. My girl is a carrier, she already gave me the flu in February and with coronavirus I rather wait 14 days and fap in the interim.

useful tool showing the amount of hospital beds in an area and the number of beds needed given a 20/40/60% infection rate over 6/12/18 months
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