Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A random thought I had in the shower. It would b great to see one Of these entertainers do a couple live stream events. Nothing even big. Like Kevin Hart could tell a couple jokes. A singer could put on a mini show. Get on somthin like twitch or whatever. Jus to bring some distraction while everyone goin stir crazy.
This is already happening.
Dems propped up Biden. They never learned from the Hilary fiasco

Dude was on the verge of dropping out months ago now miraculously he's the front runner. Trump is getting re elected.

Won't be surprised if they suspend the election in November

Bro - I never thought about this but that would be WILD and unprecedented therefore definitely something Trump would push for. However, similar to the posts above, how long do you push it off for? Or do you do what the primary states did yesterday and let folks go to the polls and encourage absentee ballots (how concerned are we with tampering?)

I honestly believe Adam Silver should be the leader of any Coronavirus Task Force for the country. The administration didn’t take it seriously until the NBA suspended their season.
Announcing young people aren’t affected the same as the elder was not wise. Got Young folks running around like the are immortal.

I’m not sure if this was in jest but I truly believe that Adam Silver isnhandling this wonderfully. Obviously the NBA has the most reported but he was on it and not ******* around off the rip. He’s been on the ball and ahead of the curve.


So you’re going to pay them for you to watch your kid...yourself? I’m not sure how that works. It is INSANELY greedy, bad business, borderline unethical and downright immoral to demand payment for services not rendered especially knowing that the reason why you can’t watch the kids is the same reason why you can’t be made. Everybody should share the L, not just the parents. I hope their business gets shamed into bankruptcy.
Stay safe out there. My wife has MS and the medication ( an infusion drug) she takes pretty much wipes out her immune system. Very scary time for me right now. She's not worried. At least she's not showing that she is.

Doing my best to stay clean. I work amongst the public. And she works in a hospital. Just staying positive and clean
She works at a hospital with a compromised immune system? Even if coronavirus didn't exist, kinda sounds a bit like playing with fire..
parents will have the option of retaining their students if desired.

So does this mean that parents will have the option of allowing their students to repeat the grade? That is not the wave AT ALL

Will be interesting to see if the state gives a 5th year for athletic participation.

Would they have graduated high school and just be playing sports while doing prep work for college? Why not just repeat Senior year like you suggested. Seems the alternative would require an entirely new curriculum and potentially create a new education/athletics/student athlete model going forward.

Also, what happens to all of the kids who were supposed to be taking AP tests in May? They may still be able to test , but there’s no way they will be prepared and we will see dramatic drops in passing rate. How will this affect college admissions?

I thought about the AP tests and college admissions. The AP test score really only matters for getting credits after admission while your grade in the AP course will be more important in gaining admission (if that makes sense). Not downplaying the scoring well on the test, just saying that I don’t think the lower pass rate will have a material impact on admissions.
I still see some folks on my feed who are going out to bars. At this point what is your motivation here, just being defiant for no reason

Says a lot about them. They had the nerve to put a time counter that was labeled shelter in place smh
My work is still open and we have less than 1/4 of the people showing up company wide. I work for one of the big 4 phone providers in a call center. We have hold times between 1-2 hours. They at least notified us today that those if us working are getting 2.5 times pay and a guaranteed minimum monthly bonus. Figure I will at least try and stay here while I can and get that $$
^Grocery stores literally can't keep food on the shelves. I hit the local Acme everyday after work just to see if I can grab a few lbs of ground beef.
We have a local farmer who’s thriving. They can’t keep their milk or eggs in stock.
we have a paper producer who’s selling TP now too. I can see these paper companies coming through with tp eventually. If they can’t sell to offices, think outside the box

clorox/sanitizer producers are thriving.
But my god. All food is selling well. I couldn’t imagine those margins at grocery stores. No name pastas and soups and generic this or that. All food items are striking it rich.

everyone else is collapsing into nothingness.
Work for social services in LA County. All county buildings are closed. To the public. Clients co do everything online for their benefits. Workers for certain departments, DPSS, DCFS, DMH have their workers reporting still.
Anybody still going to work getting paid ot/time and half? Want to bring this up to hr today. Got some people working from home some have to be in the store/office. people commuting to the store/office should be paid more.

*There will be stipulations and the ones that are in need the most, WON'T be eligible...as always in every disaster.

God I wish somebody would knock this dude off. What a waste of human life.

My mans is LAPD and said his sergeant said major major announcement coming this morning. He’s thinking martial law.
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