Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Spain reports 1,890 new cases of coronavirus and 25 new deaths, raising total to 13,716 cases and 533 dead

A two week quarantine won't do anything. The virus lives on surfaces like paper money which circulates among the population. Months of quarantine is necessary but the economy will collapse.

You self quarantine for two weeks then go to the bank to withdraw money. That money you just withdrew has the virus living on it. Now you have the virus

I know it sounds messed up but this late in the game, we should just let nature take its course. This quarantine should have been done back in January/Early February.
Health care facilities will be inundated, more so, and the doctors will literally have to decide who lives or dies. People need to stop hoarding and we can slow it down so the worst can be treated. Having it is not a death sentence for most under 70.

IMV Inc. Launches Plans to Advance Clinical Development of a Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19

March 18, 2020 at 7:05 AM EDT
DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IMV Inc. (Nasdaq: IMV; TSX: IMV), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company (the “Company” or “IMV”), today announced that it is advancing the clinical development of a DPX-based vaccine candidate against COVID-19. Vaccines against infectious disease have been a core part of IMV’s heritage across its DPX platform technology.
The goal of this development program will be to establish the clinical safety and immunogenicity of a vaccine candidate based on the Company’s DPX delivery technology and incorporating peptides targeting novel epitopes from the coronavirus strain. The Company believes that this peptide-based approach, combined with the portability of the DPX platform, offers the potential for accelerated development and rapid, large-scale production of a vaccine.
I honestly believe Adam Silver should be the leader of any Coronavirus Task Force for the country. The administration didn’t take it seriously until the NBA suspended their season.
Announcing young people aren’t affected the same as the elder was not wise. Got Young folks running around like the are immortal.
If stopping the spread helps even a little as they try to find a vaccine, then it's worth it; about 2 thousand ppl have died in China and Italy in just a few months-- type of returns you don't want from a communicable disease
Yea, two week straight up shut down is better than nothing! We should just rip the bandage off and not slowly peel it.
And in that case what the **** are we going to do over the next year? Continue this panic and doomsday approach and have every single business continue to be shut down and have everyone work from home? Start up the NBA again but anytime a player gets a sore throat we’re going to shut the whole league down again? I just don’t see when this actually comes to an end for everyone to get back to normal.
What is hard to accept about the reality that no country has a health system physically capable of taking care of half their population getting sick at the same time?

Italy is rushing student doctors into hospitals (10000 of them) and scraping their exams because they need the manpower. The US is calling retired doctors back into action right now. In this country we only have 6000 hospitals and maybe a couple million hospital beds (if we are generous). What happens if 10 million Americans become sick? 50 million?

The closures are the cost of ignoring preventive measures and ignoring experts. We had been warned about cutting government agencies that would address pandemics but we didn't listen. In the end, we will be losing more than if we had kept the CDC adequately funded and staffed to handle the spread of the virus when we first detected it here.

Let's hope we will remember this event the next time morons run on "cuts cuts cuts."

Japanese flu drug 'clearly effective' in treating coronavirus, says China
Shares in Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed favipiravir, surged after praise by Chinese official

What is hard to accept about the reality that no country has a health system physically capable of taking care of half their population getting sick at the same time?

Italy is rushing student doctors into hospitals (10000 of them) and scraping their exams because they need the manpower. The US is calling retired doctors back into action right now. In this country we only have 6000 hospitals and maybe a couple million hospital beds (if we are generous). What happens if 10 million Americans become sick? 50 million?

The closures are the cost of ignoring preventive measures and ignoring experts. We had been warned about cutting government agencies that would address pandemics but we didn't listen. In the end, we will be losing more than if we had kept the CDC adequately funded and staffed to handle the spread of the virus when we first detected it here.

Let's hope we will remember this event the next time morons run on "cuts cuts cuts."

You spent all this time typing this while I’m trying to ask...when exactly is the end of all of this? Only once we find a vaccine? Once we have the same drive thru testing other countries have and can be tested weekly even if we don’t have symptoms? Considering nobody knows who’s actually infected how are they going to say we’re “safe” to go back to work and/or sports are good to resume a month or two from now? If people are panicking this hard then idk what is going to make people go back to their daily lives and just be a normal ******* human and wash your damn hands before you put them near your mouth or eyes.......
What is hard to accept about the reality that no country has a health system physically capable of taking care of half their population getting sick at the same time?

Italy is rushing student doctors into hospitals (10000 of them) and scraping their exams because they need the manpower. The US is calling retired doctors back into action right now. In this country we only have 6000 hospitals and maybe a couple million hospital beds (if we are generous). What happens if 10 million Americans become sick? 50 million?

The closures are the cost of ignoring preventive measures and ignoring experts. We had been warned about cutting government agencies that would address pandemics but we didn't listen. In the end, we will be losing more than if we had kept the CDC adequately funded and staffed to handle the spread of the virus when we first detected it here.

Let's hope we will remember this event the next time morons run on "cuts cuts cuts."

Spain and other countries are requesting doctors and nurses from DR and Cuba. There’s a shortage everywhere. Crazy.
To anyone who's saying 2 weeks of quarantine won't have the necessary impact, you're correct. And that's why these state/city/federal mandated closures will be 4-8 weeks. It is much easier for them to tell you the 2 week period was assessed and needs to be extended rather than panic the public by starting off with a 4+ week closure mandate.
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