Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm sure everyone working in hospitals right now is itching to get the virus and get it over with. Come on bruh :lol: Again, either your friend is a complete imbecile or you're making these friends up to promote your nonsense. Take your genius thoughts to some other hypebeast thread please
yeah i literally don't know or haven't heard anyone here with this sentiment
dude has been literally spewing nonsense this whole thread
trying to give out advice and whatnot
the other day "no big deal guy with nurse friends" actually told another nter just sit out for a couple weeks then you should be fine

dude is shooting from the hip with no medical background and friends that are idiots
Smh. Took a damn worldwide pandemic to finally get the prison reform ball rolling.
Long Beach gonna Long Beach




I'm out here flexing...


My guess is either Chemtrails dropped this into the atmosphere or it's a worldwide False Flag..

I seen this go down once before
Enlighten us. Where and when?
Nope. It's not available for purchase. Only available for "compassionate use" if necessary from the manufacturer.
That’s a shame but I guess they are saving the supply for when it gets really bad.
Read China and South Korea have been using Chloroquine along with HIV medications and it’s proving effective
I'm surprised noones made a music video

"MY Corona" like My Sherona by the Knack

I think that would go "Viral" just saying


The other thing is that every time I leave the house I feel like I'm going out in some post apocalyptic nightmare of a world LOL!!

it's kind of cool but scary at the same time because you can't control how others will react
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