Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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At what point do we start building hospitals just like China did?
Various officials saying our healthcare system will be overwhelmed but no one is doing anything about it?!
Khufu has also expressed joy about this virus attacking Asia and how the planet needed “cleansing”. The most infamous person to believe in getting rid of mass amounts of people....

I could never rep/side with a dude who shares that. I don’t care how much he insists he’s not racist because he’s black. Clone Bigsby.

There's no way he said that, right?


Crazy how deep the hate run in sum of the people on here lol
Hospital near me closed down and got turned into condos and I can think of another not too far that's closed and abandoned. They wont be building any hospitals bruh.
We got construction companies out here defying social distancing etc. having their workers showing up everyday to build condos and who knows what.
Khufu has also expressed joy about this virus attacking Asia and how the planet needed “cleansing”. The most infamous person to believe in getting rid of mass amounts of people....

I could never rep/side with a dude who shares that. I don’t care how much he insists he’s not racist because he’s black. Clone Bigsby.

Breh... wtf? LOL

Hitler represented Order.... It's a NEW WORLD ORDER now and I think it's going to be a lot of the Black Americans and Brothers who benefit from this time

Hey CA.... we got 6 months to pay back rent and you can't get evicted


I wouldn't let that stack up tho!!!!!
A question I can’t seem to find the answer to is how long can someone remain asymptomatic?

Numerous differing data from highly regarded resources...anywhere from 3days to well over a week.

In the resulting models, estimated median incubation time (IT) of COVID-19 was 5.1 days; mean IT was 5.5 days. For 97.5% of infected persons, symptoms appear by 11.5 days. Fewer than 2.5% are symptomatic within 2.2 days. Estimated median IT to fever was 5.7 days. Among 108 patients diagnosed outside mainland China, median IT was 5.5 days; the 73 patients diagnosed inside China had a median IT of 4.8 days. Using exposures designated as high risk and a 7-day monitoring period, the estimate for missed cases was 21.2 per 10,000. After 14 days, the estimated number of missed high-risk cases was 1 per 10,000 patients.
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