Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Well gonna head to Costco soon
Hope it’s not busy and they have stuff
Hope the food court is open a combo pizza and chicken bake sounds really good right now
My dad went yesterday. He was able to get a few things and brought back a combo pie which I beasted on.
meh, if I had to hear that kinda stuff from that white supremacist administration for the last 4 years I‘d punch that official in the throat then try to spit in trump’s face and say I had corona and hope his orange self dies horribly.
well damn :rofl:
Bunch of trackers.

it aint funny like Kobe dying :smh: .
some comedians make their living off of funny ignorance. But where is the line drawn? At a negative reality.
I understand that comedians got to push the envelope but some stuff are no one. I would've been fine if he had just apologized after his initial tweet but he actually double downed and put out even more racist tweets.
It's only funny if he's not actually that person outside of comedy. But it's pretty damn clear he is so he's trying to say what he really thinks under the guise of comedy. FOH
Friend at a hospital said at this point he rather just get the virus and get it over it, he lives alone and after explaining a bit I see where hes coming from.
Friend at a hospital said at this point he rather just get the virus and get it over it, he lives alone and after explaining a bit I see where hes coming from.

This would make sense if once you get it, you can't get it again like the chicken pox.
This would make sense if once you get it, you can't get it again like the chicken pox.

Eh people here have posted you can but I mean, who knows. The fact is that its easy to spread, and he thinks if youre in a hospital with patients you are just bound to get it, maybe not from them directlt but others who have been in contact. He isnt too freaked about getting it, “the bigger concern is how easy it spreads as opposed to actually having it”. Obviously in the context of our convo, which yes dont spread to people at risk etc.
LOCKDOWN (lite ver.) NYC

NYC Mayor: "New Yorkers should be prepared for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order" Says wants decision to be made in next 48 hours - CNBC

170 MORE cases in NYC just announced by mayor 814 NYC cases total
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