Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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more testing = more cases
True, it's a combination of both.

Real doubling time is probably closer to 5 days than 3 days. We might not hit 5k new cases per day (hopefully not), but it will still go up from 1k before it goes down.

Lag between lockdown and when we see a decrease in numbers is a combination of lag in testing and lag in presentation of symptoms. Based on Wuhan, I think it took 10 days before the numbers turned around (although of course the effect on actual transmission was immediate).
So what is your response to my other points.

it seems common sense to me.

So we all like to play with the “what if” questions right?

So these test kits, say they were widely available. At what point would one go and take one? Cause lets face it, people are scared and people want to be tested for it, if its widely available, then “why not?”.

Could be a potentially issue if the test come back negative but are really positive. Said person goes to work and infects the whole building.

What if the shutdowns of these places didnt happen cause people are getting tested and we “know” who has it or not? People, who arent showing symptoms would end up going to the Knicks game at MSG and infect everyone in their area and they would then pass it along to someone else.

Long story short, I think the shutdown of all these places and the whole social distancing thing is how were gonna lower these numbers.What we are doing now and testing would be ideal, but my main concern was that people were thinking testing coudve prevented all this to begin with. With how easily this spreads, I dont necessarily believe that anymore.

Also with how quickly this spreads, its a tough uphill battle, close everything til April 1st and then what?
True, it's a combination of both.

Real doubling time is probably closer to 5 days than 3 days. We might not hit 5k new cases per day (hopefully not), but it will still go up from 1k before it goes down.

Lag between lockdown and when we see a decrease in numbers is a combination of lag in testing and lag in presentation of symptoms. Based on Wuhan, I think it took 10 days before the numbers turned around (although of course the effect on actual transmission was immediate).
china cases also flatlined once they hit like 80k or something...at least the accurate reporting of them
So we all like to play with the “what if” questions right?

So these test kits, say they were widely available. At what point would one go and take one? Cause lets face it, people are scared and people want to be tested for it, if its widely available, then “why not?”.

Could be a potentially issue if the test come back negative but are really positive. Said person goes to work and infects the whole building.

What if the shutdowns of these places didnt happen cause people are getting tested and we “know” who has it or not? People, who arent showing symptoms would end up going to the Knicks game at MSG and infect everyone in their area and they would then pass it along to someone else.

Long story short, I think the shutdown of all these places and the whole social distancing thing is how were gonna lower these numbers.What we are doing now and testing would be ideal, but my main concern was that people were thinking testing coudve prevented all this to begin with. With how easily this spreads, I dont necessarily believe that anymore.

Also with how quickly this spreads, its a tough uphill battle, close everything til April 1st and then what?
Anybody with a sneeze or cough right now probably assumes they have it. I mentioned a lockdown days ago and somebody suggested the citizens of the US would riot :lol: theres really no other way to stop it at this point. Incubation period is too long to reliably test everyone.


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I wish the USA had worked earlier to develop rapid testing kits, but our president as recent as two weeks ago was calling cov19 a hoax 🤷‍♂️
yeah and there were a lot of americans who thought this wouldn't affect them (picasso swerve) because they knew nurses that traveled overseas.
the logic is incredible i know.

no big deal
Anybody with a sneeze or cough right now probably assumes they have it. I mentioned a lockdown days ago and somebody suggested the citizens of the US would riot :lol: theres really no other way to stop it at this point. Incubation period is too long to reliably test everyone.
Bruh ... this is what needed to happen Day 1. Oh **** one case, nationwide emergency everyone on lockdown. Only emergency vehicles, truckers, distributors, etc. One person per household can go outside to get food and necessities. Activate National Guard and reserve .. and go from there ..

You break these simple rules, you go to a concentration camp until further notice. Let people right, get shot .....

A little extreme, but yeah .....

MF Intagram timeline had dumb ****s partying all night talking about the Corona shutdown Sunday.

Plus you have people like this ...

100 family doctors have coronavirus in Bergamo, Italy (population 120K)

Italian publication ANSA says Bergamo is "collapsing" (I believe they mean the health care system) and there are no more intensive care beds Also says two Italian postal service workers in Bergamo have died from coronavirus

Bruh ... this is what needed to happen Day 1. Oh **** one case, nationwide emergency everyone on lockdown. Only emergency vehicles, truckers, distributors, etc. One person per household can go outside to get food and necessities. Activate National Guard and reserve .. and go from there ..

You break these simple rules, you go to a concentration camp until further notice. Let people right, get shot .....

A little extreme, but yeah .....

MF Intagram timeline had dumb ****s partying all night talking about the Corona shutdown Sunday.

Plus you have people like this ...


lol this is AmeriKKKa, not China.
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